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30 Days till I Divorce My Husband (Estrella and Jason)

Chapter 7
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Chapter 7

The bar was dimly lit, a cacophony of voices blending with the pulse of music in the raucous night.

Before Estrella could utter a word, the girl blurted out, “Jason’s not hagain tonight. Bet he’s shacked up with

sother dame.”

Jesse, hands casually tucked in her pockets, flashed a wry smile. “Paula, are you also drowning your sorrows in

alcohol? But seriously, you should. | mean, Jason's flavor of the week changes faster than the specials at Joe's

Diner, and you're still not on the menu. after two years.”

“Jesse, you...” Paula’s face turned beet red with anger. “So what? You honestly think Estrella is Jason's wife? Let

her call Jason ‘hubby’ and see if he even acknowledges it.”

Paula thought it was her who should have been cozying up with the Nelsons. Her dad and Jason's dad already

toasting to their kids’ impending nuptials, but then Estrella swooped in and stole the show. So, behind the

scenes, Paula had tried to trip up Estrella more times than she could count, stirring up all kinds of trouble.

Now, with this chance encounter, Paula wasn’t about to let it slide.

Jesse replied, “Whether Jason answers to Estrella, | couldn't tell ya. But if you call him, | bet he won't give you

the tof day.”

Jesse raised her eyebrows, her tone firm. “Paula, you lost the game. Better quit those sneaky moves.”

Paula was livid. “Lost to her? If it weren't for Landon’s momentary lapse of judgment, she wouldn't stand a

chance! Can she even keep Jason? He doesn’t even treat her like a wife. They've been married two years, and no

wedding bash. All the while, Jason's had a parade of women. Doesn't Estrella know? This is nothing but Jason's

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protest against the marriage and against her clinging on. If | were her, I'd have killed myself by now. She's so


Jesse's expression darkened, and Paula continued, “As for you, Jesse, you mother must be so disappointed seeing

you like this. What are you? Really Are you a woman or a man? Do you even know it yourself?”

the Paula's ranting didn’t bother Estrella at first, until she insulted Jesse. Estrella picked up full glass of wine on

the table, without saying a word, and splashed it on Paula's face. “Had enough, Paula?”

Serene, sure, she'd take seriously. After all, that woman managed to stick around Jason, playing his secretary.

But Paula? Not even a blip on Jason's radar, despite the Lamont family practically throwing themselves at him. To

Estrella, Paula was a nonentity.

Drenched and fuming, Paula hurled her purse at Estrella. “You splashedwith your


Chapter 7


Then it was on. Estrella and Jesse, outnumbered, took on Paula and her posse. But they didn’t need numbers -

Paula and her crew hit the floor before the night was over.

Leaving the bar, Estrella pulled out her phone and dialed a number. “Officer, it’s Estrella from Justice Guardians

LLP. Got a minute?”

The man on the other end was the deputy chief of police. He admired Estrella’s brilliance after she had handled

his messy divorce.

Thirty minutes later, when Estrella got home, the news of Paula’s arrest for causing a scene at the bar was

trending everywhere. The internet, that fickle beast, turned on Paula as former classmates cout of the

woodwork with stories of how she'd tormented

them or stolen their boyfriends.

The Lamonts managed to pull sstrings, getting Paula out and the trend squashed, but not without a stern


Estrella felt a certain satisfaction. As for her bond with Jesse, well, that went back a decade to a harrowing event

in early high school, a tthat had left Jesse forever changed.

After a shower, just as Estrella was ready to turn in, Jason burst into the bedroom. “Estrella,” he began, “I think

it’s t| reassessed you.”

He just went out, and she’d already stirred up trouble. His father had even called him asking what happened.

Estrella, lounging on the bed, retorted, “Don’t play the innocent. And Jason, keep it in your


He knew well why she and Paula had clashed. And she was tired of Jason not giving her the respect she


Jason, shrugging off his jacket, rolled up his sleeves and looked at her with a smirk “You're givingorders


As he approached, Estrella snapped. “I don’t want to see you tonight. Get out.”

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“Calling off the baby plans?”


His grin widened. “Are you sure you want to pass up this chance?”

A lump formed in Estrella’s throat, followed by a surge of anger and sorrow. What kind marriage was this, where

having a child meant begging and waiting on a man’s mood?

Estrella’s gaze grew icy. She decided it was tto reclaim sdignity. “Get out,” she said, her voice a frosty





Chapter 7

Jason's eyes narrowed with intrigue, and he taunted her with his belt. “Where's that fire. you used to have,


Estrella grabbed Jason's belt and smacked it against him. “Aren't you just a pain?”

Everyone has their moods; no one feels like wearing a smile 24/7 just for someone else’s benefit.

The angrier Estrella got, the more amused Jason became. He bent down, getting up close, “I'm in quite the mood
