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A Beauty With Multiple Masks

Chapter 1797
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“She’s fine at the moment,” Vinson told Carlos about Arielle’s condition.

Then, he looked at Carlos and asked, “Why are you here? Did you manage to find anyone else who is alive on the

cruise ship that exploded?”

“Over ten people are still alive, but they are not doing very well. After the cruise ship exploded, His Majesty

searched for a few days and nights without getting any sleep. He finally rested for a while after Her Majesty, the

queen, convinced him. After he thought he had gotten sufficient rest, he continued to join in the search until two

days ago, when he was informed of the dire state of your company as it faces the likelihood of bankruptcy…

“He took a flight to Chanaea after he detained the queen mother. Before he left, he instructed us to continue

locating your whereabouts,” Carlos recounted everything Aaron had done for Vinson and Arielle.

Vinson did not expect Aaron to go to Chanaea to assist Nightshire Group. At that instant, he genuinely accepted the

latter as his brother-in-law.

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Concerned about Arielle, Vinson said to Carlos, “There are a lot of cannabis plants on the island, and almost

everyone on the island carries a gun. The harbor is also constantly guarded, so it’s very difficult to enter and exit

that place. Please arrange fifty elite soldiers for us to depart to the island now to bring Arielle back.”

Carlos nodded. Arielle’s safety took priority over any other matter.

After Carlos brought Vinson back to the army camp, he selected fifty soldiers and ordered them to change into

casual clothes, collect their guns, and gather at the clock. The party boarded Aaron’s private cruise ship upon

everyone’s arrival and began their journey to Irushea.

Meanwhile, Arielle was still unaware that Vinson had established contact with Carlos and that both men were

headed her way to rescue her from that island.

At that moment, she had just left Micah’s place and was returning to the mansion. On her way back, Arielle sensed

many people approaching, so she instinctively hid and observed the surroundings with her eyes narrowed.

Suddenly, Arielle widened her eyes.

“Vinson?” Staring at that face which was identical to Vinson’s, she shook her head. “No, this can’t be right. He’s not


Arielle’s heart sank.

Who is he? Why does he look so similar to Vinson?

Could he be Vinson’s brother?

Arielle’s face darkened after she came up with the conclusion. Instantaneously, she felt she had figured out the

truth because Vinson had previously encountered a few perilous circumstances and had failed to find out who the

mastermind was.

Upon seeing that man, Arielle realized the mastermind was him. She knew it was him.

Returning to the mansion with a heavy heart, she could not stop ruminating on that man’s goal of coming to the


Did he come here because he knows Vinson is here or is there any other reason?

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After considering multiple scenarios, an answer suddenly surfaced in her mind.

If he’s not here to look for Vinson, he must have come here to do business. After all, this place is a cannabis

plantation, and Micah is a drug dealer, so this must be why this man is here.

Arielle narrowed her eyes. She felt slightly miserable at the thought of her final guess. Although that man had

harmed her and Vinson, when she contemplated the possibility that he might be Vinson’s relative, she hoped that

man did not come to the island for drug-related dealings because if so, he would be committing a crime.

Still, that was not the time for her to be worried about that issue. She should be concerned about her own safety at

that moment.

That man harbored enmity toward Vinson and her, not to mention she was alone and without help on that island. If

they met with one another, she would no doubt be at a disadvantage.

What should I do?

Amidst her ponderation, a housekeeper entered and informed her that Micah had invited her to attend a banquet

to welcome an important guest‘s advent that day.

Arielle’s heart sank.

Alas, the very thing I fear has happened.