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A Beauty With Multiple Masks

Chapter 1756
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Vinson looked at Arielle and uttered in a low voice, “Something has happened to the company, so I have to go back

to settle it.”

A pause later, he added, “Do you want to come back with me?”

Without a hint of hesitation, Arielle replied, “Why would I stay here if you’re going back? Of course I‘m going to go

back with you.”

They were a married couple, and they should be facing any issues together. Arielle no longer wanted to be

separated from him anymore. Even if Nancy had yet to be held accountable by the law, Arielle was sure that Aaron

would be able to deal with the matter himself. Hence, there was actually nothing for her to be worried about if she

were to leave.

Upon hearing that the two of them were returning to their country, Aaron lowered his gaze, feeling slightly upset.

He did not want them to leave, especially not Arielle. After all, she was the closest person he had other than his


A moment of hesitation later, he lifted his head and looked at Arielle. “Sannie, can you… Not go back there?”

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His words took Arielle and Vinson aback. Arielle never thought that he would try to keep her around.

“Aaron, is there something you can’t decide on, or…”

Frankly, Aaron regretted his words the moment he uttered them.

Vinson had already said that something had happened to the company and that his presence was needed there.

Furthermore, Arielle was unwilling to part with him, so it was not unusual for her to want to go back with him.

“Nothing. I was just asking.” Aaron curled his lips and turned to Vinson. “When are you planning to go back?”

Vinson glanced at Arielle before replying, “The earlier the better.”

It seems like it’s a tricky case for him to deal with.

With that thought in mind, Aaron schooled his features to a serious expression and said, “I’ll prep the visas for you

right away.”

“Aaron!” Just as he turned to leave, Arielle called out to him.

He wheeled around, and Arielle stepped forward to hug him before whispering into his ear, “Vinson and I will be

back. We’re still waiting for you to find a time to announce my identity.”

Aaron smiled, for she understood what he was thinking.

After Arielle let him go, she heard him say, “I’ll do my best to change the laws and make the freedom for marriage

and travel a dream come true as quickly as possible.”

“Good man!” Arielle patted his shoulders in approval.

She was just thinking about how she should ask him to change the law, but it seemed like that was already

something he was ruminating about.

Upon gaining Arielle’s approval, Aaron returned to the palace in a good mood. Soon, he received a few visas, which

he then told Morrison to send to Arielle’s place.

As they were about to return, Arielle and Vinson both went to visit Lawrence before bidding Harvey and Sonia


“Take care. Just look for Old Mr. Jupiter right away if you need any help,” Harvey said as he patted Vinson’s


Vinson, too, reached out to pat his hand in silent response.

In contrast, when Sonia found out that Arielle was going back without a set date to return, she burst into tears.

“There are plenty of opportunities for us to spend time together next time. You should take this opportunity to

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spend more time with your parents. When I come back here and leave next time, you’ll be coming back to Chanaea

with us,” Arielle said as she pinched Sonia’s cheeks.

Hearing that, Sonia was delighted. She had never left Turlen before, and she was eager to see the outside world.

“Come back quickly, then. I’ll go back with you next time.”

Arielle nodded and said her goodbyes. After that, she went to whisper a prayer to Dylan.

“Dad, I’ll be going back to the country with Vinson. Once everything’s over, I’ll come back to see you again. Aaron’s

now Turlen’s king. He’s quite independent now, and he’s stronger than you.” Tears welled up in Arielle’s eyes as she

stared at Dylan’s photo on the gravestone.

“Dad, I miss you. If you see Mom, tell her that I’m fine and don‘t be worried about me…”


Upon hearing that Arielle and the others were returning to the country, the Duke came to Nancy again.

“They’ll be going back to the country tomorrow, and they might never set foot in this country ever again,” the Duke

said, narrowing his eyes.

Nancy’s expression darkened when she heard that.

No, I can’t let them escape!