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30 Days till I Divorce My Husband (Estrella and Jason)

Chapter 249
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Chapter 249 Jason sat there, calm as a summer breeze, while Estrella remained frozen in her gaze upon him. When their eyes met, Jason cracked a grin and joked, “Think you can get full by staring at me?” After he spoke, Estrella picked up her utensils and continued her meal.

Jason refrained from any mischief, and Estrella stayed quiet as well. She had no desire to bicker over trivial matters every tthey met.

Post-lunch, Jason drove Estrella back to the law firm. This taround, he didn’t tease her or try to take advantage of her as he had done before. He could tell Estrella was in a sour mood today. He owed her from the past, and he knew he had to start making amends.

Pulling up to the law firm, Estrella offered a casual thanks before heading inside. Cafternoon, after organizing the morning's trial documents, she pondered over a breakthrough for the ChemiSphere case.

By 5:30 PM, as the firm's staff began to trickle out, Estrella clocked out too. Just as she stepped outside, she noticed Jason's sleek new Maybach parked below.

Hands buried in her coat pockets, she sighed inwardly, What was Jason up to now? Wasn't she clear enough the other day? Why can’t he take a hint? Why was he here again? As the car window slid down, Jason, ever the picture of composure, simply stated, “Get in.” “Ms. Estrella, your boyfriend's here to pick you up, huh?” “Ms. Estrella, go relax a bit with your beau.” Colleagues passed by, teasing, and Estrella’s head throbbed. Logan appeared, patting Estrella’s shoulder, “What are you waiting for, Estrella? Don’t tellyou're heading back up for overtime. You've earned an early day. Go get srest.” Logan didn’t mention the tension between her and Jason, preferring to play matchmaker.

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With more people buzzing around and Logan watching, Estrella reluctantly entered the car Logan leaned down and said to Jason with a smile, “Mr. Jason, make sure our Estrella unwinds properly, it might just spark sinspiration for the case.” Jason’s smile broadened, “Will do, Logan.” Estrella chimed in, “Logan, we'll be off then.” Logan waved them off, “Get going, you two.” The car eased forward, and Jason, gripping the steering wheel, glanced at Estrella, “Where do you wanna chill out? How about | find you a couple of good-looking guys to help you relax?” Estrella couldn't help but laugh out of exasperation. Even after all this time, he still remembered her penchant for hiring male masseurs.

Playing along, she responded, “Sure. Got any recommendations?” Jason rolled his eyes mockingly, “You sure don’t beat around the bush.” But before he could continue, Estrella’s phone rang.

Estrella picked up, and a stern voice cthrough, “Ms. Estrella, we've got simportant matters to report.” Recognizing a voice from a someone from Glimmering Lake, Estrella straightened up, ahead.” After the call, Estrella turned to Jason, “Do you have tnow? Can we head to Glimmering Lake?” “Go “Sure,” Jason replied without hesitation, putting aside his plans to revisit their youth over a movie for her work.

Over two hours later, when they arrived at Glimmering Lake, the sky was already completely dark. Earlier on the road, Estrella had already called Autumn to explain that she would be working late and had informed Isaac.

Jason parked at the village entrance, where a group of villagers awaited them. Stepping out of the car, Estrella and Jason were greeted by the rough village paths, which were still muddy, a stark contrast to the cement and tarmac closer to the city.

“Ms. Estrella, we've convinced Alex to share sinformation with you,” said one of the villagers.

“Let's talk at Alex's house,” they suggested, and the group made their way there.

Alex, a ChemiSphere employee, was central to their investigation.

Estrella was engrossed in her work, with Jason quietly accompanying her by her side. As she perched on an aged chair, he followed suit Unfortunately, the biting cold in the village was significantly sharper than in the city center. Having surrendered his coat to Estrella, Jason, now elegantly draped in a suit, felt the chill even more.

“You probably aren't used to our chill, Ms. Estrella. Why don’t you sit by the fire?” Upon noticing their light attire, a neighbor, generously brought over his own charcoal heater.

Estrella thanked him before diving into swork-related queries.

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While this occurred, a young Girl who had syepped forward Before served them bowls of soup. “Ms. Estrella, you've probably cstraight from work, right? I'm guessing you haven't even had dinner yet. Why not have ssoup? It'll stave off the hunger, at least for a while.” 2/3 08:212 Chapter 249 Before they could politely decline the offer, the girl quickly ensured them, “Ms. Estrella, all these things cfrom the city. They aren’t from the village. You have nothing to worry about.” The earnest words softened Estrella’s heart. Their unsuspecting kindness was overwhelming. They should not have to bear the ruthless brunt of capitalism’s money-making machine or suffer ill health because of it.

Jason immediately picked up the bowl and began to eat. Estrella caught sight of him, who had been a silent pillar of support by her side all through the night, and felt a surge of gratitude. She too picked up the bowl and started eating. The bowl was generously filled with meat, fresh veggies, and two poached eggs. The villagers must have been extravagant while making this since typically, every dwould have been spent on sourcing medication.

As she savored the warm soup, Estrella’s resolve to win this lawsuit was solidified. Winning was the only option.

After finishing her meal, Estrella dived back into work without skipping a beat. She consulted with Alex and compiled a list of the villagers working at ChemiSphere. Armed with this list, she began her door-to-door visits, Alex stepping forward was a significant breakthrough, making the subsequent work much easier. Upon leaving Alex's house, Estrella advised Jason, “You can wait forhere. I'll just make a couple of house calls and be right back.” Considering the uneven roads in the village and the dropping temperature, coupled with his light attire, Estrella felt it was unnecessary for Jason to accompany her on these visits.