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30 Days till I Divorce My Husband (Estrella and Jason)

Chapter 83
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Chapter 83 Estrella spun around suddenly. “I'm here, Ryan.” Her voice was gentle, as tender as if she was speaking to a newborn baby. At the sound of his name, the boy’s eyes rimmed with red.

At home, they all referred to him as “Bad Luck” or “Goner,” or worse, “That Dying Kid.” Once he escaped that house, the kinder folks would just call him “Kid,” but most hurled insults like “Devil's Spawn” or “SStray Mongrel.” He stared at Estrella, and his eyes brimmed with tears. He managed to say, “Ms. Estrella, | looked up the laws before | killed them. Don’t get your hopes up, and please don’t work too hard. I'm afraid it'll just make you disappointed.” Since his mother was taken from him, warmth was a stranger to him. He couldn’t remember what kindness felt like.

Ironically, it was after he got locked up for his crthat the cops and the prison wardens treated him with a dignity he'd never known. They didn’t despise him like the outside world did. Especially Estrella, she'd been so kind to him when nobody else had hope for him. But that made him scared scared that if he didn’t make it, Estrella would grieve.

Estrella’s reassurance cwith a soft smile. How would we know unless we try, right? We can’t leave things to regret, can we?” “Thank you, Ms. Estrella.” “It’s what I'm here for.” As Estrella left, Ryan looked down at the pastries she'd brought him his favorite, egg tarts and shortbread cookies. He'd once told her they were the best things in the world, so she made a point of bringing him severy tthey met.

His eyes moistened as he picked up a cookie and took a bite, remembering how she told him there would be a chance to taste even better things in the future. Despite all the delicacies in the world, he had no longing for it. If there was anything he dreaded, it was the thought of his Ms. Estrella being upset.

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Outside the visiting room, the staff didn’t rush Ryan back to his cell. Instead, they waited until he finished his pastries before escorting Him back.

When Estrella got into Bryce's car after leaving the prison, her mood was still heavy. Bryce squeezed her cheek playfully. “Feeling down? That's not my Ella.” Estrella swatted his hand away. “Just letbe sad for a bit. Don’t ruin the atmosphere.” He ruffled her hair. “I just hate to see you unhappy.” She flicked his hand away again. “Go play in traffic, will you?” 1/3 11:32 Bryce fell silent, not wanting to disturb her further. He wasn’t as emotionally involved in Ryan's case he hadn't met the kid, nor was he as sentimental.

His quiet was a sign of concern. He feared the outcof the case wouldn't be what Estrella hoped for, and how much that would hurt her. This wasn’t one of her usual divorce cases or civil disputes. This was about lives.

Turning to Estrella, who let out a slow breath, Bryce tousled her hair again. “Just do your best, and try not to overthink.” Estrella looked at him as he started the car. “Ryan toldnot to get my hopes up.” If Ryan hadn't said that, she might not have been as affected. But after he had, Estrella felt even more determined to try, to create a small miracle if possible.

Bryce didn’t offer any more comfort, just massaged the back of her neck in a gesture of support.

Estrella chuckled, “Now you're the quiet one. Not so loud and boisterous now, huh?” Bryce, with his hands on the wheel, casually scratched his head. “Who's loud and boisterous all the time? That would be exhausting.” Estrella regained her usual demeanor. “Enough chit-chat. Takeback to the firm, will you?” “Remember to eat lunch. Don’t makeremind you for every meal.” “I got it, Dad Bryce.” “That's just awful to hear.” Half an hour later, Estrella was back in the office, discussing the ‘case progress and her thoughts with the director, who said, “Estrella, letting you handle Ryan’s case was to give you exposure to different types of cases.

But you've taken this to heart.” “You can put effort into the work, but keep your emotions in check,” he said with gravity.

Estrella smiled. “I understand.” The director nodded. “By the way, we've got a business networking event this weekend in the southern suburbs.

We've got a few spots available. You and Arden, along with Drew from the second team, should go. After your recent wins, it's a good opportunity to land slegal representation deals.” “Sounds good.” After saying that, Estrella returned to her office to continue working.

Eight hours had passed. While her colleagues had left for the day, Estrella was still at her desk, working overtime. Her dedication was one of the reasons the managing partner 11:32 valued her so much.

At Sandalwood Oasis, Jason had just arrived hand noticed Estrella wasn't there yet. His expression darkened. “Estrella’s not back?” Marie replied, “I just called Ms. Estrella, and she’s still at the firm working on a case. She said she'd be honce she’s done.” Jason was somewhat relieved to hear that Estrella would be hthat evening. But remembering how she had thrown away the breakfast he had bought for her, his heart sank again. It was rare for him to extend kindness, but she had discarded it like it meant nothing.

Marie handed Jason a small plastic bag. “Mr. Jason, | found this in the trash when cleaning your room this morning. Are you or Ms. Estrella feeling unwell? Should we visit the hospital?” Jason took the plastic bag that Marie handed him, peering inside to find the pills he'd given Estrella the night before. His expression remained stoic, and his demeanor was as frosty as a winter's day in Maine. Without returning the medicine, he remarked. indifferently, “Nobody's feeling under the weather.” Marie, noting Jason's lack of reaction, echoed his sentiment with a casual, “Good to hear no one’s sick,” before bustling off to tend to her tasks.

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Mounting the stairs, Jason yanked off his tie, rolling it around his palm as his face set into a palpable scowl.

It was past eleven when Estrella finally trudged home, weary to the bone. The house lay in hushed stillness.

Pushing open the bedroom door, she found Jason awake. His eyes were casting a chilly glare toward the entrance. Startled, she greeted him with a playful, “Hey! You're still up?” She hadn’t planned on returning to Sandalwood Oasis that evening, but knowing Jason’s temperament all too well, she was certain that if she didn’t cback, he'd be picking locks in the dead of night. So Estrella decided to just chome.

Jason was that kind of ornery. If you gave him the cold shoulder, he'd be all over you seeking attention. But if you showed up and clung to him, he'd dodge you like you were the plague.

She could bet her last dollar that if she stayed for just three days, Jason would vanish into thin air.

With Ryan's case looming and the trial about to start, Estrella didn’t want to waste her energy on endless bickering, so she chose to return and keep the peace.
