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Her Unwanted Mate On The Throne

Chapter 186
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Chapter 186 An offer you can’t refuse

William tilted his head slightly as he looked across at his brother. Suspicion filled his features and she bet

his blue eyes were the same. He was wise enough not to walk into a trap without looking where he would

land. “You agree to hand over the crown?” “I do, under one condition.” Martin smiled across at William

and Doris thought he looked similar to the devil in that moment. It reminded her of a child’s tale where a

wolf dressed up in sheep’s clothing to trick the innocent one. She quickly shook those thoughts from her

head. “Name your price.” William said with a bit of caution in his tone. He didn’t look at her once. “I will

give you over the crown, the palace, anything you ask for… in exchange for Doris.(This will be

daily updtaed at www.jar.com)” Martin said as he leaned back in his seat. William flinched a little as

if his words had wounded him. Even hearing it out loud herself shocked her, part of her wanted to believe

that he had been bluffing this whole time. “What? You want my mate in exchange for the crown?” William

fisted his hands on the table. “Have you lost your mind? What makes you think I would ever agree to

something Any sense of cool, calm and collected fell away from William all at once. He didn’t try to hide

his distaste for his brother any longer and she was only surprised it took him so long. “You and I both

know that Doris will never be happy at the palace. She only has bad memories of the place, let me take

care of her.” Martin gestured to the walls around them. “I had this place set up for her. She could be

happy here and have a true life of freedom. I had a home made for her to be herself where she never

has to worry about being a slave to anyone-“ “You think I would let you take my mate? There is nothing

stopping me from killing you right this moment and ending all of this.” William said through his teeth.

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Martin looked amused which only infuriated William more. “We both know it wouldn’t be that simple. (This

will be daily updtaed at www.jar.com)I would have to give you the crown willingly. Think about

it, William. The crown is all you want-you won’t have time for her once you become king. If you knew her

at all, you would know how much her own freedom means to her.” “How long have you wanted my mate,

Martin?” “Longer than you, that’s for certain. You didn’t even know she was alive when I started this

house for her.” Martin narrowed his eyes. “I should have known that you would sink your claws into the

one thing | wanted. Is this revenge for what happened with Grace?” “Mates are destined, Martin. Don’t

flatter yourself thinking that I cared what you wanted.” William leaned forward. “There is nothing you

could give me in exchange for her. She is not up for negotiation and she never will be. You might as well

stop while you’re ahead.” Doris felt her heart leap in her chest. She knew he wouldn’t have given her up,

but part of her had always worried how far he would go for the crown. Clearly there had always been a

line, and she was it. “Answer me this, William. When did you start to pursue the crown? I always thought

you had better things to do than care about your own kingdom. I don’t remember you in any of the

lessons when we were children. You were always off doing your own thing.” “I’ve always wanted the

crown. I just knew that our father would never take me seriously enough to hand it over.” William raked

his fingers through his hair aggressively at the thought. “When we were young, he wouldn’t even

consider giving me a pack. He insulted me in front of everyone by calling me useless-he made it clear

that I was never going to be anything to him.” “The packs he assigned us were for show, you know that.

They held no real weight for anything. I remember when I fist got mine. I felt so important. I quickly

learned that my word meant nothing to them. They smiled and agreed to whatever I said, but they were

clearly run by someone within the pack. I quickly forgot about them, as did Jack and I believe Daniel did

as well.” “It doesn’t matter if they were for show. That might make it even worse because I was never

given one. I always thought I could be what our father saw me as and(This will be daily updtaed at

www.jar.com) it wouldn’t make a difference what I truly wanted. Whenever I tried to show a. a shine

at my own leadership, our father would laugh it off as if I was a fool.” William shook his head at the

memory. “Nothing I did mattered to that man. I tried for years until I realized I had to do it on my own.” “I

don’t understand. Why would you act like a scoundrel in the palace? It ruined your reputation for

everyone. No one considered you an option for anything serious. We all thought you were fine being

what you are. Having as many lovers and sleeping throughout the days-everyone thought that was all

you were good for.” “I couldn’t fight the seed that father already planted about me. I couldn’t change his

mind or try to prove myself when he would treat me like a fool when I tried. I lived as the son he expected

me to be, and I began my own plans for the future.” William looked at Martin closely. “I knew you were

never happy as the prince. I could see it from day one. Why did you agree to be the crown prince if you

weren’t happy?” Martin cleared his throat and shifted in his seat. “It was easier to go along with what they

wanted. They saw me as the perfect candidate and I tried to be that for them.” “But it never made you

happy, did it?” Martin stared at William for a long moment. He shook his head silently. “No. It didn’t

matter, it made my mother happy. It made our father happy. Their feelings were what mattered in the

palace, not mine.” “I don’t think I’ve ever seen you truly happy. Not even when you got engaged to

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

Grace.” “I didn’t want her. My mother wanted me to build the stronger alliance and I didn’t even know a

thing about her. It sent me to a dark place and I only found a way out when I met Doris.” Martin glanced

at where Doris was hidden. She froze. “Do you know Doris, Martin? Do you know anything about her?” “I

didn’t need to. She was the opposite of everyone else in this castle. She had a kindness that couldn’t be

forced. She cared when I came to the library, I know she did.” Doris frowned a little. Martin had barely

ever spoken with her before this. She understood that most people form infatuations with people in their

mind before they ever speak to them, but she didn’t realize the impact she had on Martin when all she

did was say hello to him once in a while. It hit her then, as she looked at the two brothers. How much

both of them felt lost their whole lives and clung onto the one thing that they thought would make them

happy. Martin didn’t know her, not like William did, yet he convinced himself he would be happy if only he

had her. He would have a taste of simplicity with her and an easy love if only he had her. He would have

the life he always wanted if he had someone like her to love him. William convinced himself the same

about the crown. If only he had it, he would be happy. He would be better. He would be a great leader

and therefore finally prove himself to the world that doubted him. Only, they were both wrong. William

was already a leader with or without the crown. And Martin, she couldn’t give him instant happiness to

make up for a lifetime without it. He had to find that on his own and she didn’t know how to tell him that

without sounding cruel. He loved the idea of her, he didn’t know one thing about her soul. Not like William

did. Silent tears fell down Martin’s face. “You can have Grace back, she was never meant for me. You

can have the crown and be the king you always wanted.” “I don’t want Grace, Martin. I don’t want your

wife.(This will be daily updtaed at www.jar.com) You know damn well that I wouldn’t leave

here without my mate. The crown be damned for all I care, you can’t have her.” 1.