A Gamma's Revenge Chapter 355 My Identity Mateja's p.o.v.
92% Finished It has been almost two weeks since Amir returned with my Mother in cuffs and it has been a rollercoaster. During the first interrogations, I found out that Morgan has a gift and it is an awesgift to have. She can hear the thoughts of others, but she never allowed them to figure that out.
I know about her gift because she was talking about something that I didn't hear during the first interrogation and she explained her gift to me. I watched for it during the second and third interrogation, figuring out how to see when she heard something of importance.
Marcel's interrogation was a revelation in its own, Mom had given him the conditions for the people he needed to abduct. Each of them was taken for a specific task and they only screwed up with Dorian because Lucas didn't investigate him thoroughly enough.
Jack was aware of Lucas' plans and only agreed to them because he wanted the money and status that Lucas promised him. He figured that Lucas would have to sleep with Giselle to produce an heir and then he would belong to Jack.
He forgot about the possibility that she could miscarry or that it could take a long tfor her to conceive.
Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇtI wish I could forget about my Mother's interrogation, I never realized that she had hatedmy whole life, and every sweet and kind gesture had been a charade.
What shockedwas when she told Amir that she picked June's Father with a reason, she truly believed that she was a white Wolf and would be able to give Lucas what he deserved in my Mother's eyes.
-But it was nothing compared to the shock I felt, when she told Amir that she cup with the idea to useto throw them off Giselle's trail. Morgan taunted her enough to find out the truth about my Father, she blurted out that she would have rejected him if she had known that he wasn't a Wolf or a Lycan.
She gavethe poison to makeforget about my Father, she couldn't riskgoing back to him, because she hoped that somewhere down the line I would prove useful to her. She hated the fact that I shifted into a Mountain Lion at the age of fourteen and hatedeven more when I caused her to lose Lucas' Father.
Morgan had laughed in her face when my Mother told them that I would never find my Father and Amir took great pleasure in telling her that I had already found my Father.
Echo still laughs every twe recall the horrified look on her face, she demanded answers from Amir and Morgan, not that she got them from either one.
After they interrogated my Mother, Morgan toldthat my Mother didn't know about the antidote and that she believes that I will never get back my memories. Everyone is hopeful that I will find my fated Mate during the next Full Moon, which is why I will attend the party at the Academy.
Lucas' interrogation was a bit of a letdown, because without the information we got from all the other investigations, you would have believed that Lucas was a smart male, the mastermind behind all of this. Unfortunately, Lucas isn't the brightest light. Without my Mother and Marcel, he would have failed before he started and he isn't even aware of it.
Lucas was our Mother's puppet and she played him like a fiddle. Marcel helped her plan every step of the nlan both of them dronning hints here and there to make it look as if I ucas cun with it all hv himself 1/2 Chapter 355 My Identity Finished The trials are set for a week after the Full Moon and Clover toldthat the chance of them walking away with their lives is slim. I am so grateful for Clover's friendship, she was withduring every interrogation and answered any question that I had.
For the past two days, I have been thinking about what to do with my future, I know Dad would love it if I chwith him and maybe I will do that for the tbeing.
Echo wants to meet Grandpa and we hope that we can help his Mountain Lion in any way or form.
I am in a closed off part of the garden: you can only access it from the Royals' private wing, which means peace and quiet for me.
My eyes are closed, not that I would see anything if I opened them. I am currently in the back of Echo's mind, she is walking around the garden, just stretching her legs. I take that tto let everything run through my mind and give every piece of information a place.
Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm"Hello, Echo." I hear Forrest call out to her and I know that I will be in my Shifter form for a while tonger. She loves to chase Forrest around this garden, trying to cut him off every chance she gets and Forrest does his best to make her fail. I hear Forrest laughing as Echo chases him and I slowly open my eyes to watch the two of them play.
Giselle and Casimir are sitting on a bench as they watch Echo cut off Forrest, but he quickly dodges to the left. Disappearing behind a huge tree E that stands in the middle of the garden, Echo climbs up the tree quickly and a moment later Forrest shows up again. "Where did she go?" He asks Casimir, but he just shrugs his shoulders.
He looks around him for a moment, before he remembers that Echo can climb trees. He steps onto the bench that is located under the tree and looks straight up into Echo's eyes.
He smiles at her as he reaches for a branch and pulls himself up into the tree, taking a seat next to Echo. She places her head on his lap and enjoys the scratching of his hand behind her ear, purring as she relaxes.
We have needed this kind of attention during the last few days, because we have had a lot to digest and sthings I will never be able to understand.
"Dinner is almost ready, so we better get inside and get freshened up." Forest says before he starts to lower himself on the bench again.
Echo follows him out of the tree and trots into the Palace at a leisurely pace to get up to the Gamma floor. No one bats an eye as Echo passes them, used to her presence by now and most even smile at her.
Luanna is waiting for us at the door and opens it wide enough for Echo to walk through it. I don't mind shifting in front of others, but King Damon prefers it if my identity stays hidden until the trial, and it's mainly because of Giselle.