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30 Days till I Divorce My Husband (Estrella and Jason)

Chapter 70
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Chapter 70 Estrella, having tossed her coat onto the sofa, sauntered over to the man with one hand playfully tugging at the sash of his robe and the other resting on his shoulder. She leaned in close, her breath tickling his ear, “Richie, you know if | take care of you just right, | might just have to charge you extra.” The seductive tone of her voice brought a smile to the man’s lips, “Damn, | knew you were just as bad as me.

Alright, if you can keepentertained, | might just set you up with your own law firm.” Her eyebrows arched suggestively as she gently pulled him to his feet by his robe’s sash, “Shall we head upstairs then?” The prospect of heading upstairs had Richie beaming, his eyes glinting with delight. It seemed to him that the three hundred million-plus he'd forked over to Jo wasn’t a loss but a divine setup for a steamy affair. Sure, he was out three hundred million, but he still had an equal amount tucked away along with his company.

Money could be earned back, but he hadn't slept with a lawyer before, especially one as stunning and sophisticated as Estrella. If he could keep her close long-term, the money would have been well spent.

With just a couple of coy words and batting eyelashes from Estrella, Richie was utte utterly disoriented. If he could resist temptation, he wouldn't have insisted on divorcing his ex-wife. Little did his mistress know, before she could even think of securing her place, he was already intent on keeping another woman by his side.

Upon reaching the second-floor bedroom with Estrella, Richie was grinning from ear to ear, his foul mood from the past days entirely dissipated.

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With a definitive click, Estrella shut and locked the door behind them, then turned to Richie with a facade of sweetness, “Just a heads up, Richie, | can play rough. Hope you can.

handle it.” [x] “Handle it? Of course,” Richie chuckled, nearly bursting with anticipation.

Estrella approached, hands on his shoulders, and then her expression turned icy. She swiftly drove her knee up into his groin.

Inthe next instant, Richie's face turned a shade of green. Before he could even yelp, Estrella had thrown him over her shoulder and onto the ground with a resounding thud.

Estrella had been enrolled in taekwondo classes by Autumn since she was four years old. By the age of twenty- three, Autumn had bailed her out of more brawls than she could count. So, of course, she wasn’t going to shy away from a fight.

1/3 11:31 Chapter 70 Curling up up on the floor, Richie was in too much pain to even speak, let alone cry out, his face contorted with agony as he looked up at Estrella, “You-" Downstairs, the household staff and a few bodyguards listened to the commotion above. The maid, feeling sorry for Estrella, frowned and quietly slipped away to the backyard to keep busy. The bodyguards, on the other hand, were all grins, one commenting, “Boss seems to be having a whale of a time.” “Sure does, he was grinning like a kid in a candy store just now.” As joyful as Richie had been downstairs, he was now in equal measure of pain.

Estrella approached the wincing man, kneeling beside him with a mock frown, “Feeling at bit less fiery, Richie? If not, | don’t mind going another round.” “You... bitch,” Richie managed to spit out, his voice shaking with pain. He then tried to call for help, “Tony. Tony.” However, his voice was weak from the pain and Estrella’s judo throw, and he could barely muster a command.

Estrella didn’t take his cries for help seriously. She wouldn't take on a man like Richie head-on, especially not downstairs with bodyguards present. No matter how tough she was, she couldn't beat that many men.

Noticing the fury in Richie's eyes, Estrella chuckled softly, “Next tyou try to get fresh, maybe do a little background check first. Not everyone is as easy to provoke as you think.” This was supposed to be just a divorce case, but it escalated to kidnapping and assault-that changed everything.

Seeing how composed Estrella was from start to finish, without a hint of fear, Richie began to doubt her identity.

Gritting through the pain, he asked with a pale face, “Who the hell are you, and who's got your back?” “If 1 told you I'm Jason Nelson's wife, would you believe me?” Estrella replied coolly Richie was ta taken aback, then looked at her incredulously, “Jason from Nelson International? Impossible. I've never heard of him getting married. You can’t possibly be his wife.” She had to be bluffing. Jason’s wife wouldn't be working as a divorce lawyer.

Before Richie could process the situation further, the bedroom door was kicked open with a bang.

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Estrella turned to greet the newcomer with a smile, “Honey, you're here.” At the doorway, noticing Estrella’s lack of a coat, and another man in the room, Jason's eyes were deadly, even as the middle-aged man lay on the floor clutching his groin in 2/3 11-31 Chapter 70 agony.

In the, as Richie realized the man before him was indeed Jason and heard Estrella call him “honey,” he felt a chill run down his spine. No rescue was needed - he was done for.

Jason gave Richie a chilling stare before turning his gaze back to Estrella. “Estrella,” he said, his voice icy.

Quickly getting up, Estrella dusted off her hands, “You're late. I've already taken care of everything.” “Estrella,” Jason repeated, his tone firm, as he reached out and grabbed her by the nape of her neck, leading her out, Once outside, Estrella was nearly thrown into the passenger seat of the car. She turned to Jason, ready to explain, “I wasn't trying to play you today. | got cornered.” He knew she wasn’t intentionally ignoring his calls and that she had been trapped; otherwise, he wouldn't have rushed over.

Without so much as a glance in Estrella’s direction, he commanded, “You're done with this job.” He had warned her just a few days ago that this line of work made enemies too easily, and before his words had even cooled, she was in trouble.

Estrella replied with a smile, “See? I'm fine. And you know what I'm capable of. | can handle myself out there.

Don’t worry about “Estrella, if you want to keep living, and have kids someday, you better quit.” Estrella gazed at him for a long while, a playful smile dancing on her lips. “Falling for me, are you?” she teased.

Jason's expression darkened. “Don’t joke around with me.” Perched with her right foot on the chair, Estrella rested her cheek on her palm, her gaze locked on him with unwavering intensity. “I swear to you, I'll be just fine. If anything comes up, I'll figure out a way to call you first,” she promised.

Jason started to object, “There’s no way we can-" But before he could finish, Estrella leaned in swiftly, pressing her warm lips against his in a daring move.