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A Beauty With Multiple Masks

Chapter 1776
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“Dennis, do you think the general will be into her?” asked Sophia softly as she looked at the man before her, who

was constantly checking Arielle out.

The general hadn’t been assigning her as many tasks lately, so Sophia needed to find some ways to get on his good

side. Only then would he assign more tasks to her. Without those tasks, her family would slowly fall out of the

general’s favors, and that wasn’t good.

“Judging by her looks, I think he‘ll like her,” replied Dennis.

He smiled at her and asked, “Where did you find such a pretty woman? I’m sure the general will reward you

handsomely if he‘s happy with her.”

Sophia smiled deviously after hearing what Dennis said.

She had already decided how she would deal with Arielle the second the latter opened her eyes and regained


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“I found her on the streets,” answered Sophia while narrowing her eyes before turning her gaze to Dennis and

asking, “When will the general be back?”

She couldn’t wait to see how happy the general would get.

“He went shopping for clothes with his wife. My guess is that he won’t be back until this evening,” answered Dennis.

“Then I will leave her in your care.”

“Sure. I’ll send someone to inform you if the general is happy with the woman,” replied Dennis, looking at Sophia.

She nodded. Before she left, she glanced at Arielle once more.

The general is the king around here, so you’ll be in luck if he’s in to you and you get to serve him.

After Sophia left, Dennis took another glance at Arielle, who was lying on the bed.

The general will surely be happy with such a fine specimen. She is younger than the general’s wife, so I’m sure she

will be able to give birth to a son for him.

Oh, that would be wonderful. If she is able to give him a son, my and Sophia’s future would be bright!

The general and his wife had been married for over a decade, but they only had a daughter. There was no news of

another pregnancy since.

Over the years, the general had hired a number of doctors to treat his wife so that she could get pregnant again,

but nothing ever happened. The general was so desperate for an heir that he slept with countless other women.

Unfortunately, none of them bore him any son.

The woman before Dennis was not only pretty but also had an alluring figure. She was definitely one of a kind.

Dennis was certain that the general would become attached to her and would sleep with her more than once. That

meant that sooner or later, she would be pregnant with his child.

“Keep an eye on her,” ordered Dennis after summoning two housekeepers over. “This is the general’s woman, so

you will both lose your lives if you fail to keep an eye on her.”

The housekeepers nodded right away after hearing what he said. After that, they stood on both sides of Arielle’s

bed and guarded her as though they were her warden.

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“The general’s wife will probably be devastated if she learns that the general will be sleeping with such a beautiful


“So what if she’s devastated? It‘s her fault she failed to give him a son. If the general has a son, he would not have

slept with all those other women.”

Arielle heard the housekeepers gossiping quietly before she even opened her eyes.

She was going to continue feigning being unconscious so that she could gain more information from them, but

unfortunately, that was also when she heard one of them saying, “Stop talking. We’ll both be in danger if anyone

overhears us.”

Right after that, the other housekeeper agreed with her friend, and silence ensued.

Seeing that they had stopped discussing, Arielle thought it was pointless to continue feigning unconsciousness.

Thus, she opened her eyes and asked, “Where’s Clyde?”

As soon as she finished asking that question, her gaze darkened. She recalled what happened that morning.

I’ve fallen into a trap! My breakfast was drugged!

“Where am I? Who brought me here?”