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A Journey That Changed The World.

Chapter 336 Love And Hate
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Chapter 336 Love And Hate

When Larka heard Ella she nodded her head and spoke with resolution in her voice. ''I will do my best to make it up to him.''

Ella smiled before replying. ''That's good because all Archer wanted in his life was a Mother. It's all he used to talk about before the incident.''

''What about after?''

''He hasn't mentioned it since. He isn't the same as before, Archer is open and very affectionate. He always dotes on us and helps us with whatever we may need.'' Ella answered

Before ending the conversation with Archer's Mother she spoke again. ''I remember a quote he used to tell me all the time when we were just kids.''

A smile appeared on Ella's face as the memories appeared as she continued. ''Darkness cannot drive out darkness, only light can do that. Hate can-not dri-ve out hate, only love can do that.''

Larka nodded in understanding and thought to herself. 'In his darkest moments, he found the girls that became his guiding light and helped rid him of the hatred.'

She sighed before the two women joined the group. Archer saw the half-elf who was walking over to join them.

Archer smiled as Ella approached him but before she could sit down his tail grabbed her by her waist.

He pulled her onto his lap and continued talking to his Grandparents like nothing happened. Everyone looked at him and started laughing as Larka took a seat next to Mia.

They continued to talk until Leira turned to Archer and said. ''Have you and the girls sorted your dorm rooms out?''

He looked at her with a raised eyebrow and asked with a surprised voice. ''Was I meant to do that?''

Leira was about to reply when Mia interrupted. ''Yes, you have to go register for one at the college's reception. They will be able to help you there.''

Archer's eyes widened in shock but then wondered if he could have sex with the girls in his dorm room.

That's when everyone saw a weird smile appear on his face causing his Grandparents, Mother, and girls to laugh.

He shook his head and spoke. ''Well, we will go do that now.''

Mia and Albert smiled as they shook their heads when they heard him.

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Larka stood up and walked over to him before speaking in a low voice. ''I'm sorry once again Archer. I hope you enjoy your time there it is an amazing experience.''

He looked at her before replying. ''Thank you.''

Once he spoke Archer quickly cast Gate to the road that led to the College of Magic. After saying their goodbye they all entered the portal.

Sia bid farewell to her parents with a cheerful wave before passing through the portal. As they emerged on the other side, they found themselves on a bustling street.

Archer took a moment to observe the lively surroundings, noticing the constant flow of people coming and going.

Soon, Sia approached him with a warm smile and addressed him affectionately. "My love, I must return to Sentinel's Reach. Will you come to visit me in a few days?"

He nodded before casting Gate again and gave her a kiss before she left. The rest of the girls were looking at him with jealousy in their eyes.

Archer laughed and gave each a loving kiss before they made their way to the entrance. The girls were all happy as he peppered their faces with even more kisses.

Once they arrived at the college a guard led them to the reception hall.

As they were walking Archer saw a building up ahead which they soon entered to see a large hall with desks all over the place.

The guard pointed at a free desk so he led the girls over it. There was a middle-aged woman sitting there who looked up and spoke with a fed-up voice. ''What do you need?''

Before he could speak Leira spoke up. ''They need to sort out their rooms.''

The woman looked at her and her eyes widened as she said. ''Yes, princess. Sorry, we've been having loads of students come here for stupid reasons.''

Leira nodded her head with a smile as the woman looked at Archer and spoke. ''I'm Mary young man. I am the head receptionist of the college, what is your name?''

He looked at Mary and answered. ''I'm Archer Wyldheart.''

She nodded her head before turning to the girls and asked the same thing.

''Ella Wyldheart.''

''Teuila Wyldheart.''

''Seraphina Wyldheart.''

When Archer heard this he looked at them and wondered when they did this but their actions made him extremely happy.

''Nefertiti Wyldheart.''

''Hemera Wyldheart.''

''Talila Wyldheart.''

Mary looked up at the group with narrowed eyes then turned to Archer with accusatory eyes. ''I hope these girls are with you because they want to be and not because you forced or bought them.''

Before anyone could reply Leira interrupted. ''He doesn't force any of us, Archer treats us well, so there's no issues.''

Mary looked at the cat girl and slowly nodded her head as she spoke. ''Well, the headmistress has saved a wing just for you, your ladies, and the princesses that are visiting.''

When the girls heard this they all sighed but Nefertiti ranted to herself. ''That emperor did this on purpose. Why would he put a lusty dragon with his favorite prey.''

Archer turned to the pink princess and retorted. ''Princesses are not my prey.''

The other girls including Leira laughed at the blatant lie. He shook his head and spoke. ''Where is this wing?''

Mary called over a young man who stopped next to the group. Archer looked at him and noticed that he worked for the college.

That's when she spoke. ''Rudolf. Take these students to the princess wing's blocked-off level. It's for them.''

The young man nodded his head and motioned for them to follow him. They followed the guy through the college's hallways.

Archer looked around and saw a large area with a massive bookshelf that lined the walls. As he looked around Rudolf spoke.

''This is the S class dorm's common room. But this year it has been renamed the royal dorm due to all the princes and princesses that joined this year.''

When the girls heard this they started speaking among themselves as Archer ignored the bets that were taking place.

He looked at the group of cheeky cats who were betting on how many princesses he would capture during his stay.

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Archer rolled his eyes but noticed the place was empty and asked Rudolf. ''Where is everyone?''

''They are joining tomorrow as the emperor gave the college a few extra days because of the incident but they will be back tomorrow so it will be busy,'' Rudolf answered.

He nodded his head as the man led them up the stairs and walked up another. When they reached the top they saw a long corridor with loads of rooms on either side.

Rudolf turned to them and spoke. ''Well, guys pick a room the headmistress has allowed you guys to stay in the same hallway.''

Archer and the girls smiled before he left and made his way back down to reception. The girls all looked at each other and rushed off to claim a room.

He laughed at their reactions and noticed Leira just standing there smiling. Archer cast Blink to appear behind her and grabbed her from behind causing her to yelp.

Leria felt him nuzzling her neck causing a warm sensation to flow through her body as his arms wrapped around her waist and turned her around so she was facing him.

Archer stopped nuzzling her neck and bit her twitching ear causing her to let out an adorable moan.

But she soon started hitting his chest before speaking in a flustered voice. ''Don't do that here you idiot. People could see.''

He smiled. ''Why does it matter if people see? They will then know that you are my girl.''

Leira smiled when she heard him but shook her head. ''They will know soon enough if they don't already. I will choose my new room now.''

Archer gave her a nod before she rushed off. He watched her disappear into one of the rooms.

As he stood there he felt like he was being watched and turned around to see a brown-haired elf girl standing there.

He smiled and gave the girl a small wave but she ran off without answering. Archer shrugged before going to choose his room.

Archer quickly chose a room with a balcony overlooking the college's fields. The view was beautiful from here.

The room was nice he went back in and had a look. There was a large bed against one wall while a desk was on the opposite side.

There was a cupboard for storing clothes and a bookshelf. Archer noticed there was a lot of room and decided to let one of the girls decorate it.

He walked over to the bed and sat down to test it out. The result surprised him as the bed was really comfortable.

While seated, a sudden noise from the balcony drew his attention. Curious, he rose from the bed and made his way outside. What he encountered left him utterly astonished.

[A/N - Leave some comments, power stones, and gifts. It all helps support the book. Artwork in the comments or discord]