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An Impossible Marriage Novel

Chapter 69
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Chapter 69

Knowing that Christopher was a germaphobe, Margaret cleaned up the blood on the bed and waited for

it to dry before laying down to rest.

The next day when she woke up and opened her eyes, she caught sight of Christopher sitting on a chair

not far away while smoking a cigarette. The room was shrouded in smoke, and the ashtray was half full.

She said subconsciously, “You‘re sick. You were running a fever last night, and your voice sounded a

little hoarse. You‘d better stop smoking.”

It seemed that every winter when he was with her, they would always fall sick together. Therefore, she

was not surprised at all. However, his cold was worse than before this time, probably because he was

too exhausted from work and traveling.

Christopher ignored her. Under the reflection of light, his expression could not be seen clearly from the

side of his face. There was a hint of coldness shown from the corners of his lips.

She then lowered her gaze and said nothing. As she moved her body, she felt a strong sense of

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soreness spread throughout her body. She could feel her cheeks burning when she thought of what had

happened the night before. That was their first time.

Christopher finally spoke in a tone of command after he finished smoking. “Go back.”

Margaret endured the discomfort and got up from the bed. She took her clothes and went into the

bathroom to get herself changed. When she came out, Christopher was already waiting for her at the


His gaze grew intense for a second when he spotted her strange walking posture. His expression grew

solemn as well. Nobody knew what was on his mind.

On the plane, Margaret was very sleepy and tired. Nevertheless, she was afraid that she would

accidentally bump into him in her sleep. She could tell that he was in a bad mood. Moreover, she had

gone to Horington secretly, and he had yet to settle the score with her regarding that.

The first thing Christopher did when they arrived at the Lewis residence was to go into the bathroom in

his room to take a shower. Meanwhile, Margaret asked Elizabeth in a low voice, “When did he come


Elizabeth was confused. “Mr. Lewis wasn‘t home. He just came back today.”

Margaret was a little frustrated upon hearing Elizabeth‘s answer. I shouldn‘t have sent in my resignation

letter to Casper that early. It must be Casper tipping off to Christopher. I didn‘t even think of that. I

thought... given my current relationship with Christopher, even if he knows that I‘m gone, he won‘t put his

work aside just to look for me.


At the thought of Christopher‘s severe cold, she said, “Change all the sheets in the room and let the

quilts dry out more. Serve more nutritious food.”

Elizabeth nodded. “Okay, Meg. You don‘t look good. Did Mr. Lewis cause you trouble again?”

Shaking her head, Margaret touched her burning cheeks with her cold hand. Then, she hurriedly ran

upstairs and fled the scene. Having experienced the same thing before, Elizabeth immediately could tell

what exactly had happened from Margaret‘s walking posture. She could not help but grin.

Back in the room, Margaret felt slightly uncomfortable listening to the sound of water flowing in the

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bathroom. It was a snowy afternoon, and she started to feel a little drowsy.

After sorting out a few books about paintings, Margaret went downstairs and curled up on the couch. She

then drifted off to sleep after reading a few pages.

It was already around seven o‘clock in the evening when she woke up. The light above her was a little

dim. At a glance, the Lewis residence was not so bright that night. It seems that Christopher had left again.

Right after, she got up and stretched her body leisurely. Elizabeth promptly went to her and asked, “Are

you hungry? Do you want something to eat? Mr. Lewis is out. Tonight... I don‘t know if he‘ll be back. I

thought it‘d be better to tell you that he left after answering a woman‘s call.”

Margaret froze as she was rendered speechless for a moment. “It‘s okay, any food that can fill my

stomach is good enough. Don‘t bother about him.”.

Elizabeth was even more anxious than her. “Meg, why don‘t you care about Mr. Lewis? If he gets

seduced by the women out there, you‘ll definitely regret it later!”

After a moment of silence, Margaret replied, “How do you keep someone who hates you by your side?

Elizabeth, it‘s not that I don‘t want to, but I can‘t. To be precise, I never expect him to fall in love with me.

Rather than falling in love with me, I hope he can let me go.“