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A Farewell After Being Reborn

Chapter 266
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"Okay." Sage was relieved. Thank goodness she didn't make them worry. "Could you have someone bringa

change of clothes please? I'll take a

quick shower before we head to the station to give our statements."

"Don't you have anything else to say about what happened last night?" lan couldn't help but ask when he

noticed how calm and collected she was

after her initial embarrassment.

"What else am | supposed to say?" she asked. "Benjamin is behind bars, and Grandpa and Grandma are none the

wiser. Isn't that good news?"

"So all this tyou've been kicking up a fuss and insisting on divorce because | haven't consummated our

marriage?" he asked lowly.

Sage sneered as she realized that was what he wanted to talk about. "You're reading too much into it. Last night

was just an accident. | won't hold

you accountable for taking advantage ofeither. After all, you saved me, so | suppose we're even now.

"Let's go to the court tomorrow once Grandma's birthday celebration is over and get that divorce certificate.”

"Haven't you had enough of this, Sage Joyner?" lan roared. "Last night, you couldn't even stand the mere

mention of divorce! Why are you acting like

a completely different person after you've woken up?"

Sage scoffed. "Well, you're not wrong. You could think ofas a different person. But this is honestly so strange.

Why are you upset when I'm the

one who was taken advantage of?"

"Is that all this is to you?" he asked coldly.

"What else could it be?" she shot back.

lan gritted his teeth. "Are you saying that no matter who it was last night, you'd still end up getting the short end

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of the stick?"

"| can't give you an answer to something that didn't happen,” she responded bluntly.

Perhaps, even in her hallucinations, she would still be able to tell that it was lan. Or perhaps she'd mistake just

anyone for lan.

"lI wasn't inthe right frof mind,

so | havemo idea how I'd react. But

don't wrty. If | do end up cheating

on yot; | won't tell a single sou We

candust keep this a secret afd

preeeed with the divorce." Content

bélongs to Find©

To hell with that! lan was about to lose it. He felt like nothing more than a dildo. Just then, his phone rang. He

excused himself and stepped out onto

the hotel balcony to answer it.

Sage grimaced and noticed a towel at the end of the bed. She took it and wrapped it around herself. She felt her

legs go weak, and her thighs ached

when she tried to get out of bed.

That bastard must've been abstinent

for reallydong for him to go at it so

wildly last night. Her brows drew’

together as she leaned againstthe

walkahd slowly inched towagd the

bathroom. Content belongs to


Sage had only taken a few steps

before she was lifted into the giyShe

yelped uyRriee dn had somehow

rétubhed to the room and was now

lifting The content is on

novelenglish.net! Read the latest

chapter there!

her in his arms.

The bath towel she had wrapped

around herself coreo m

revealing helo) Sly egs. His

ghzé\was burning with desire as he

stared at her The content is on

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novelenglish.net! Read the latest

chapter there!


"What are you looking at? Putdown!" she growled, clutching the towel.

His gaze was dark and unfathomable. "At this rate, it'll take you half an hour just to get to the bathroom."

As if he had the right to complain

about her pace! He was the one who

was to blame! Sage was aware that>

there wes no point in arguing with”

him. idence, she allowed him ta”

carrither into the bathroom while

gating furiously. Content belongs


"Can you manage on your own, or

should | give you a tee larcasked

ete SpshBe er feet touched

the ground in the bathroom. The [x

content is on novelenglish.net! Read

the latest chapter there!