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Love’s Cunning Ruse

Chapter 50
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Chapter 50

Julie glanced at Kieran, and Kieran suddenly lowered his head lazily, looking at Julie standing in front

of him, asking. “Julie, what are you planning?” Julie looked at Kieran’s cunning face and smirked. I go

with rock, Mr. Hernandez, are you going with scissors?”

“Who knows?” Kieran stretched out his hand, his expensive watch adding elegance to his wrist

After one look at Kieran, Julie knew she couldn’t trust this sneaky man. If she went with rock, Kieran

would definitely go paper, so she should go scissors. But considering Kieran’s intelligence, he could

definitely guess her move. So, Julie, originally planning to go with rock, switched to paper.

However, the man across from her, true to her words, honestly went scissors. Julie was instantly

devastated. Porter, who enjoyed the drama, burst into laughter Julie, you out of luck?”

Kieran smirked, revealing a mischievous smile. “Julie, not keeping your word, huh?”

Then he picked up the red wine next to him and poured a full glass for Julie.

Julie took the glass and downed it. It wasn’t that she didn’t keep her word, but she didn’t expect Kieran

to be so honest!!

She drank two glasses in succession, feeling a little dizzy. According to the rules, Julie lost and had to

continue challenging Kieran. However, the man across from her calmly asked again, “Julie, what are

you going with this time?”

This was a mind game. Julie directly told Kieran, Tm going rock, you go scissors!”

“Alright,” Kieran agreed clearly

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Julie, already a bit tipsy, went rock, but the man across opened his hand, enclosing her fist.

Julie, feeling the effects of the alcohol, said to Kieran, “Why are you not keeping your word? Didn’t we

agree you’d go scissors?”

“Julie, it’s a game, not a promise.” Kieran was shameless to the core.

Julie stood up, ready to protest against Kieran. However, she slipped, her fist was grabbed by Kieran,

and she rushed straight into Kieran due to the


Kieran quickly caught Julie by the waist, who was obviously drunk. Her face flushed, looking at Kieran

with a confused expression.

Seeing this, Daphne, who was standing aside, immediately stood up and held onto Julie. “Julie!”

Julie hadn’t gotten up from Kieran’s lap yet. She saw Daphne, then suddenly did something shocking.

She reached out, pinched Kieran’s face, then laughed like a fool, telling Daphne. “Daphne, let me tell

you, this man who’s always bullying me, is actually… my husband!”

After that, she touched her flushed cheeks, looking at Kieran with a face full of infatuation.

Oh no, Daphne saw Julie acting like a fool. She must’ve been drunk again! Daphne had drunk with

Julie before. Alcohol could solve many worries, but when Julie got drunk, she always mistook people

around her for Kieran. Therefore, Julie hardly ever drank outside, and getting drunk today was all

Kieran’s fault.

When Julie got drunk, she was as crazy as when she was chasing Kieran

Daphne was worried things would get out of hand, so she tried to pull Julie from Kieran’s arms while

awkwardly saying to everyone, “Julie’s like this when she’s drunk, you guys…

“Who’s drunk? I’m not drunk!” Julie interrupted Daphne before she could finish.

Daphne was helpless, so she pulled the drunk Julie out of Kieran’s lap.

In the room, everyone’s eyes fell on Kieran, and Kieran’s gaze was following the direction Julie left,

staring blankly. After a while, he tidied his suit. Then slowly, he stood up.

Just as he was about to take a step out, Julie, who was pulled out, suddenly came back. Everyone’s

eyes fell on her, and Kieran, who had stood up, locked his deep gaze on Julie.

She suddenly fell on the ground, grabbing his suit pants, clutching tightly, crying desperately, “Honey,

can we not divorce?”

Daphne was standing at the door; seeing the scene in front of her, she was stunned, even forgetting to

pull Julie back.

Kieran frowned, bent down, pulled the woman holding his pants up, then held her up and walked

towards the door.

Daphne reacted and was about to follow Kieran to the door but was stopped by Karl’s assistant.

Karl respectfully stood by the car door, opening it for Kieran. Daphne could only watch as Kieran put

Julie in the car, and then watched the car drive away. As soon as Keran got in the car, he raised the

partition in the car, completely separating the driver’s seat and the back seats. Julie was wearing a

white dress, but because of the large movements she was just making, two buttons on the front had

come undone, revealing her beautiful curves.

Kieran’s throat tightened, he squinted and reached out towards Julie, but before he could button up her

dress, she pushed him away

The sudden force caught Kieran off guard, and he fell back onto the seat Before he could catch his

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breath, Julie suddenly pounced on him. She pinned him down with her hands on either side of his ears,

her small body sprawled on his chest like a little bear, even arching her buttocks up

This position made Kieran somewhat irritated. He held onto Julie’s waist, his voice a bit hoarse “Get a

grip, do you even know what you’re doing?”

At this moment, Julie was practically glued to him. She was wearing only a chiffon dress, and the thin

layer of fabric pressed tightly against his body, letting him clearly feel her body heat.

Kieran’s temperature was also steadily rising.

He tried to move her off him. But the harder he tried, the tighter she clung to him, even wriggling on

him, causing the buttons of his shirt to come undone. The entire carriage was filled with an ambivalent


In the end, he couldn’t stand it any longer and turned over to pin her under him. He looked down at the

woman beneath him, her face flush, her full red lips slightly pouted, exuding an enticing allure. While he

was entranced, she instinctively reached out to grab his shirt, like clutching at a lifebuoy.

Her face was flushed and hot, her breathing intermingling with his. The drunken Julie was hot all over,

with a thin layer of sweat seeping out of her


Julie began to fumble with the buttons of his shirt irritably. Kieran frowned, grabbing her hand, and

pinning her arm to his side. Suddenly, she lifted her chin and captured his lips, then lightly licked his


His breath hitched, he used all his strength to hold her chan, pushing her face away Julie’s hands were

free, and a smug smile tugged at the corner of her


Before he could react to what her smile meant, he suddenly felt a chill! His pants had somehow slipped

down, and her soft hand was on his cock….