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30 Days till I Divorce My Husband (Estrella and Jason)

Chapter 66
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Chapter 66 Thomas and Bryce were at their wits’ end with Estrella’s ambiguous stance. Was she still considering divorce? Would she still have their backs? Grayson and his crew couldn’t help but smirk with knowing glances as Estrella plopped down beside Jason, who seemed visibly cheered by her presence.

With her arms wrapped tight around Jason's neck, Estrella, all smiles, teased, “You didn’t bite when | mentioned divorce just now. That must mean you don’t want to split. That makeshappier than a jackpot winner.” Her playful words were like music to Jason's ears, though he feigned indignation, “Estrella, so many people are staring at us. Con.” Unfazed, she retorted with a grin, “I'm hugging my own husband, not someone else's. I'll be shameless if | want to.” Then, turning to Grayson and the others, she quipped, “Right, guys?” Grayson and Taylor chuckled. “Estrella, only you can handle Jason like that.” “Don’t givetoo much credit,” Estrella shot back playfully. “As long as he doesn’t start cheating on me, we're good.” Thomas and Bryce exchanged puzzled glances, wondering if they should still be pushing for a divorce.

Estrella, noticing their confusion, said with a mix of amusement and exasperation, “What are you two still standing there for? Sit down.” After Estrella finished speaking, the two of them stole a glance at Jason. Seeing that Jason didn’t say anything further, and Grayson also gestured for them to sit down, they both breathed a sigh of relief and sat down.

As Bryce and Thomas settled down, Estrella tried toaway from Jason, but he tightened his grip on her waist. She paused, then looked up at Jason only to find him casually chatting with Grayson and the others, his gaze lingering on her last. She couldn’t help but smile. Leaning closer, she whispered a playful warning in his ear, “Jason, easy there, we've got company.” Jason's eyes narrowed, and he pinched her waist firmly before resuming his nonchalant. conversation.

Estrella gasped at the pinch and, under the cover of the dim bar lights, gave Jason's dick a vengeful squeeze in retaliation.

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Only Jason's fleeting change in expression gave away their mischief to the onlookers.

Jason, having been teased by Estrella, pinched her and whispered in her ear, “Prepare the 1/3 11:30 toff first. You won't be getting out of bed for three days.” “Bring it on!” Estrella challenged.

Their whispered banter seemed to quell Jason's earlier irritation about the divorce meddling.

As the evening continued, Estrella returned to her phone, diving into case files. She had taken on a criminal case the day before, and with Jo's trial wrapped up, it was tto focus.

Her earlier flirtatious display had been a strategic move, sensing Jason's reluctance to end their marriage. She had deftly defused the situation for Thomas and Bryce.

Estrella didn’t join in the playful chatter with everyone else but instead worked on her own with the materials.

Jason was surprisingly moved. Throughout, he had always appreciated Estrella’s ability to distinguish between what was important and what wasn’t, knowing when to assert herself and when to hold back, especially in public.

When midnight struck and it was tto settle the bill, a server informed them that Estrella had already taken care of it.

Grayson looked at Estrella in surprise. “You really picked up the tab?” Estrella, packing up her things, stood by Jason and teased, “Well, my dear Mr. Jason will reimburse me.” Without responding, Jason simply took her bag and carried it for her.

Thomas and Bryce were still trying to figure out if Jason wanted a divorce or not when Taylor playfully knocked ssense into Bryce with a piece of paper.

Despite their differences, Jason hadn't considered divorce seriously. For now, their story was still unfolding.

Outside the bar, their drivers were waiting. Once Estrella and Jason were in the car, Jason remarked on her good mood.

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Estrella smiled. “It’s alright.” She had won her case today, after all.

As Jason massaged the back of her neck, he asked about the case. Estrella shared the details of her victory, which prompted a serious response from Jason. He unbuttoned his shirt slightly and offered his support, in every sense, if she ever wanted to leave the legal field.

Estrella reassured him that she knew what she was doing.

“Outsiders will celebrate your achievements. Your family worries about your safety,” Jason said earnestly.

Her smile broadened at his concern. “So I'm family now? 2/3 11:30 He pulled her closer, avoiding the distraction. “Don’t change the subject.” The driver watched the two with a kindly smile. Since Jason’s wedding, he hadn't seen them this close.

Estrella, getting serious, assured Jason, “I'll be careful. Don’t worry.” Estrella was hell-bent on being a lawyer, a goal she pursued with unwavering determination. Meanwhile, Jason, feeling the need for a break, rolled down the car window and lit up a cigarette.

Estrella reached over, plucked the cigarette from his lips, and snuffed it out. “That's nasty stuff. You should cut back,” she chided, with a note of genuine concern in her voice.

Jason actually appreciated Estrellas attention, but due to the presence of the driver, he refrained from any excessive behavior. Instead, he pinched her thigh twice in acknowledgment.

After a drive that lasted a bit over twenty minutes, the pair arrived back at Sandalwood Oasis. As Estrella rummaged through the closet for sfresh clothes, Jason sauntered up behind her and, with a mischievous grin, selected a set of black lace nightwear. “Try this on,” he suggested with a suggestive raise of his eyebrows.
