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30 Days till I Divorce My Husband (Estrella and Jason)

Chapter 135
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Chapter 135 Estrella bolted upright in bed, flicking on the light to find Jason, who had somehow snuck in beside her. Her irritation flared instantly, and she grabbed the pillow next to her, unleashing a barrage of whacks. “Jason, are you out of your mind? It’s the middle of the night. Could you be any louder? And why aren't you sleeping? Why are you staring atlike screep?” It wasn’t the thunder that had jolted her awake in the night. It was Jason’s piercing gaze that had set her heart racing. If her heart hadn't been so sturdy, that shock might have done her in.

Jason, bewildered by the pillow assault, protested, “What noise did | make? And why can’t | watch you?” He was simply curious about her. The thunder had woken him up, and he admired Estrellas ability to sleep through the storm. She hadn't stirred in the slightest.

Estrella’s heartbeat hadn't calmed down yet, so she kicked him twice in frustration, venting her scare. “Are you trying to annoy me? Weren't you supposed to be gone? Who asked you to cback?” He definitely wasn't in the room when she had taken a shower earlier. Jason, unfazed, tossed her foot aside. “Who told you | left?” Estrella glared at him and kicked him again before getting up to pour herself swater.

Jason felt her explosive temper with a slight smile playing on his lips. This was the Estrella he remembered from before.

Another thunderclap boomed outside, and Jason glanced out the window, but Estrella remained unfazed as though she was in a different world.

After finishing her water and lying back down, Jason kept his eyes on her, causing her skin to prickle. “Are you going to sleep, or are you just going to keep staring at me?” she asked.

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“It’s thundering outside,” Jason remarked. B Estrella pulled the blankets tightly around her. “Are you scared?” Jason saw her cocoon herself with the sheets, chuckled, and teased her, “Estrella, what are you even afraid of?” He remembered watching soap operas with Kristin as a kid, where the female lead would be terrified of the thunder, always seeking refuge in the male lead’s arms for protection. Estrella, however, wasn’t following the script. The storm raged outside, but she was completely unaffected.

Jason had been lectured by Kristin earlier that evening and wanted to mend their 1/3 09:34 Chapter 135 relationship. Even if Kristin hadn't scolded him, he was looking for a breakthrough to resolve the tension. But when he had returned that night, Estrella’s attitude was lukewarm, and his pride was at stake.

Estrella laughed at his question, and then, mimicking Serene’s voice, she teased him, “Jason, the thunder is so scary! I'm so frightened!” Jason's spirits lifted, but before he could respond, Estrella relaxed back into her lazy posture, yawned, and said, “Jason, you watched too many TV s with your mom as a kid, huh?” It was just a bit of thunder, after all.

Jason was at a loss for words. Estrella’s performance had given him hope for a moment, but she was just using it to tease him.

Their eyes met, and seeing Jason still focused on her, Estrella yawned. “Let's sleep.” As Estrella turned over, giving him her back, Jason flipped her into his arms in one swift move. Estrella tensed up, her eyes widening. “What are you trying to do?” Before she could finish her sentence, Jason intertwined his fingers with hers and leaned in to kiss her lips.

Estrella struggled, but she was no match for Jason’s strength. His hands were like boulders, his kisses as fierce as the storm outside, leaving her breathless.

If a couple had a problem, a good night's sleep could usually fix it. If not, then perhaps two.

Jason kissed her lips, her eyes, her cheeks, her ears... His touch becgentler and more tender, as if he truly loved Estrella, as if she was a precious treasure he held in his hands.

Having experienced both Jason’s dominance and tenderness, Estrella shivered when he kissed her ear.

Jason whispered, “Estrella, you want this too.” Estrella retorted, “Just get on with it. Stop talking.” If he hadn't seduced her, or his hands hadn't roamed, would she have lost control? She could tell that Jason had been watching her all night. He needed to let off steam, or neither of them would get any sleep.

After her response, Jason's lips found hers again. As he moved down her body, Estrella gripped his shoulders tightly, and her emotions swirled. She called out his nwith bated breath.

“I'm here,” Jason responded, kissing her lips before boldly moving forward.

Estrella wrapped her arms around his neck, her fingernails etching deep marks on his back as he moved with intensity.

Outside, the storm raged, and Jason was determined not to be outdone by the elements. He poured his energy into Estrella as if trying to merge her into his very bones, never to part.

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2/3 09:34 Chapter 135 Finally, when Estrella lay exhausted on the bed pleading for him to stop, Jason watched her flushed face and dazed eyes, and after one last kiss, he relented.

Exhausted, Estrella closed her eyes, drifting between sleep and wakefulness, when Jason suddenly leaned in close, stroking her hair, “Estrella, get up and write something for me” It had been over two years of marriage, and it was the first tJason called her Estrella instead of her full name.

Strictly speaking, since that one incident, he hadn’t called her Estrella at all.

She opened her eyes, furrowed her brow at him, and said, “Jason, can’t you just settle down for the night?” Estrella had a mountain of tasks waiting for her the next day, and she had already been more than generous with her tby keeping him company for so long.

As Estrella opened her eyes again, Jason said, “This won't take more than a few minutes of your time.” The thunder had ceased outside, but the rain continued to fall gently. Estrella’s glare at Jason, however, was fiery enough to make up for the absence of lightning. Why on earth did the lightning spare him? Jason wore a dark gray satin robé, his signature gold-rimmed glasses perched on his nose. Despite the late hour, he looked as dashing and gentlemanly as ever. No wonder he had a slew of admirers fawning over him. Estrella had fallen for him once, probably enchanted by his handsexterior.

After staring at Jason for what felt like an eternity, Estrella finally asked, “What am | writing?” “Just a little promise, like the one you made before,” Jason replied. “If we ever have kids, you won't bring up divorce.” The last thing he wanted was to be seen as a walking sperm bank. It was an absolute hit to his pride.

After Jason had laid out what he wanted her to write, Estrella gave him a look that screamed, ‘Are you insane?’ then deliberately turned her back on him, leaving him with a view of her defiant head.

Did he think she was a fool, or was he just naively optimistic? Was such a document something one could casually draft? He had already disregarded her, and if she penned this promise, she would be bending over backward for him for the rest of her life. He'd have her in his pocket, completely at his mercy