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A Journey from Bitterness to Truth

Chapter 207
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Chapter 207 Matilda quickened her pace, fighting back tears with every step she took away from Yvan. She didn’t want him, that heartless man, to see her in a moment of weakness, to know the depth of her pain.

Orson, ever the gentleman, poured her a steaming cup of tea as they waited for their meal. The food arrived promptly, and Logan tried to distract her with his innocent charm. “Mom, let's not think about it. How about we order soysters?” Matilda forced a smile and caressed Logan’s cheek. “Sure, honey. Do you want the ones with cheese topping? I'll get one for you.” Chloe breezed into the room, followed by Godfrey. Godfrey apologized, “Sorry for the drama, everyone. Letmake it up to you with a platter of salami.” “Wow, is this our treat?” Chloe exclaimed, her spirits lifting. “Bring it on, don’t be shy!” Godfrey, clad in his smart waiter’s uniform, shared a laugh with them before heading back to his duties.

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Watching him go, Matilda nudged Chloe, “You know, he’s way more reliable than Horaor Declan. You could give it a try!” Chloe rolled her eyes playfully. “I think Orson’s more dependable than Yvan or Adrian. Why don’t you give him a shot?” Orson’s gaze deepened but he remained silent.

Matilda chuckled, shaking off the suggestion. “Nah, I'm better off focusing on raising Logan.” Chloe's eyes sparkled with mischief. “You know what, you're right. Logan is so cute; he’s going to be a heartbreaker when he grows up. | might just wait for him to be my toy boy!” Logan protested, “I don’t want to. By that time, you'll be old enough to be a grandma.” Chloe feigned offense, “You little rascal, that’s no way to talk to a beautiful lady!” Their laughter filled the space, and for a moment, Matilda's troubles seemed a world away. They enjoyed their meal thoroughly until Chloe, after insisting on picking up the tab, was confronted by a group of stern-looking men in dark suits.

Clutching her purse, Chloe's palms were sweaty with fear. “What do you want?” she demanded, her voice shaky.

“Our boss wishes to see you, Ms. Chloe,” the lead man said respectfully.

It had to be Declan.

Chloe stepped back, flashing a signal to the young waitress, then bolted, determined not to drag Matilda into this mess. But she didn’t want to return to Declan either! She didn’t get far before she was caught. Chloe fought fiercely, yelling, “Let go of me! Let go!” Her struggle was futile against the professionally trained bodyguards, and she was shoved into a car. Tears welled up as she continued to resist, her throat raw from screaming, “Letgo! Letout!” Bound and helpless, Chloe's heart seemed to be in a vice as the car sped away. Matilda would worry; she knew it. “Givemy phone!” she cried out desperately.

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But her pleas went unheard in the car. They arrived at Declan’s mansion, and Chloe was trembling, her face ashen with fear. “I won't go in! Letgo!” She was brought before Declan in a humiliating manner.

1/2 11:08 Chapter Once, she had been free to cand go from Declan’s mansion, and everyone assumed she shared an intimate relationship with him. But only Chloe knew the truth: Declan had saved her, not out of kindness but because he valued her beauty.

On that rainy night two years ago, he had smirked down at her, saying, “Your body isn’t worth much, but this face of yours... it's worth a’fortune.” He pulled her from the abyss, away from the nightmare of a club that preyed on women, preserving her dignity, a!!l so that Chloe would owe him her life.

Later, she did anything and everything to ensnare men, to lure wealthy businessmen-all for Declan’s sake.

But as tpassed, even Declan’s cold-blooded nature had becsomething Chloe numbly accepted.