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Chapter 20 MARCO I know I shouldn’t be doing this. I shouldn’t be giving this woman the opportunity to keep drawing me under her spell, but I’ve long since realised that when it comes to her, I have no control over my actions…no restraints. Right now, I press her against my table and drink from the delicious nectar of those lush lips. Her strawberry scent calls to me, drugs me, numbs my senses. Without wasting time, I slip my fingers into her shirt and cup her heavy breasts through her bra. She moans into my mouth and grabs on to the lapels of my suit. My fingers find her bare nipples and I roll the hard fiesh between my thumb and forefinger. She’s so soft, so willing…yet so stubborn. It takes a great deal for me to pull myself away. Lily stares at me through wide eyes. Her lips are red and swollen, her hair, mussed. It is safe to say she looks thoroughly k*ssed. “Why do you keep doing that?” She whispers. I shrug and walk back to my seat, trying to ignore my rapidly thickening erection. “Because I can.” Her cheeks redden like it does whenever she’s angry or upset. “Well…well, stop doing it.” A small smile tugs at my lips at her obvious innocence. “Why? You seem to like it.” Her eyes widen in panic. what? No, of course I don’t.” “You don’t? You had your hands around me and you were moaning into my mouth just a minute ago. That didn’t sound like you were not enjoying my touch, Lily. Stop lying to yourself.” She opens her mouth and snaps it back, apparently shocked and confused. I know she enjoyed what happened between us, but the fact that she tries so hard to hide it makes me angry. I’d love to deal with that right now, but first things first.

14:29 Fri, 26 Jan J Chapter 201 “Before we continue, I’d love to clear the air about a few things. Sit down, Lily.” She gulps and lowers her gaze before taking her seat. 61% That fear in her eyes. I will also be dealing with that. I know we started off on the wrong foot, but I don’t want her scared of me. “First, are you on some kind of protection?” She nods quickly. “Yes. I have an IVF.” “Good. But I’ll be having my personal doctor come over to check how…authentic that is.” Her face tightens like I just slapped her. “Are you suggesting that I would get a fake IVF just to deliberately get pregnant?” Despite the warning bells, I say: “You wouldn’t be the first woman in the world to do that.” For a moment, she stares at me with a hurt expression. The thought of hurting her feelings does horrible things to my insides, but I’m not willing to put my name at risk. for any reason. “I’m sorry to burst your bubble, Mr Marcelli, but not every woman is a desperate wh ore. Personally, I wouldn’t have a child for you if I was paid.” No woman has ever. Low blow, but I have to say, I love her courage. back at me before…asides my mama. “Marco.” I say simply. “Excuse me?” “My name is Marco. I expect you to call me that. Second, I don’t give a f uck about your little speech on righteousness. Rule number one, you will not get pregnant. The moment I realise that you’ve tried to sabotage this relationship for any of such purposes, I will throw you out on the streets. Rule number two, a very important one, do not fall in love with me.” She opens her mouth to protest but I hold up a hand, silencing her. “A lot of girls have tried to blackmail me with that love cr ap. I assure you that it will not 14:29 Fri, 26 Jan Chapter 201 19 work. I want you to know right now that I am not capable of falling in love, and I will never fall in love with someone like you. Understood?” Her chin quivers with hurt and I want to kick myself in the shin, but like I said, I have to clear this up. She looks away. “Understood. Can I leave now?” “No.” She’s not going anywhere. Not when she’s so upset with me. “I want to leave. I haven’t seen my mother…” “I said no, Lily. Come here.” I order softly. “Marco…” “I hate repeating my orders, Lily. I said, ‘come here.”

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She rises from the chair, her golden locks falling over the curve of her breasts in tantalising waves. I want to f uck her completely n*ked, with that glorious hair splayed all over her n*ked breasts. She walks to me and without warning, I grab her arm and she tumbles forward and into my arms. Her gaze snaps to mine and those beautiful grey eyes do a great job of burning a hole through my skin. “Where will you go from here?” I ask softly. “Uh…I have a class. I’ll go visit my mother after that, then I have a shift later this. evening.” When I’m about to protest, she says quickly. “Tonight’s my last shift. I promise.” I heave a sigh. “I don’t want you going back there. That is no place for someone like you.” Her brows crease in confusion. “Someone like me?” I want to tell her that in a sea of worldly, experienced workers, she stands out like a f ucking sore thumb. Her innocence, that hair, even her breathing alone is enough to attract predators – men who would see her and want her, men who would want to feast on what is mine. That doesn’t sit well with me. At all. Chapter 20 zo Jan Instead, I change the subject. “What time does your shift end?” “It’s an evening shift. It ends by midnight.” That kicks against everything I stand for. I hate the idea of her working. I want her in my house, in my bed relaxing and pleasing me without worldly interruptions, 24/7. ‘Fine. But I’m sending a car for you. I need you in that car by exactly twelve midnight. Disobedience will attract punishments, cara mia. Remember that.” “But…” “I’m sending a car for you, Lily. End of story. I want you n*ked and splayed on my bed at exactly twelve thirty. I hate being kept waiting. Remember that.” SEND GIFT