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My Regreted Ex-Husbnad

Chapter 3
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Chapter 3 The Purpose

“Really? No matter how pathetic I am, I can’t be more pathetic than a mistress breaking

others’ family, right?”

Jennie was stunned by Maddy’s words for a few seconds before she reacted. Her face turned

pale in anger and she raised her hand to

hit Maddy

Maddy intercepted her wrist and gave her a crisp slap without any hesitation: “I didn’t

argue with you before, because it’s your

ability to conceive Nate’s baby, but this didn’t mean that you could use the fact of

pregnancy to show off in front of me over and over

again. Why, do you still have a sense of superiority as a mistress?”

Maddy’s slap attracted the attention of many people around,

Jennie’s face turned pale and red. She wanted to withdraw her hand, but she wasn’t as

strong as Maddy. She said loudly, “Don’t talk

nonsense! I’m not a mistress. You’re the one who’s shamelessly taking up the position of

Mrs. Levitan. Nate is so disgusted by you!”

“Don’t you think there’s something wrong with your logic? No matter whether I’m

shameless or not, I’m still Nate’s wife legally

Speaking of which, I would also like to thank you. The child in your belly is the evidence of

his infidelity in marriage. I’ll sue you guys, and

I guarantee that he will lose everything for that. Do you want to try me?”

Jennie’s eyes widened in shock. “How dare you…”

“Try it.”

It was clearly in summer. It was in the heat, but the male voice behind her sounded like it

had been soaked by the cold snow in

winter. The coldness made people nervous

Maddy was slightly startled. She slowly let go of the hand that was holding on to Jennie.

Jennie immediately ran to Nate’s side and covered the beaten side of her face. Tears kept

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rolling out of her eyes and she cried so


Nate’s gaze landed on her. Then, he looked up at Maddy. His gaze was cold and his words

were colder: “Do you need me to introduce

you a lawyer?”

Maddy curled her lips, “There’s no need.”

What a joke. How could she have the money to hire a lawyer to settle such a time-

consuming and unworthy lawsuit?

She was just trying to baffle Jennie.

Nate took a step towards her and tilted his head slightly. He said in a voice that only they

can heard, “So this is what you mean in the

divorce agreement that you’re leaving the house without anything.”

Maddy looked up and saw the indiscernible mockery in his dark eyes. She immediately

understood what he meant and wanted to

explain, “No, I…”

“Money can’t satisfy your desire anymore, what you want is the entire Levitan Group. Is that


Without waiting for Maddy’s reply, he continued, “Otherwise, why did you spend so much

time in this divorce drama?”

For fulfilling you two bastard as soon as possible,

“Maddy, aren’t you overestimating yourself? If I really signed the paper, don’t you think the

gains outweigh the losses?”

I beg you, like a real man, just sign on the paper and please give me a quick release rather

than just baffling

Maddy met his sarcastic gaze and smiled, “Then please, Mr. Levitan, hurry up and sign. See

you at the City Hall.”

Nate’s voice was cold. “After I sign, what is your plan? Do you want to use the divorce

agreement as evidence to sue me?”

Maddy continued to maintain her smile, “Mr Levitan, you’re really overthinking. Can we just

stop wasting each other’s time? If

you’re really worried, I can write you a guarantee after divorce that I will not blackmail you

for a penny for any purpose and in any name,

and then press my fingerprint. Is that a kind of guarantee with legal effect, OK??”

Nate probably didn’t expect her to say anything like this, as if she was in a hurry to get rid

of him, he frowned and pursed his thin


Jennie saw that they had been talking for too long and hurried forward, “Mr. Levitan… Let’s

go. I’m not feeling well.”

Maddy looked at Jennie again and reminded her kindly, “Ms. Wolbrom, you better don’t

wear such high heels, put on so many

makeup or apply such a thick perfume in the future. If you’re dressed like this, those horny

men will take advantage of you definitely. In

the end, the ones who’ll suffer are you and your baby.”

Nate, “……”

What did she mean?

After saying that, Maddy withdrew her gaze leisurely and left

After Maddy left, all of Jennie’s friends who had been watching the show before came

forward and flattered her, “Jennie, Mr. Levitan

is really defending you. That woman’s expressions just now looked so interesting.”

“That’s right Mr. Levitan is so handsome. I’m so jealous of Jennie. She has a boyfriend who

defends her.”

“I think Jennie is right. That woman is really shameless. Jennie is pregnant, and she still

doesn’t want a divorce…”

Nate slowly withdrew his gaze and glanced at the people in front of him. His thin lips parted

slightly and he asked, “Are you guys


No matter how much he dislike Maddy, he won’t cheat on her.

The people present, including Jennie, were shocked. They didn’t know which word had

offended him.

Nate added, “I need an explanation on your pregnancy.”

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This sentence was meant for Jennie.

Jennie grabbed the dress nervously with both hands. After a while, she stammered, “I-I

heard that Mr. Levitan has always disliked

her, so I… found an excuse to make her divorce with you…”

Nate interrupted her and his face turned cold. “Don’t think I don’t know what you’re up to.

It’s enough for me to be forced to get

married to Maddy. Next time, if I hear such a rumor again, you will know what the

consequences are.”

Jennie bit her lip tightly, not daring to speak.

After Nate left, her friends breathed a sigh of relief and asked, “Jennie, isn’t Mr. Levitan your

boyfriend? Why does he talk to you like


Jennie’s face was pale. During this period of time, Nate brought her to many banquets. He

did not stop the rumors about their

relationship, so she naturally thought that she was his girlfriend..

That was why she had asked Maddy to give up her position and faked the pregnancy report.

But, based on what Nate just said…

That night, Jennie finally found out about Nate and Maddy’s marriage story.

Back then, Maddy’s father owed the usury and the debtor sold her to the Night Sky Club.

After she escaped, she ran into Nate and

begged him to save her.

Unexpectedly, Maddy took the pregnancy report to Levitan Family two months later. The

Levitan Family was prominent, and they

cherished their reputation. They did not want to spread this scandal and cause a bad

reputation. Besides, she was pregnant, so they make

Nate and Maddy get married.

After less than two months after marriage, she suddenly had an abortion.

From the beginning to the end, this was an act played by Maddy. She was drugged in the

Night Sky Club. When she met Nate, she

faked her pregnancy and forced him to marry her so get into the Levitan Family..