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6 Times a Day

Chapter 115 Suzanne And Alan
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When Alan got home that afternoon, he found both Suzanne and Susan waiting for him with their arms crossed and grave expressions on their faces. Both of them were dressed very conservatively.

Uh-oh. This is not good! he thought.

It was quite a comedown from his expectation of receiving one or more mind-blowing orgasms from the two incredibly gorgeous mothers as soon as he got home.

Susan stood up and immediately launched a verbal barrage at him. "Alan, what we've been doing since yesterday afternoon, it has to stop! Not just a little bit, not just a day or two, but we have to stop all improper contact between mother and son forever! I've been torn trying to do what's right, but there's just no way I can square helping you with your medical treatments and being a good wife and a good Christian. I'm sorry, but that's just how it has to be."

Alan looked past Susan to where Suzanne was sitting. He noticed Suzanne was waving her hands and making a facial expression as if to say, "Don't listen to her." She even rolled her eyes and twirled her finger next to an ear, as if indicating that Susan was crazy.

He was confused by the conflicting signals, to say the least, but just nodded and tried to say as few words as possible.

Susan let loose with a long, heartfelt plea about why she had to stop helping him with his six-times-a-day treatments. She focused mostly on how she felt like she was cheating on Ron. She mentioned in passing that he would be coming home in a few days, which increased Alan's distress.

By the time Susan was finished, she was in tears again. She gave Alan a hug (but in a very chaste and motherly way) and then retired to the kitchen, saying, "I understand that Suzanne has a few things she wants to say to you now, as well. Listen to her; there's no one who's wiser. Again, I'm sorry I can't help you more, but remember that I love you and that this is just how it has to be."

Suzanne immediately grabbed Alan's hand and said, "Let's go for a walk."

They left through the front door and walked away from the house. All was silent until they got to the sidewalk by the street.

Alan turned to Suzanne as he held her hand and said, "Okay, can you tell me just what the heck is going on? Mom is dropping this disturbing bombshell on me and meanwhile you're behind her back, making more mysterious signals than a third-base coach."

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Suzanne looked back at the Plummer house furtively. "I didn't want you to get the wrong idea. Basically, things are not nearly as bad as they seem. Susan is having a relapse back to her old ways. I gather that started even before your father called today, but when he called that made things much worse for her. Sweetie, you gotta look at things from her perspective. So much has happened in the last twenty-four hours in particular that a backlash was inevitable. I should have seen it coming, but I thought things were going to progress a lot more gradually."

He asked, "So, I take it this means that I'm going to be all on my own with the six-times-a-day problem from now on?"

"Oh dear goodness no! Didn't you see my hand gestures? For one thing, I'm still going to be helping you with my hands and mouth every chance I get, and Susan doesn't have any objection to that. In theory, at least. In reality, we'll have to be very sneaky for a while, so she doesn't see or hear a thing. But also, I'm convinced that what we're seeing is just a temporary mood swing. Basically, kiddo, you've got her totally addicted to that big cock of yours, and now that she's started there's no way for her to stop. It's just that she doesn't realize that yet."

His heart leaped with hope. "Are you sure?"

"Of course I'm sure. Sweetie, your mother is much like a virgin. Seriously!"

"But she's my mom. She's married, and-"

Suzanne interrupted. "I said she's LIKE a virgin. And don't start singing a Madonna song, because this is serious. She's had such a pathetic sex life until this point that she has little to no ability to understand or control her sexual feelings, which have just exploded like a volcano. I'm trying to guide her so things'll end up in a good place, but she's going through a reactive, prudish phase, so you just have to be patient for a while. Maybe even until your father returns to Asia."

That was very disappointing, but he figured he couldn't complain about having to wait awhile, considering all the wonderful things that had happened to him lately. "Aunt Suzy, are you sure that's all it is, just a phase? She sounds pretty serious. And all that stuff about cheating on father... I have to admit, I have a chip on my shoulder about him never being here for us, but even I feel pretty shitty about sneaking around behind his back with Mom. I mean, you have to admit, it's a pretty low thing to do."

"I will agree to no such thing! Sweetie, as you know, I haven't been faithful to my husband for quite a few years now." She said cryptically, "Sometimes, there are good reasons for cheating." She was obviously talking about herself, but Alan didn't know what those specific reasons might be. "And I have a long list of evidence that Ron hasn't been faithful to your mother for quite a few years as well."

"Whoa." Alan froze in his tracks, forcing Suzanne to stop too. "Are you serious?"

"I'm dead serious. Your mom's been pretending like she's living in some kind of fifties sitcom or Norman Rockwell painting, but real life isn't like that at all. If you had sex with your wife fewer times in a year than there are fingers on one hand, wouldn't you either eventually cheat or get a divorce?"

"Huh. I hadn't thought of it like that before. I guess I've always just tried to think of my parents like they're sexless. Like they don't have sex organs or something."

Suzanne joked to lighten the mood, "Obviously, I assume that you've discovered that's not the case with your mother."

Alan, though, was so serious that he didn't even grin. "True. Hers were kind of hard to miss. But even so, this really takes all the wind out of my sails. I mean, I was so excited about coming home from school, and now I feel like shit."

Suzanne looked at him with alarm. Then she pulled on his arm, forcing him to start walking again. The streets were absolutely deserted, so there was no chance of anyone overhearing. "Please don't feel like that. You haven't done anything wrong. You know how prudish your mother has been for all these years; you can't expect her to change completely overnight. She needs time to adjust; that's all this is."

"But what if she's right? What if what we're doing IS wrong? I mean, no way would I want to stop all the sexy fun I'm having with you, Aunt Suzy, but with my own mother? Doesn't that cross the line?"

"No! She loves it! You know that she loves it. Hasn't she been into it?"

He snorted. "You can say that again! That's the understatement of the year."

"You see? Can you ever recall her being happier than she was yesterday? Don't tell me you buy all that 'burning in Hell', 'sexual pleasure is a sin' crap that her parents fed her. What you started with her yesterday is literally the best thing that's ever happened to her."

"I guess so. It was pretty amazing, to say the least. When she gets into it, she's so alive! And excited. So full of love and caring. But I still feel bad for her now. She's hurting."

Suzanne caught his eye and leered at him. "I know how I could cheer you up. How would you like to try to fill my stomach with cum today? It's a big project, I know, but I can't think of a better way to spend the afternoon."

His mind reeled at that invitation. "Thanks, but no. I guess that when Mom feels bad, I feel bad. My dick feels so completely down for the count right now that I don't think even you could revive it. ... Aunt Suzy, are you really sure that everything is going to be okay and that Mom isn't going to be resentful about what she and I did yesterday and then again this morning?"

"Sweetie, I'm absolutely positive. How much do you want to bet that your cock will be halfway down her throat again even before Ron comes home in three days?"

"God, that sounds so weird to hear you say that. I guess maybe I need some time to adjust too."

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"Okay. That's understandable. You're kind of reeling from all the changes too, huh?"

He just nodded.

"Why don't we just keep on walking, then?" She resumed walking as she said that, and Alan followed. "There's no huge rush. Just remember that I've got things under control and I'm going to make sure that you'll have lots of help and fun with Susan, with me, and maybe even with others as need be."

He couldn't believe his good fortune, especially with the "others" part. "But what about Ron coming home? Doesn't that spell disaster? I get a tight feeling in my chest just thinking about it."

"Not to worry. Do you trust your Aunt Suzy?"

He nodded again.

They kept walking and talking, but Alan's feelings of unease wouldn't go away, especially when Suzanne warned him that his mother would likely veer wildly from guilty, indignant prudery to almost uncontrollable lust and back. In fact, she predicted it could happen several times, or more.

"Sweetie, you'll just have to play along with her when she's upset, and avoid making things worse, but also be ready to indulge her lust when she gets horny. You might see some pretty abrupt mood swings in her, so be ready for that."

"Yeeesh. I have enough problems with my own guilty feelings. Helping Mom through her ups and downs won't be easy. It really, really bums me out whenever she's unhappy."

"It's so sweet how you love each other so much. Helping each other through problems like this, even when you're hurting yourself, is part of love and growing up. I know you can do it, and I'm proud of you. Be there for her, and before long her unhappy moods will fade away altogether."

"I will."

Katherine had missed everything because she happened to come home late that day. But when she arrived virtually the same sequence of events happened to her as had happened to Alan. Susan lectured her in a general way about sex and sin. Then Suzanne took her aside and privately explained that Susan was just going through a phase.

Katherine wasn't that bothered, since there wasn't much that Susan knew about that could be used to berate her, aside from her acting too provocatively around Alan.

Later that afternoon, she asked, "Mom, I've kinda liked wearing more casual clothing around the house. Plus, it's just soooo dang hot lately! Can't I keep doing that?"

"I suppose you can," Susan conceded, "but only within limits, and only until your father gets home on Saturday. Hopefully it will be cooler by then."

In more ways than one, Susan thought worriedly. "Is that clear? But don't let me catch you without underwear any more. Our 'no panties' so-called bet is over. Period."