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30 Days till I Divorce My Husband (Estrella and Jason)

Chapter 101
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Chapter 101

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Estrella was somewhat surprised. Jason walked over, raised his hand to tousle her hair, then gently embraced

her in his arms. “You've done a wonderful job,” he said gently.

Estrella, who had tirelessly defended her client with passion and dedication, had left Jason in awe. In the

courtroom, she was a different person-focused, solemn, and dead serious-a stark contrast to the usually playful

and cheery Estrella.

Estrella seemed to respect the law so much, Jason couldn't help but wonder, did she really start that fire years


With a faint smile, Estrella responded to Jason's concern, “Thank you.”

This was the first case Jason had ever witnessed her handle since she started her career.

When Logan and the others saw Jason arrive, curiosity piqued in their minds, but they remained silent. Logan

had already sensed something was off during the meeting at the resort but chose to keep his suspicions to


After greeting Jason, Logan and the others decided to head back to the law firm, leaving Estrella and Jason


Estrella mentioned she wanted to visit Ryan in prison, and Jason offered to accompany her. In the past, it was

always Bryce accompanying Estrella.

Half an hour later, when Estrella arrived at the prison, Ryan had just been brought back.. The staff allowed them

to meet despite the timing.

The connection between Estrella and Ryan seemed to go beyond the typical lawyer-client relationship. It was

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laced with a deeper sense of empathy.

On the visitor's side of the table, Ryan, thinking Estrella was worried about his mental resilience, comforted her.

“Ms. Estrella, thank you. I'm content with the two | have



For him, the timing of his fate held little significance. Today or tomorrow made no real


But Estrella’s next words lit up Ryan's eyes with hope. “Ryan, we might have more than two years. You must

keep hope alive.”

As she spoke of good behavior and the possibility of sentence reduction, and even eventual release for

commendable actions, she painted a picture of a world still full of beauty, urging him to look forward to the good

in life.

Throughout their conversation, Estrella spoke inclusively, using “we” as if to share the burden of his journey.

Ryan's eyes shone with the vision of the future that Estrella had described, a future filled


Chapter 101

with good people and kind deeds. A faint smile graced his lips as he nodded vigorously. “Ms. Estrella, I'll try. I'll

hold on to hope.” He believed in all the goodness Estrella spoke of, for she was the best part of his world.

At this point, Ryan looked at Estrella with sincerity and said

“I hope that in the future, Ill have the opportunity to treat you to a meal with the money | earn myself.”

Estrella laughed warmly, gripping his hand firmly. “I'll be waiting.”

As their ttogether neared its end, Estrella promised to bring him books and a dictionary to occupy his mind.

Knowing they would meet again, both parted without fear, hopeful for the future.

Estrella believed that Ryan, with his intelligence, would cto terms with his past and embrace a new life. She

held firm to the belief that life's journey should be dotted with beauty, not just sorrow.

Jason had been waiting outside for Estrella. When she cout, he raised his right hand and gently rubbed the

back of her neck. Jason glanced back at Ryan, sensing the boy had stirred a maternal instinct within Estrella.

Back in the visiting room, Ryan watched them leave, wishing nothing but happiness for Ms. Estrella, for her to be

surrounded by love and cherish.

As they left prison, Jason’s hands tightly gripped the steering wheel. He glanced at Estrella, “You're really

concerned about this Ryan.”

Estrella turned to face him. Observing his hint of jealousy, she retorted, “If you were behind bars, | would be

concerned about you too.”

Jason's expression turned stoic. He freed his right hand and gently held her chin, pulling her closer to him. After

a heartbeat, he leaned in and softly kissed her lips.

Estrella exhaled a sigh of relief once the kiss ended, “Not the best outcome, but not the

worst either.”

Jason took hold of Estrella’s right hand, lightly kneading it. His fascination for her grew as he watched her

dedicated demeanor when she was working.

She glanced at him again, surprised that he had shown up for the trial. As she turned her gaze back to the road,

her phone rang.

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After she ended her call with another client, Jason suggested, “Let's have lunch together.”

Estrella checked her watch, “Next time. | have more work to attend to today.” Her case had ended, marking the

beginning of another one.

Jason merely looked at Estrella, taking her words as an agreement. He suddenly realized how Estrella had

matured. She wasn’t the sEstrella who would skip classes and neglect homework. Now, she held her own




Chapter 101

She had her own career and loved her job passionately. Her world wasn’t only about him, Jason, and scheming

for a family. Estrella was even more devoted to work than planning for a family.

Suddenly, Jason couldn't help but feel that he missed an important phase of Estrella’s growth her transition from

a student to working society.

As he parked the car in front of the law firm, Estrella unbuckled her seatbelt and stepped out saying, “I owe you

a meal. Thanks for understanding and supporting my work lately.”

She patted the door reassuringly before adding, “I have to go. You should get going too.”

“Sure,” Jason replied nonchalantly. He did not drive off immediately but stayed to watch as Estrella disappeared

into the hustle of the city. It wasn’t until she was completely out of sight that Jason started his car and pulled out

of the parking space.

“Well done, Estrella, on creating a small miracle today.”
