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A Journey That Changed The World.

Chapter 427 Big Brother
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Chapter 427 Big Brother

Archer nodded in response to Hecate's instructions, and he gently held Stella's hand as they walked down the street.

However, the little girl gazed up at him with her big blue eyes, silently requesting to be picked up, and Archer obliged.

When he lifted her into his arms, Stella let out a joyful laugh and then surprised him with a question. "Why are you married already? You are still young."

Archer found himself unable to suppress a chuckle in response to the innocence of her question, then replied, "Well, we're not married at the moment. We're only engaged.''

Stella nodded as she looked around while being held as they were walking down the snow-covered Market Street.

They soon arrived at the first shop they needed to go to. When Stella saw this she looked at Archer. ''This is a noble shop mister. Why are we here?''

He looked at the little lady before replying. ''Call me Archer, Arch, or Big Brother but not Mister. Makes me feel old.''

She nodded her little head before Archer explained their presence here. "This is a clothing store, and we've come to get you some new ones.''

Stella was wearing a tattered dress that was falling apart, and she seemed quite cold so Archer hugged her tighter and entered.

When they entered, the woman standing near the door took notice of the pair and approached, addressing them, "Hello, Young Master. How may we assist you today?"

Archer surveyed the shop and noticed a few women casting curious glances their way, likely wondering why a young man and a little girl were inside.

Nevertheless, he turned his attention to the shopkeeper and replied, "I need winter clothes for the little lady here. Oh, and boots for her."

The woman nodded and led them around the shop picking out all different clothes and boots which took them an hour.

He watched as the shopkeeper led Stella towards the changing room, which was filled with a variety of cozy winter garments.

Stella's eyes lit up with excitement as she saw the colorful options, and she couldn't wait to try them on.

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Inside the changing room, the shopkeeper helped Stella into a warm, fluffy winter coat, a pair of comfortable pants, and some soft, knitted gloves.

She beamed with delight as she twirled around in her new outfit, her face radiating pure joy.

After a few moments, they emerged from the changing room, and Archer couldn't help but smile at the sight.

Stella looked adorable in her new winter clothes. The oversized coat made her look even tinier, and the mittens added a charming touch.

The little girl's eyes gleamed with joy as she confidently displayed her new outfit to Archer with a big smile.

Upon witnessing her radiant smile, Archer couldn't help but break into a grin himself. He inquired, "Do you like your new clothes, little lady?"

Stella nodded eagerly, and at that moment, the shopkeeper chimed in, saying, "Young Master, we have more clothing options for her. Please wait at the counter while I gather everything for you."

They both headed toward the counter and as Archer approached, he couldn't help but overhear snippets of the women's discussions regarding his fatherhood.

However, he simply shook his head in response. When they arrived at the counter he picked her up and placed her on the counter while they waited for the woman.

After ten minutes the shopkeeper returned with loads of clothes in a few baskets. She placed them on the counter and spoke. ''The total will be thirty gold coins.''

Archer handed over the coins before storing the stuff in his Item Box before leaving the store followed by a happy Stella who was trying to catch up.

When they exited she grabbed his hands causing Archer to look down with a smile and ask. ''Do you want to get something to eat little lady?''

She nodded her head causing her floppy dog ears to flop all over the place which made Archer laugh as he picked her up.

He made his way down the busy street, with Stella perched securely in his arms as they looked for a place to eat.

The little girl's eyes were drawn to the unusual sight of the four elegant horns that adorned the sides of his head.

She couldn't contain her curiosity and asked with a hint of awe, "Big Brother, what are those horns on your head and these pretty white scales? Are you a Dragon-Kin?"

Archer smiled down at her. "No little lady. I'm a White Dragon."

Stella's eyes widened in disbelief, and she couldn't hide her astonishment. The notion of her guardian being a white dragon, even in human form, was beyond her wildest imagination.

She clung to him a little tighter and stammered, "A white dragon? You're a dragon?"

Archer chuckled softly at her amazement and nodded, "Yes, little lady, I am. But don't worry, I'm a friendly dragon. You see, I can take this human form to be with you."

Stella's wonder and excitement were palpable as she realized that her protector was not just any normal boy but a creature of legend.

The two wandered through the bustling street, their noses filled with the tantalizing scents of street food and cozy cafes.

They were about to choose a place to eat when Archer sensed Stella's body tensing in his arms.

Concerned, he followed her gaze as she stared down a narrow, dimly lit alleyway. Archer leaned in closer and inquired gently, "Stella, what's wrong? Is something bothering you?"

Stella's eyes remained locked on the alley, her expression filled with fear and distress. In a quivering voice, she finally confessed, "That's where the orphanage sold me."

When he heard her answer, his anger flared, and he hastily sent a message to Teuila and Talila, asking them to join him.

A shimmering portal appeared behind him, and the two girls emerged, wearing puzzled expressions as they wondered why he had summoned them.

Archer, turning around with a warm smile, greeted the ladies, "Hello, my beauties. I need your help in dealing with some slavers and an orphanage."

Both girls nodded in agreement but were curious about the little girl clinging to him. They couldn't help but notice her presence.

Talila was the first to inquire, "Who is this lovely little girl, Arch?"

With a fond look at the little lady, he proceeded to explain how he had encountered her and taken her in to ensure she had the chance for a good life.

With their smiles and agreement, Teuila and Talila readily agreed to help.

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Archer gently lifted Stella onto his shoulders, her small hands gripping his horns, and he began walking down the alley, the two girls following closely behind.

The four of them delved deeper into the alley, Stella's fear became obvious and worried everyone.

Archer, sensing her unease, whispered soothing words, reassuring her that she was safe. He asked her to guide them to the place.

After a few more minutes of walking, Stella pointed to a nondescript black door tucked away in the alley.

When he saw it he cast Eldritch Blast into the door and sent it crashing into some guards on the other side.

Archer ventured further into the dimly lit chamber with Stella resting securely on his shoulder, Teuila and Talila surged forward.

The room was guarded by several guards, but their presence didn't deter the two girls who rushed into the warehouse-looking place.

With synchronized movements, they unleashed their combat prowess. Their swords became swift extensions of their will and strength, moving with grace.

In a dazzling display of martial skill, they began to dispatch the guards one by one. Teuila's swift and agile strikes were complemented by Talila's powerful and precise attacks.

The room filled with the sounds of clashing metal and the grunts of guards as they attempted to fend off the formidable warrior women.

However, it became evident that they were no match for the sisters' skill and synchronized combat tactics.

Their swift and deadly movements left the guards lying on the floor while bleeding out or already dead.

As the clash of steel continued around them, Archer maintained his calm demeanor, making sure that Stella was safe on his shoulder.

Stella, though taken aback by the intense battle transpiring around her, discovered comfort in Archer's steadfast protection.

Upon entering the warehouse, he activated his Aura Detector, scanning the vast space. His brows furrowed as the spell revealed hundreds of signals.

Archer summoned some Nightmare Tigers, directing them to capture all the guards and bring them to him.

The shadowy creatures followed his orders swiftly and efficiently, making sure the enemies would be captured and delivered to him.

Archer spotted a nearby chair while the girls and tigers handled the humans. He carefully lifted Stella off his shoulders and settled her on his lap.

Taking out some sweet bread, Archer offered a piece to the young girl and began nibbling on it himself, all the while observing as the tigers began returning with the captured men.

[A/N - Leave some comments, power stones, and gifts. It all helps support the book. Artwork in the comments or discord]