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30 Days till I Divorce My Husband (Estrella and Jason)

Chapter 224
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Chapter 224 Suddenly, the atmosphere becsomewhat suggestive.

As Jason leaned in, Estrella swiftly pushed him away with a casual air, “I'm heading back now, thanks for the ride.” Without waiting for a response, she opened the car door and stepped out.

Jason watched Estrella disappear into the night, his eyes laden with a depth of emotion he couldn't mask. Jason never imagined that, three years later, when they met again, they would end their marriage like this.

Long after Estrella’s figure had vanished, Jason finally started the car and drove away from the Dorvold estate.

Back at Sandalwood Oasis, while burning the midnight oil in his study, Jason unintentionally pulled up the surveillance footage from three years ago. No matter how many times he watched it, it always cut deep.

Unintentionally, Jason opened the evidence related to the fire seven years ago. He had it examined by experts many times, and all the evidence was proven to be authentic. The conversations between Estrella and Jesse were also genuine, with no falsifications. Faced with the incontrovertible evidence, Jason felt a turmoil stirring within him and decided to shut down the encrypted files he was working on. He then browsed through other hsecurity feeds, catching glimpses of himself returning hin the dead of night.

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In truth, throughout the years of his marriage to Estrella, there weren't that many nights he hadn't chome. It was just that on many occasions when he did return, nobody knew about it.

Memories flooded back, and Jason, rubbing his temples, lost the will to work. He powere down his computer and retired to the adjacent master bedroom for the night. Without Estrella, sleep eluded him, his rest nowhere as peaceful as it once was.

After the party ended, everyone went their separate ways. And Estrella found herself increasingly occupied with her caseload.

“How dare you claim our factory's wastewater is polluting? We have state-of-the-art treatment facilities and have never once contaminated the environment,” a defiant manager argued.

“Folks, whether your factory is polluting the environment or not, let us through to collect ssamples for testing, and we'll have our answer,” a calm voice from the environmental agency responded.

“You want to pass through? You're clearly targeting our facility, aiming to sabotage our livelihoods. Over our dead bodies will we let you through,” a burly worker shot back.

Chapter 224 Estrella, accompanying the court officials to collect samples at the site of the environmental case, found their path blocked by local villagers, all factory employees. The villagers were resolute, fearful of being charged with violating the environment and possibly losing their jobs.

“Listen, friends, why would we target your factory? The government is committed to helping you all thrive. We're here for your health...” “What health? If our factory shuts down, we won't even have food on our table, let alone a future. And you're talking to us about health? Isn't it laughable for you bureaucrats to preach at a tlike this?” The presiding judge of the case, who had cto collect samples, was cut off mid-sentence by an outspoken middle-aged man leading the blockade.

Estrella, watching the confrontation unfold, sighed heavily. The protesters were clearly prepared and determined.

“What do you think you're doing? Who gave you permission to cross here? This is our turf! Get lost, all of you!” In the ensuing chaos, a young court clerk tried to slip through but was quickly spotted and stopped by the villagers. The situation escalated rapidly, with villagers pushing and shoving the court officials, Estrella included. Despite her attempts to calm them, the lead instigators easily rekindled the villagers’ anger, sparking further conflict.

“Mr. Bryce, it's urgent. Ms. Estrella and the court officials went to...” Bryce was in his office when his assistant burst in with the news. Upon hearing that Estrella was in a conflict while on duty and now in the hospital, Bryce dropped everything. He didn't even bother to shut down his computer, just grabbed his phone and keys and rushed out.

“Mr. Bryce, |..." the assistant called after him, offering to drive, but Bryce was already gon Whether in the present or the past, Bryce was always like this-anything concerning Estrella was more important to him than his own matters, even more crucial than earning money.

Meanwhile, at the airport.

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Jason had just landed when Drew, after ending a call, turned to him and said, “Mr. Jason, Ms. Estrellas been injured on the job.

She's at the hospital.” Jason's face paled instantly. “How bad is it? Which hospital?” “We're not sure of the details yet. It's at General Hospital,” Drew reported, then hesitated, “Mr. Jason, what about the meeting.” “Cancel it,” Jason commanded sharply.

They hurried to the car waiting outside. Drew, noting Jason's anxiety and his decision to Chapter 224 forgo an important meeting, was struck by a profound realization. Jason had never let go of Estrella, not even for a moment. Why then did he agree to a divorce?

As Jason attempted to make a call and failed, Drew tunrned to him, Mr. Jason, Ns Serene called me when you didn't pick up. She said Ms. Estrella’s injuries aren't serious, so you don't need to worry about it.” When Drew mentioned Serene, Jason felt nothing, and he didn't even realize that Drew had mentioned her. He just asked. “How ‘not serious’ are her injuries?” Actually, for Jason, it didn’t matter what the circumstances were. If Estrella was injured and in the hospital, it's a big deal.

Unable to respond, Drew turned his head away looking dejected. After years by Jason's side, Drew was convinced. Jason still loved Estrella, deeply so. Even amidst his anger, it was only Estrella who could stir such emotion within him. Before long, the car pulled up outside the hospital, and Jason hopped out, hurrying inside with urgency.

Ms. Estrella, Mr. Bryce is really worried about you. The moment he heard you got hurt, he heard you got hurt, he dropped everthing ans came running , said Bryce's assistant in the hospital room, filling Estrella in on what had just happened . “He didn't even bother to close the confidential files on his computer.” Bryce, hands tucked casually into his jean pockets, shot a glance at his assistant. “Enough of your chattering. You can go back to work now.” At the door of the hospital room, Jason paused, overhearing the conversation inside.