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30 Days till I Divorce My Husband (Estrella and Jason)

Chapter 186
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Chapter 186 As Jason posed his question, the doctor's complexion shifted in the blink of an eye. Jason trusted Dr. Lee and brought Estrella to seek his help, only to find out that he had been deceived.

With a sheepish look at Jason, Dr. Lee said, “Look, Jason, your dad and | go way back, but | owed Estrella a favor.

She got tofirst, and | couldn't put her off. Besides, this sort of thing can’t stay under wraps for long, so | agreed to help her out.” He paused, then added with sincerity, “Estrella is indeed pregnant.” He hadn't wanted to say yes to Estrella. Dr. Lee had been torn about it, and he’d heard rumors of trouble between her and Jason. Thinking she wanted to protect the baby, he'd eventually caved. After all, what mother wouldn't fight tooth and nail for her child, especially one she'd tried so hard to Conceive? Acknowledging that Estrella had beaten him to the punch, Jason shoved his hands into his pockets and turned away, too fuming mad to find the words. He'd been outsmarted by Estrella. She had everything prepared from the moment she knew she was pregnant, and had all her bases covered with the hospitals. No wonder she was so adamant about getting a divorce.

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If he’d known about the pregnancy sooner, he wouldn't have agreed to her business trip, or stood her up that day.

Jason's eyes reddened, and without a word, he got into his car and drove away. Subsequently, he pulled out his phone and called Drew, “Drew, find out which hospital Estrella’s at.” “Ms. Estrella’s in the hospital?” Drew sounded shocked on the other end, then quickly added, “Right away, Mr.

Jason, I'm on it.” After tossing his phone aside with a sigh, Jason gripped the steering wheel, his eyes still red. He couldn't bear to think about Estrella losing the baby, but considering her fall, he consoled himself-they were young, there'd be more chances.

But the guilt of not being there for Estrella when she needed him most, especially when he was with Holly, gnawed at him.

And what suffocated him was the thought that for a whole week, Estrella hadn't said a word to him, nor had he sought her out.

Without even seeing her face, he knew she must despise him. He was failing miserably as a husband.

Soon after, Drew sent over the hospital and room number, and Jason was on his way.

He arrived at the hospital room in a hurry, hand poised to push the door open, then 1/3 08:34 Chapter 186 hesitated. Finally, with a furrowed brow, he entered, only to find the room empty and the bed neatly made-no sign of Estrella.

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Turning on his heel, he approached the nurse’s station and asked, “Where's the patient from Room 16?” “The patient, Estrella, was discharged this morning,” the nurse informed him.

Without another word, Jason was back in his car, heading for the Dorvold family estate. When he arrived at the Dorvold family home, it was eleven at night. Autumn, seeing Jason rushing over in the middle of the night, hurriedly cdownstairs in her pajamas with disheveled hair. “Jason, what brings you here at this hour?” Caught off guard, Jason cut to the chase, “Is Estrella here?” “No!” Autumn's eyes widened in surprise. “She hasn't cback.” Before Jason could reply, Autumn added, “Did you two have a fight? Did Estrella run off?” Autumn’s line of questioning only deepened Jason's frown. It seemed Autumn was oblivious to Estrella’s pregnancy, or she'd be in pieces by now. And she wouldn't be so composed at the sight of him.

managed, “No, she might have gone to Waterfall With a sinking feeling in his gut, Jason managed, “No, Acres. I'll check there.” “Don’t bother yourself this late, Jason,” Autumn said while reaching for her phone. “I'll call Estrella, and tell her to cback.” As Autumn was about to dial, Cole cdownstairs, greeting, “Jason.” Autumn turned to Cole, “Did Estrella get in touch with you? What's she up to so late?” Cole just looked at Jason and calmly said, “No need to go to Waterfall Acres. Cto the study with me.” Jason, picking up on Cole’s tone, followed him upstairs, knowing he must be in the loop about Estrella’s pregnancy and possibly her whereabouts.

In the study, Cole and Jason sat opposite each other, and Cole spoke gravely, “Autumn doesn’t know about Estrella being pregnant. Otherwise, she'd have already cried her eyes out.” Realizing Jason had cto the Dorvold family hin full knowledge of the situation, Cole didn’t beat around the bush.

Jason remained silent as Cole continued, “Estrella checked herself out of the hospital this morning.” He paused, a weight in his voice, before adding, “The baby’s gone, and she’s not in a good place right now. Wanted salone time, so she’s gone off to clear her head somewhere.” At the mention of the baby, Jason was wracked with guilt. “I really dropped the ball on this one. | should've taken better care of Estrella.” 2/3 08:34 Chapter 186 Cole offered no comfor* TikTok Tiktok Streaming ka Super hack chahiyay? ignoring her. You didn’t even know your own wife was in the hospital.

Jason didn’t counter Cole's reproach.

Cole sighed in resignation. “Well, what's done is done. Blaming you now won't change anything. But as Estella’s father, it's crystal clear tothat Estrella just isn’t in your heart. If that’s the case, I'm not going to force you to stay with her. | won't put you in that position. Besides, it’s apparent you two weren't meant to be.” They finally got a kid, only for their relationship to becmore strained. Life is too long to be spent in constant conflict. Were they supposed to argue for a lifetand create a never-ending cycle of strife? Maybe it was better to accept the situation and let go.