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30 Days till I Divorce My Husband (Estrella and Jason)

Chapter 99
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Chapter 99

Jason suddenly brought up the topic, and Estrella glanced at him before responding with a smile, “What, you're

expectingto make a scene? To hunt her down and get that necklace back?”

Jason hadn’t even opened his mouth to reply when Estrella continued, “Don’t tellyou were using Serene to

get under my skin. If you fancy...”

She didn’t get to finish her sentence before Jason pulled her into his embrace and said, “Tto sleep.”

Wrapped in Jason's arms, Estrella fell silent. After nestling against him for a while, shel lifted her head and looked

at him. “Jason, you've got more on your mind than | do.”

After saying that, Estrella closed her eyes.

Jason looked down at her, noticing her long eyelashes as she lay with her eyes closed, not trying to pull away. He

turned and trapped her in his arms, one hand cradling the back of her neck, the other sliding down toward her


Estrella caught his hand. “I'm really on my period this time. I'll make it up to you later.”

Pushing Jason away, Estrella thought about how people have an innate desire for what they can’t have. She

hadn’t even tried to seduce him tonight, just sidle chat, and he was already getting

getting restless. Seeing her serious face and knowing she wasn’t lying about her cycle, Jason let her hand drift


Estrella felt a rush of frustration, but after Jason's playful antics, she actually started to feel sleepy. Later, as he

was wiping her hands, she drifted off to sleep.

The next day, when Jason woke up, Estrella was already gone from his side. As he got ready and came

downstairs, Marie reported, “Sir, Ms. Estrella had a case this morning and left for court an hour ago.”

“Mm,” Jason acknowledged Marie and skipped breakfast at home, heading straight out.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

In the courtroom, before the session began, Estrella had already arrived early. Today was the second hearing for

Ryan's case, and a verdict seemed likely.

“Estrella, you're here early today.”

“Yeah, got a case this morning,” Estrella greeted with a smile, and after chatting briefly with a colleague, she got

back to her own preparations.

A few minutes before nine, with the judge, jury, and prosecution all present, Estrella took her seat.

As Ryan was brought in, Estrella’s breathing slowed, her gaze fixed on him. When their



Chapter 99

eyes m

Ryan's look brightened at the sight of Estrella. It was as if he was thanking her with his eyes for her respect,

dedication, and all the efforts she had made on his behalf, regardless of the outcome.

“October 2023,” the judge began, signaling the official start of the hearing.

After the prosecution addressed squestions from the last session, Estrella stood up. She glanced at Ryan,

then turned to the judge and jurors.

“Your Honor, members of the jury, Ryan is accused of causing fatal injuries to his biological father and uncles ten

years ago, following his mother’s death due to domestic. violence. This is an irreversible tragedy that none of us

wanted to witness.

“But | believe that Ryan, more than anyone else, wished he never had to go through such an ordeal. He certainly

didn’t want the blood of his relatives on his hands. If he could turn back time, he would wish for his mother to

have never suffered that abuse, and to be there to watch him grow.

“In this case, we can all see another fact: Ryan grew up in a fractured and even cruel environment, without

proper guidance, or anyone teaching him to be like the rest of us.

“Imagine a nine-year-old boy witnessing his mother’s murder. How has he spent these past ten years? What has

kept him going? After leaving home, his father never once looked for him. Ryan survived by scavenging and

working odd jobs on construction sites. “He had no friends; teachers or classmates, not even someone to talk to.

“Your Honor, while | can’t produce a psychiatric evaluation for Ryan, everyone here can see that this young

man’s psychological development is not intact.

“Moreover, | visited Ryan's hometown recently and gathered srecollections from neighbors about the

incident back then and their impressions of Ryan as a child. If the prosecution would like, we can listen to these

witness statements first. And if necessary, | can bring these witnesses to testify later on.”

Moved by Estrella’s passionate plea, the judge said, “The court agrees to hear the testimonies of the community


With the judge’s approval, Estrella glanced at Arden, who started the video playback.

“I was there that day. Nothing could stop the Manning brothers. They beat that poor woman to death-so brutally.

The child was crying beside them, begging his father to stop, only to be kicked away.”

“We tried to intervene, but those Manning brothers were vicious. They threatened us too, saying a wife is there

to be beaten.”

“That kid, Ryan, such a tragic soul. He was so well-behaved, a good student, and his mother was a quiet soul,

always busy with chores. After she died, the father locked him in



Chapter 99

with the pigs, wouldn't even let the grandparents take him, and stopped his schooling. That boy s suffered too

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

much, and when he finally did what he did none of us could blhi

The Manning family had it coming; they beat a good woman to death.”

“Ryan was such a good kid back then, always helping his mom, and he was always by her side. His dad was a

drunk, and whenever he drank, he'd beat them both. It's a good thing. Ryan got away; otherwise, he might've

been killed too.”

“Ryan, though he'd only graced our school for a mere two years, was a docile kid with a sharp mind. His report

cards boasted nothing but straight A’s, a testament to his brilliance. But word around town was that trouble hit

home, and his dad pulled him out of school. The rest... well.” the teacher who once guided Ryan through his

lessons trailed off, leaving the story hanging in a heavy silence.

“What did the kid do to deserve any of this? An eye for an eye, they say. His mom was taken from him, and he

just evened the score. Isn't that justifiable? What kind of man would he be if he didn’t stand up for himself?”

“Ryan was such a sweet child, always aiming to please. If it weren't for the misfortune of being born to that man,

he’d have made something of himself, no doubt about it.”

“Ryan’s life was tough, and so was his mother’s, a real tragedy. We all cling to the hope that he'll cout of

this unscathed because we know deep down, he wouldn't hurt a soul.”


Estrella had interviewed many-neighbors of Ryan's, salt-of-the-earth types, farmers through and through. Their

testimonies were firsthand accounts of what they'd witnessed back in the day. Mention Ryan's biological father

and his uncles, and you could see the collective shake of their heads.


ey were the village tyrants, having snuffed out a life without a shred of remorse and continued to reign with iron


As Ryan gazed upon the familiar faces of his childhood, his eyes brimmed with tears, mirroring the emotion

welling up in everyone present. A blanket of silence fell upon them, each lost in their own thoughts of a past that

refused to be forgotten.
