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A Replacement Bride

Chapter 119
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Chapter 119

Meanwhile, at the hospital VIP ward, Hera was fuming when she recalled Joaquin and Katherine's

attitude earlier on. "Joaquin is getting outrageous, and Katherine is getting haughty just because she's

being spoiled by him! Mom, about this matter…"

After losing his status as the heir of the Levisay Family, Robert had gone insane and had been

babbling nonsense ever since. Because of that, the Levisay Family could no longer count on him, but

even so, Hera refused to let Joaquin be the heir of the Levisay Family, as his mother's death wasn't as

simple as it seemed. If he went on to investigate it, Hera could lose her life since she was the one

behind it. Elizabeth had a haunted look on her face after hearing what Hera said.

"Mrs. Levisay, based on Old Madam's current condition, she can't be further provoked, so you all better

not provoke her anymore." After performing a thorough checkup on Elizabeth, the doctor advised

sternly, especially when he noticed how pale her expression was.

Hearing that, Hera seemed to want to say something but eventually kept her mouth shut after Elizabeth

shot a glare at her. Once the doctor and the other nurses had left, only Hera and Elizabeth were left in

the room.

Elizabeth glanced at Hera coldly with her muddy eyes before saying, "Joaquin cannot be the heir of the

Levisay Family. Since we can't count on Robert anymore, I'll get John to bring that child back home."

Hearing that, Hera was seen with a grave expression, and she rejected Elizabeth's decision without

hesitation. "No!"

"You should blame yourself for your child's poor upbringing, which brought about this scandal. Why?

Do you still want Robert to take over the Levisay Family? After all, that child is of the Levisay Family

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lineage, so it doesn't matter if I bring him back. There is no room for negotiation on this matter. I've

made a decision, and that's that."

Hera's face was as pale as a sheet while her body trembled as she looked at Elizabeth pleadingly with

tears in her eyes, hoping that she would reconsider her decision. "Mom, if we really bring that

illegitimate child back, how would the others see us? Mom, I…"

"I'm sure that you're just concerned about your own reputation instead of the Levisay Family's

reputation. I've mentioned that this matter is not up for discussion!" Elizabeth glared at Hera.

There were so many things that Hera wanted to voice out, but words just seemed to stick in her throat.

In the end, she had no choice but to nod in acknowledgment as she replied bitterly, "Ok. Got it."

"You should go home if there's nothing else since I don't need you to take care of me." Elizabeth waved

at her impatiently and tried to make her leave.

Although Hera had something to say, she noticed that Elizabeth seemed to have had enough of her.

She then responded to Elizabeth before walking out of the ward. As soon as she stepped out of the

ward, her face contorted with anger. "Huh! Joaquin and Katherine, I have underestimated you!" She left

the hospital after muttering to herself.

Katherine naturally wouldn't know about what had happened in the hospital. After that dinner at the

Levisay Residence the other day, she got to enjoy a few days of calm which was pretty rare. Everything

at the research institute had been going well, and ever since the troublemaker had been gotten rid of,

she'd been feeling more relaxed. At the same time, the first typhoon in July had lashed Hovington as

forecasted. Since Hovington was situated by the shore, the damages caused along the shore were

extremely severe, while many of the residents were badly injured too. The entire Hovington had

suffered heavy losses, and the news channels had been broadcasting news regarding the typhoon and

various situations that took place after the disaster.

"Recently, the Levisay Group had announced to the public that they had located Jaycee Levisay, the

long-lost son of John Levisay. It is likely that he could replace Joaquin Levisay, who was a possible

nominee to become the new head of the Levisay Family. " Katherine, who was snuggled on the couch,

was surprised to hear the news and couldn't help but heave a sigh. The Levisay Family had lived up to

their reputation of being one of the wealthiest families since they were not short of illegitimate children.

They had managed to get rid of Robert, but now, Jaycee just appeared out of nowhere.

However, she didn't seem to be interested in the Levisay Family's news. She switched the channel

after listening to it briefly. In the afternoon, she had received a call from Hera, informing her to make a

trip to the Levisay Residence at night because they were throwing a welcoming banquet for Jaycee,

who was brought back to the Levisay Family. They would also like to take the chance to introduce

Jaycee to the other wealthy families of Hovington.

Katherine was rather surprised by it and got in a daze as she held onto the phone after the call ended.

After a short while, she gave Joaquin a call and asked, "Are you going tonight?"

"They've given you a call?" His tone seemed calm, so she couldn't tell how he was feeling.

"Yeah," she answered.

"You don't have to go if you don't feel like it." Joaquin finally answered after a pause. She could tell that

the place he was at was unusually quiet.

"Are you not coming home tonight?" she couldn't help but ask when she heard the sound of wind on

the other side of the phone.

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"Yeah. I have something to take care of over here. As for the banquet at the Levisay Residence, you

can skip it if you don't feel like attending. It won't affect anything." Joaquin quickly answered. Katherine

seemed to have heard some noise over the phone and her heart skipped a beat. Following that, she

stopped talking and ended the call. After the call ended, she tried to figure out what sound she heard

but gave up after a while as she didn't manage to figure it out.

As to the banquet at the Levisay Residence, although Joaquin wasn't around, Katherine was his wife

who would be getting married to him in a week's time. Thus, reasonably speaking, she had to attend

the banquet. Katherine got a headache as she thought about the situation of the Levisay Family. If she

knew that Joaquin's family was that complicated earlier on, she wouldn't have agreed to get married to


Meanwhile, the atmosphere at the Levisay Family was lively, and most of the A-listers within Hovington

were gathered there. As Katherine stepped into the house, she thought that she'd got to the wrong

house when she heard how noisy the place was, which was really different from usual.

"Why are you here alone? Where is Joaquin?" Upon stepping into the house, Katherine heard

someone asking in a disgruntled manner. Following the sound, she looked over, and as expected, she

noticed Hera, who was all dressed up, staring at her.

Hearing that, Katherine smiled politely and looked over at her innocently before responding, "Mom,

since this is the welcoming party for Joaquin's long-lost little brother, Joaquin should be here to

celebrate the occasion since he is Jaycee's eldest brother. However, it seems like you have forgotten

that today is Joaquin's mother's death anniversary."

The smile on Hera's face faded as Katherine's words felt like a slap on her face. It was because her

words reminded everyone that Hera was merely Joaquin's stepmother.