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Love’s Cunning Ruse

Chapter 267
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Chapter 267

Mr. Nestor had mentioned that he had found the information on Lucian’s treatment, so Kieran was off to

meet Mr. Nestor.

After some hesitation, Julie finally decided to pay a visit to the hospital without letting Amanda know.

She rushed off, only to hear from Dr. Brice; “Fred just left with Zenith.”

“What did they say?” Julie asked,

Dr. Brice shook his head, a helpless look crossing his face, “They exchanged a few pleasantries, after

which Fred invited Zenith for a meal, and they left.”

At the restaurant.

Fred was still finding it hard to believe that he was sitting opposite Zenith. Zenith ordered a steak and

spaghetti, Fred’s favorite dish.

“Mr. Moore, have you been in Whispering Pines all these years?” Although Fred seemed older, he

addressed Zenith with immense respect. Unlike what Harding’s investigations suggested, Zenith hardly

seemed like Fred’s student. Instead, it seemed as if Zenith was the teacher.

Zenith looked up at Fred, “I had a reason to return. But why are you in Whispering Pines treating


Fred frowned, falling silent. His aged eyes carried an indescribable look.

“Is something wrong?” Zenith asked.

After a long pause, Fred finally spoke, “Emily has been kidnapped.”

“Was someone forcing you on the treatment that patient?” Zenith paused from pouring the wine, his

gaze falling on Fred.

Fred sighed and decided to tell Zenith everything. He trusted Zenith.

He held Zenith’s hand, his voice shaky, “Everyone says you’re my prized student, but they don’t know

that it was thanks to you that my thesis was published. If it wasn’t for that thesis, I wouldn’t be where I

am today. Because of my greed for fame and fortune, I neglected Emily when she was young. Now, the

same greed has led to her being kidnapped. I trust you, Mr. Moore, and now, you’re the only one who

will listen to me.”

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Fred continued, “The patient is related to Mr. Hernandez. She’s his wife’s sister. Mr. Hernandez is

desperate for her to wake up. But they want me to ensure she never wakes up. I may not be a

murderer, but this is very close. However, with Emily in their hands, I have no choice but to follow their

instructions… I have done many things regret in my life, it seems God is not giving me a chance for


Thelped you succeed, and you helped me hide. It was a deal, not a favor.” Zenith looked at Fred, his

gaze steady, “I want you to use all your knowledge to wake the patient.”

Fred was shocked, puzzled. Why would Mr. Moore, who has no connection to the patient, involve

himself in this?

Knowing what Fred must be thinking, Zenith said, “I will bring Emily back.”

Fred believed in Zenith, even though his words seemed bragging. Fred looked at him gratefully and

said, “I know Mr. Moore’s capabilities, but I fear you may be putting yourself in danger.”

“Do you know who took Emily?” Zenith asked.

Fred sighed heavily, even if he told Mr. Moore, he probably wouldn’t be able to do anything. But to

prevent Mr. Moore from acting rashly, he finally said, “The founder of S&J International Law Firm…”

“I will bring her back from Kyle.” Zenith interrupted Fred, “Just do as I say.”

Fred trusted Zenith, but he didn’t understand, “Is this patient really worth you risking so much? After all,

S&J is a formidable force, it will be tough to get someone back from the founder of S&J.”.

“I survived a fall from the heavens, why would I fear climbing to the heavens?” Zenith looked at Fred, a

smirk appeared on his face.

After dinner, Zenith dropped Fred at the hospital entrance, where he bumped into Julie. He didn’t

expect Julie to be waiting for him for two hours just to confront him.

As soon as Fred left, Julie blocked Zenith’s path.

“Mrs. Hernandez scems interested in me?” Since Julie had blocked his path, Zenith stopped.

“Hmm. Does Mr. Moore have another date today?” Julie asked.

Zenith smiled, neither confirming nor denying.

Julie pointed to a cafe across the hospital, “Would Mr. Moore mind having a cup of coffee?”

“Please.” Zenith made a polite gesture, “It would be my honor to have coffee with Mrs. Hernandez.”

Julie was surprised how easy it was to get Zenith to agree.

Once they were seated in the cafe, Julie said apologetically, “Excuse me, Mr. Moore. I have to use the

restroom. Could I trouble you for a moment?”

Zenith nodded.

Julie disappeared around the corner, taking a while before she returned and resumed her seat opposite


Before Julie could even initiate a conversation, Zenith took the lead, “I’ve heard about your sister’s

condition from the professor. You’re overestimating me if you think he’d share all his knowledge with


“So, Mr. Moore, you knew we were searching for you at the golf course because of my sister?” Julie


Zenith, relaxed in his seat, responded, “With Mr. Hernandez’s abilities, it wouldn’t be difficult to uncover

my connection with the professor.”

“Did you come to the hospital today to see my sister’s condition?” Julie asked.

Zenith responded, “You might say that. But Ms. Abraham, you know I’m just Fred’s student, and since

Fred is treating your sister, why go through all this effort to find me,?”

The dialogue revolved around these questions and responses.

Zenith’s question cut straight to the point. His confident demeanor reminded Julie of Kieran, making her

once again overlay the faces of Zenith and Lucian.

Seeing Julie not replying, Zenith’s attractive fingers drummed on the table, “Let’s be clear, I am now a

businessman, primarily responsible for crisis management in major corporations, not a competent

doctor. My job is to rescue big businesses, not patients. So, if you’re approaching me for this, please

tell Mr. Hernandez not to waste his time.”

He took a sip of his coffee before standing up, putting on his coat, and giving Julie a polite smile,

“Excuse me.”

Julie sat in her place, watching Zenith leave, then suddenly called out, “Lucian!”

Zenith didn’t pause, as if the name had no relation to him, and left the café without looking back.

Julie sat there for a long time, comparing the Lucian in her memory with the cold man who just left.

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Lucian was warm, kind to Kieran, whom he raised like a father. He was the one who saved Kieran’s life

from their mother and supported the entire Hernandez corporation, allowing Kieran to enjoy a worry-

free youth. Julie felt that Lucian, in her memory, was like a big tree, providing shelter.

Though he was always in a wheelchair, Julie felt that he was a man filled with hope and ambition,

someone you’d willingly bow to.

This warmth had deeply entered her heart. Zenith, on the other hand, was cold, arrogant, and distant.

Despite having the same face and voice as Lucian, he kept people at arm’s length.

These two contrasting feelings confused Julie.

Until Kieran parked the car in front of the café.

He appeared in her line of sight, finally taking a seat opposite her, where Zenith had been sitting.

She pointed toward the entrance, “Zenith just left from there. Do you think there can be two people who

look exactly the same in this world?”

“Mr. Nestor said that patients with lower limb paralysis caused by traumatic nerve damage can

significantly reduce or alleviate sequelae through regular rehabilitation training. Due to the plasticity of

the central nervous system, there is the possibility of functional reconstruction during the recovery

process after brain injury. But, considering Lucian’s treatment results, the probability of him standing

up… is minimal,” Kieran replied, holding Julie’s hand.

Julie frowned, but looked at him with hope, “But it’s possible, right?”

“Yes,” he whispered, not knowing whether he was-comforting Julie or himself.

Julie took a tissue, lifted her coffee cup, poured the remaining coffee into another cup, and carefully

handed the cup to Kieran, “Before I had coffee with Zenith, I went to the restroom and asked the barista

to ensure only Zenith’s fingerprints were on the cup. Lucian’s fingerprints should be in the database,

right? If Zenith’s and Lucian’s fingerprints match, then…”

**Side Story**

The reporter asked, “Mr. Hernandez, what are your thoughts on Mrs. Hernandez collecting Mr. Moore’s


Mr. Hernandez replied, “Meeting Mrs, Hernandez is the luckiest thing in my life. Marrying her is a

blessing from eight lifetimes of good karma. My future happiness is in her hands, as is the happiness of

my lower half. I must love her more tomorrow than I do today.”

The reporter continued, “Can you summarize your thoughts, Mr. Hernandez?”

Mr. Hernandez, replied, “Cherish every day and never stray.”

The reporter was speechless.