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Love’s Cunning Ruse

Chapter 73
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Chapter 73

Ivan was leading Julie to his room, not giving her any chance to refuse. This was the first time Julie

realized how assertive this kid could be.

As the thunder outside roared, Ivan clung tightly to her in bed. Julie was usually terrified of storms but

felt strangely comforted with the kid in her arms.

“Mama Julie, do you hate me?” Little Ivan asked, gripping her hand tightly with fear in his eyes

Julie was taken aback by the question. She looked down at the kid in her arms and shook her head

firmly, “Of course not”

“Then you like me?” Ivan said, looking satisfied with her answer.

Julie ruffled his hair, feeling a strange attachment to the kid. It was a kind of fondness that she could

not let go.

Out of the blue, Ivan said, “Then be my mom! My dad is super handsome, rich, kind, and charming.

You’ll definitely like him”

Ivan almost blurted out his real name. His dad, Kerry, had warned him earlier that he mustn’t tell Julie

his name. It’s a good thing he caught himself just in


Julie looked at the earnest little boy in front of her. She had seen kids looking for stepmoms for their

dads but never one who was this proactive about it Ivan was looking up at Julie, eager for her

response. But from Julie’s expression, he knew she would disagree.

Suddenly, a clap of thunder sounded outside. Ivan pinched himself and started crying. His phone

vibrated, and a ringtone echoed in the empty room: “And if that mockingbird doesn’t sing, Mama’s

gonna buy you a diamond ring! The sound was heart–wrenching

Seeing Julie touched, Ivan cried even harder.

He picked up the phone and started complaining to the person on the other end, “Dad, my mom

doesn’t want me, and you don’t either. Why doesn’t anyone want me? Is it because I’m not well–

behaved, not smart enough? Dad, I’m so sad.”

For the first time, Julie was at a loss. She ignored the thunderstorm outside and just hugged the crying

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child, “Sweetie, stop crying. You’re so good and smart. How could I not like you?”

“But you don’t, and you won’t even be my mom. My mom doesn’t want me, my dad doesn’t want me,

dad won’t even stay with me!” Ivan threw the phone aside after saying this.

Julie knew the call had ended. She had never dealt with kids before and thought they could be easily

appeased. She never imagined how serious a child could be. So when Ivan cried uncontrollably, all

Julie could do was try to comfort him, “I will, of course I will. You’re so smart and cute. How could I not

want to?”

“Really? Will you marry my dad? Will you be my stepmom?” Ivan’s crying suddenly stopped, and he

looked at her expectantly.

Just as Julie wondered how quickly his mood had changed, Ivan’s pouty face showed he was upset.

He looked like he was about to cry any second.

Julie didn’t want to hear him cry again. So, she said without thinking, “Yes, Ivan, stop crying. It breaks

my heart to see you cry”

As expected, Ivan stopped crying. His face lit up with joy. He picked up the phone and said to Kieran on

the other end, “Dad, did you hear that? Mama Julie agreed to marry you. You’re going to have a wife


Turned out the call was still on! Julie was mortified. She tried to snatch the phone from Ivan while

shouting to Kieran on the other end, “Mr. Kennedy, it’s not what you think. I was just,

“Mama Julie, are you lying to me?” Ivan handed her the phone, his eyes welling up with tears. It looked

like he was about to burst into tears again.

Julie couldn’t bear to hurt him.

Ivan looked at her with a wronged expression, waiting for her to explain to Kieran. It seemed like if she

said “no,” he would cry his heart out.

After about thirty seconds of silence, Kieran, on the other end of the phone, still hadn’t said anything. In

the end, Julie was defeated by the kid’s pitiful look and hung up the phone.

Now Ivan was satisfied. He snuggled into Julie’s arms, a smile of contentment on his face, and fell

asleep. Only then did Julie take out her phone and texted Kieran, “Mr. Kennedy, there was a

misunderstanding just now.”

Julie hurriedly typed out the whole story and sent it to Kieran.

Kieran was sitting on a black leather sofa at home, looking at the message on his phone. Julie had

explained everything clearly, but Kieran didn’t reply. Finally, Julie couldn’t help but ask, ‘Mr. Kennedy,

are you there?”

Kieran’s fingers paused on the keyboard, then replied, “Yes.”

Julie breathed a sigh of relief. There was a misunderstanding just now,” she said.

Then Kieran replied, “Ms. Abraham, why are you at my house?”

The change of topic caught Julie off guard. She couldn’t possibly tell him that she came because Ivan

was afraid of thunder, could she? That would make her seem too forward. From the location and

decoration of the villa, it was apparent that Mr. Kennedy was a person of power and influence.

When Ivan called her, she didn’t think too much about it. All she knew was that she had nowhere to

stay and Ivan needed company, so she came.

Now that Mr. Kennedy was suddenly popping the question if she spilled the beans about having no

place to live, no one would buy that, right? Maybe Mr. Kennedy would misconstrue her as trying to

worm her way into Ivan’s life to get close to him. Didn’t all the rich folks have this kind of paranoia?

After waiting for Julie’s response, Kieran had already guessed she must be mulling it over. So he

casually asked her, “Is Ivan bugging you again?” His tone was sympathetic.


Julie quickly replied, this time, “No, Ivan’s been a good boy.”


Then, could you do me a favor and look after him a bit?” Kieran responded.

Her phone lit up, and Julie didn’t expect Mr. Kennedy to respond like that, Her fingers flew over the

keys, wanting to tell Mr. Kennedy that tonight was just a fluke. But before she could send her drafted

message, Kieran sent another one, I’m out of the country working on a new project, probably for a

couple of months. I’ve checked you out. If you don’t mind, could you help me take care of him? As for

the salary, name your price.”

So Mr. Kennedy didn’t come back to be with Ivan because he was overseas. Julie stayed silent for a

couple of seconds, then texted back, “I’m sorry Mr. Hernandez, I have a job”

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7van’s in school during the day. He only needs someone to look after him at night and in the morning.

You can do this part–time after work. Think it over and let me know tomorrow morning.”

“Oh, okay” Julie sent the last message and then shut off her phone

She’d originally planned to leave this place. But this sudden turn of events, and Kieran’s softened

attitude towards her today, not as intimidating as the past few days, seemed to have changed her mind.

She looked at Ivan in her arms, who was lying quietly, his beautiful eyelashes like little fans. Although

he was young, his features were quite handsome. His intelligence and liveliness made Julie feel an

unexpected attachment to him, even though they’d only known each other for a few days. Especially

when his little hand was clutching her sleeve, it made Julie feel reluctant to leave him.

At Noblewood Retreat, Kieran was playing back the recorded phone call. On the call, Julie was

solemnly promising to marry him.

Meanwhile, at Gilded Gate Residences, Julie naturally had no idea this part of the conversation had

been recorded. At that moment, she was gently looking at Ivan in her arms. She eventually dozed off,

not knowing when she fell asleep. When she woke up the following day, Ivan was already up. He

happily wheeled a wheelchair over to her and said, “Mommy, you’re hurt. Does that mean you don’t

have to go to work today?”

Kieran said she should rest for a couple of days when they were at the hospital yesterday. So, Julie

nodded and asked, “So why did you wheel a

wheelchair over here?”

Today is Friday, I have a Parent–teacher conference! You promised to be my stepmom last night, so

you have to help me with the Parent–teacher conference!” Ivan said seriously.

Julie hesitated for a moment and said, “About that,”

‘Shawna, get two people to help my mom down!” Ivan didn’t let Julie refuse and turned to Shawna,

“Where’s the car? I want the biggest one, and my mom can’t be uncomfortable”

“The car’s ready” Shawna said with a smile, her gaze landing on Julie’s face.

Julie quickly grabbed the excited little guy and said, “Ivan, about last night.”

“I finally have a mom. Let’s see who dares to laugh at me for being a motherless child! Hmph” Ivan’s

casual remark felt like a cold water poured over Julie’s head. She felt cold from head to toe. The

explanation she had been about to give was stuck in her throat.