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6 Times a Day

Chapter 237 Brenda Knows About Alan’s Med History
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Susan and Suzanne were still talking when they heard the ringing of the doorbell.

Suzanne whispered to Susan under her breath, "Okay, it's show time! Remember, this is to save the family!"

Susan was all smiles by the time the door opened and Brenda was standing there. She was secretly relieved to see that Brenda was dressed and acted as if nothing was out of the ordinary. Brenda wore a stylish outfit that showed off a little bit of her cleavage. It was similar to the moderately-revealing dresses the other two were wearing, except that she wore nearly knee-high boots instead of heels.

After taking off her coat, Brenda traded hugs and pecks on cheeks with Susan and Suzanne. She was a little stand-offish, but that was nothing compared to the two mother's worst fears.

Suzanne walked Brenda into her living room and then said politely, "Here, why don't you take a seat, wherever you like. Would you care for a drink?"

"Yes, please. Coffee is good. But before we say or do anything, I want to get something out of the way right away: I'm not here to accuse you or judge you. I've done a lot of thinking since last night. It was good to sleep on things. The fact that Alan is adopted weighed heavily on my mind. That means we're not talking about real incest. And the fact that he's of age and hasn't gone all the way with you, Susan, that's important too. I could be wrong, but I don't think anything actually illegal is going on here. So, as long as nobody is being hurt, abused, or taken advantage of, who am I to judge?"

Susan immediately rushed to Brenda and gave her a big hug. "I am SOOOO glad to hear that! I agree completely! We say 'incest' as short-hand, but it's not really true. Besides, the more you know, the more you'll understand. There's a lot I want to explain!"

Brenda nodded as the hug ended. "I'm sure. And I want to hear it. But I just want you to know that you have nothing to fear from me. Unless there are disturbing surprises you haven't told me of yet, I made a promise last night not to tell anyone about your secret, and I intend to keep it."

Suzanne thought she'd already had the situation under control, and she was considered a cool cucumber. But she was so relieved to hear that that she also rushed to Brenda and gave her a heartfelt hug. In fact, she practically crushed her with a prolonged bear hug.

Brenda chuckled as she finally broke free. "Okay, enough hugging already! I get that-" she suddenly cut herself off, because she noticed Suzanne furtively wiping some tears from her cheeks. This surprised her. She was only starting to get to know Suzanne, but she already could tell that Suzanne was a jaded and very sophisticated lady not likely to easily shed tears. "You're crying?"

Suzanne realized that there was no way she could deny it, so she said, "Dammit, I guess you got me. I'm very surprised at myself, but it's just that I love these people so much. This is about so much more than sex. I feel like I would do anything to keep them safe from harm. Anything! So hearing that disaster isn't looming because of last night's slip-up, well, you have no idea how relieved that makes me feel!"

Susan walked to Suzanne and gave her a big hug. "Me too! Me too! Oh my goodness! I thought I was feeling okay about all this already, but I realize that I just breathed freely for the first time since last night! It feels really good!"

Some inconsequential small talk ensued. Since they were in Suzanne's house, she went to the kitchen and prepared coffee for everyone. She considered bringing out a snack too, but since it was getting towards lunch time she decided to hold off on that.

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Susan and Suzanne sat side by side on a sofa while Brenda sat in an easy chair that faced them across a coffee table.

Suzanne said to Brenda, "Thanks again for being so understanding. I hope we can still become good friends. But you have lots of questions, I'm sure, so let's start there. Fire away."

"Hmmm. Where to begin?" Brenda sipped her coffee, then put the cup down. "I suppose it makes sense to start at the beginning. How did you two get involved with him?"

Suzanne made sure she answered that one. "Good question. You may remember Susan mentioning that Alan has a medical condition that means he has to cum a lot."

Brenda furrowed her brow. "Yes, of course. That was my next question."

"Well, let me address that too, because it started there. It's a long story, but the gist is, less than two months ago, Alan found out from his doctor that he needs to cum about six times a day, every single day. Prior to that, we thought he was a normal boy with a normal libido. But like I said last night, it's the ones you least expect. Sometimes the most virile men don't look like Conan the Barbarian, but they look like, well, Alan."

Brenda said, "Let me get this straight. This was diagnosed by a doctor?"

Susan nodded vigorously. "It's true! I was at all the appointments. We have a nurse now who's been put in charge of checking his condition every couple of weeks. As for his problem, think of it like milking a cow. If you don't milk the cow, it's in great pain and suffers. Alan's like that, only with his penis. He HAS to cum many times a day!"

Suzanne cut in quickly, because this was a dangerous area for her. She didn't want Brenda to know too much about Alan's "medical diagnosis" because she worried that any intelligent outside observer would see through the bullshit. Also, it was better for her hype if Brenda got the impression that Alan wasn't sick in some way, but rather just incredibly virile. She said, "I know it sounds bizarre, to say the least. And despite what Susan just said, it wouldn't really be the end of the world if he doesn't cum that much. But for his optimal health and energy, he needs to cum around six times every day."

She switched into a more thoughtful mode. "That's just how it is, I guess. Some people are tall, some people are short, some people are smart, and so on. Alan just happens to be off the charts when it comes to sexual prowess, stamina, and recuperation. These are still early days, mind you. Everything has happened in just the last two months. But already he shows so much natural talent and stamina that it's almost scary to think what he'll be like with more experience!"

"I see." Brenda's breathing was starting to get heavy. Clearly she was more than a little intrigued.

Suzanne continued to talk fast so she could move the discussion to safer territory. "Please don't be mad at Susan. She's done what she has with him out of motherly love and concern. The same is true for me. I got started stroking him to orgasm as part of his medical treatment, to make sure he had enough inspiration and stimulation to cum enough times each day. But what happened was, I very quickly discovered how great it was for both of us!"

She leaned back. "Now, I'm not sure if this is something to boast about or be ashamed of, but the plain truth is that I've had many lovers over the years. I've never counted them up, but let's just say well over a hundred. You know how I look. The three of us are beautiful, and let's just treat that like the fact that it is instead of always beating around the bush. Since way back, I've had my choice of men. We talked last night about the 'handsome man law,' and sure, I've had a lot of hunks who were duds in bed. But I got smart early and went more for verifiable reputation in bed than looks. So when I say there's something extra special and extra thrilling about sex with Alan, you know it actually means something and I'm not just bullshitting. Trust me; I KNOW the difference!"

Susan nodded emphatically.

Brenda looked back and forth between them. "Whoa. It's like we turned the clock back to last night, because I'm feeling completely incredulous again. I believe you, and yet... I don't understand!" She raised her hands up in a pleading gesture. "What's the big deal?! What the heck is the appeal about him?! Especially if you're just talking about handjobs and blowjobs, right?"

Susan and Suzanne nodded at that.

"Those are a CHORE! That's what you do if you must to get your man erect, so you can get to the good part, the intercourse. You don't have an orgasm just from handjobs and blowjobs!"

Susan couldn't help but beam and boast proudly, "You do if it's with Alan!"

Brenda groaned in frustration and shook her head.

Suzanne thought she was out of the woods as far as the "medical" issue went, but Brenda then asked, "Getting back to his daily orgasm problem, why doesn't he just masturbate, like every other boy his age?"

Suzanne replied carefully, "As you know, Susan here is a devout Christian. She believes that male masturbation is the 'sin of Onan.' It's in the Old Testament; look it up. We have to respect her beliefs. But even if you put that aside, the practical matter is that a guy can masturbate a few times each day, sure, but SIX?! That's asking too much, especially considering that this isn't just something that's unlikely to go away after just a month or two. We started out just helping him with what we call 'visual stimulation,' but it quickly became clear that wasn't enough."

The three of them talked about the masturbation issue some more. Brenda tried to argue that masturbation alone would suffice. However, deep down she was captivated by the idea of a young man so virile that it took a bevy of beautiful women to meet his sexual needs. As a result, it was easy for her to be convinced into changing her mind.

Brenda said, "Okay, let's concede that masturbation doesn't cut it, and simply having a girlfriend help out isn't enough either. I might even concede that help from more than one woman is needed. But why do you two have to be involved, of all women? Suzanne, I understand he considers you his de-facto aunt, if not a sort of second mother, even, from the way you two talk about him. And Susan, it goes without saying that conflicts with your role as his mother."

Susan replied passionately, "Does it? Does it? I beg to differ! In fact, I would argue it's a natural extension of my motherly role! Keep in mind that it's not like we both got horny one day and decided to fool around for purely hedonistic reasons. It's something I started to do for his health. True, it turned out to be shockingly pleasurable for me, but I would have continued doing it anyway even if it caused me great pain, because that's what mothers do. You're a mother too. You know the sacrifices we make."

Brenda though looked confused and doubtful. "I do. But I'd hardly call this a sacrifice. Getting to climax over and over with a total stud like him?! That's the exact opposite of sacrifice!"

"True," Susan huffed. "And I'm sure that explains why so many busty babes are eager to help him. But I truly mean it when I say I would have continued helping him regardless. Brenda, I don't have a real career. I don't have a happy marriage, or even a real marriage, period. My life revolves around helping my children and being a good mother. That means the whole world to me!"

"I believe you," Brenda said. "You radiate loving-mother vibes maybe more than anyone else I've ever met. But still, Suzanne lives here next door to you. Why not just leave that task to her?"

Susan got testy. "Haven't you been listening to anything we've been saying?! Of course she helps as much as she can, but that's not enough! What if his penis reaches a critically stiff stage and his balls are bursting with cum and there's no one home but me? I have no choice but to help. Any caring mother would! Besides, as Suzanne told you, it takes several women to keep him excited and then drained every day. We have to keep it fresh and interesting."

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Brenda's eyes narrowed suspiciously. "Speaking of which, that reminds me of my main worry. Why have you two befriended me recently? The timing is curious. You're not interested in me just so I'll help him with his problem too, are you? I thought we were becoming real friends!"

Suzanne said in a kindly tone, "Let me field that. I'll admit the timing is suspicious. You do fit the physical description of what he likes to see in his helpers, generally speaking. But I can assure you that's not the reason why we've befriended you. You want to know why? Remember, last night I said that he's already taken. Yes, he has 'several' helpers. I can't name names or give a specific number, but suffice to say that we've got the situation covered. We're in a good place where no more help is needed. It wasn't easy getting here, and changing things could ruin the delicate balance we've achieved. It takes a very special kind of woman who is truly willing to share without getting bent out of shape with jealousy issues and so forth. We don't know you well enough. The odds of you finding that attractive are almost zero, and the odds that you would fit in even if you did are nearly zero again."

Brenda wiggled in her seat uncomfortably, "Well, I don't know about 'nearly zero...' The situation is bizarre, to say the least." She hated the idea of being pushed into helping Alan, but she was intrigued nevertheless, provided that helping him was her choice.

Suzanne cut in before Brenda could say more. "It is. Trust me; you don't want to get involved. As to why we befriended you, it's true looks probably had a lot to do with it. But that's simply because people of a certain look and physique tend to stick together. Consider Susan and me. We've been best friends for twenty years, and people point out that it's like we're identical twins from the neck down. That actually makes sense, as I'll explain."

She continued, "Brenda, I want to level with you, without all the modesty bullshit. You, Susan, and I, we're a very elite group. We're not just beautiful; we're the women even the beautiful women hate out of jealousy. It's only natural we stick together. Who else can understand the problems you go through due to your looks and your body but someone else with similar looks and a similar body?"

Susan added to that, "Life is weird that way. I can't tell you how many girlfriends I had and then lost because they felt intimidated by me. And you know me well enough already to know that I'm hardly mean or intimidating. But if I'm friends with a 'normal'-looking woman, things tend to go sour fast no matter what I do. Particularly if any man they're with sees me; then they get jealous in a hurry. And it's even worse with men. I can't have any real male friends because all they think about is going to bed with me. I don't like it, and I didn't ask for it, but it seems I can only pick my friends from a pool of other very beautiful women who won't have a reason to be jealous of me."

Brenda considered that, and then nodded. "You're right. Actually, I feel the exact same way, because I've had the exact same experience, over and over again. When you suggested the weekly card game tradition, I was on that like white on rice because of those very reasons. Honestly, I find it hard to keep ANY friends at all! The size of my breasts... God! I get so sick of it! People treat me like I'm just a walking pair of boobs, not a human being, let alone a woman with actual brains."

Susan felt bad hearing that, because she already had a simmering jealousy over Brenda's breast size. So she smiled, visibly glanced down at her own impressive rack, and said, "As you can see, that's not an issue among us three; we're on an even plane. We can ignore that aspect and just be normal. Well, as normal as we can be, considering the Alan situation."


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