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Tsundere Wife And Kawaii Kid

Chapter 23
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Chapter 023

Bring The Two Children Over Soon, Lena took Eileen to the Whites’ Residence I was a villa in the mid

mountain with an ocean view. Although it was slightly old, it was one of the most expensive mansions in

Oscos. The Whites had countless properties all over the world, but Marie was a nostalgic person and

had always lived in this old mansion During festivals, Ivan would return to the old mansion to reunite with

his grandmother The car was slowly driven along the mountain road into a lush green world. It was like

entering a secluded and refined forest, Oxygen here was abundant and clean from nature. Although

Oscos was a special economic zone, the air was very polluted. This place, on the other hand, was a rare

paradise At the first gate, a young and handsome guard stopped their car and asked vigilantly, “What are

you here for?” Lena Brown quickly opened the car window and smiled at the guard. “It’s me. I just talked

to Jacobs on the phone I made an appointment to visit Old Madam White at ten o’clock.” “Oh, so it’s Ms

Brown.” Only then did the guard open the railing They then passed through three similar gates in a row.

The car was driven for more than ten minutes before it finally arrived at the main entrance of the villa

“Come on in.” The butler was already waiting at the door. He was wearing an old-tashioned suit and a

pair of golden glasses, giving off a polite and meticulous feeling. He had been working here for more

than thirty years and was also the person Marie trusted the most. “Tsk tsk. this place is really big! It’s

several times bigger than ours!” Although Lena was also the wife of a rich man, she still telt

overwhelmed. Ten minutes later, the butler brought Lena to the living room. The living room was

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shockingly large, which could accommodate. gathering of more than a hundred people Marie was

already waiting in the living room. At this moment, she was sitting on the mahogany sot. in a silk dress

with a silk shawl. A pair of glasses with chains was propped on her high nose bridge. She looked noble

and dignitied, and her elegant demeanor when she was young could be vaguely seen. “Oh my, Old

Madam, long time no see!” Lena greeted with a flattering smile, and she enthusiastically went forward to

try to shake Marie’s liand. Marie sat upright. She was very dispusted with Lena’s low-level social

ceremony and had no intention to return the pleasantries, “Here you are. Have a seat,” she said in a cold

tone, distancing hersell at once Lena smiled awkwardly and quickly handed over the high-end

supplements she had bought. She said tawningly. This is a gift for you, Old Madarn White. It’s a sinall

token of our respect. Please don’t dislike it!”

There is no need Serve tea!” Marie was holding her cat without any trace of expression on her face, and

she did not care about these things at all Lena put the supplements on the collee table and sat down with

Eileen restrainedly Then, the servant poured tea. “Um, Ivan hasn’t returned from his business trip yet?”

Marie looked up slightly and replied coldly, “Yes, he will return tomorrow.” “oh!” *Did you come over today

for something? I there’s anything, just say it.” Lena laughed dryly and said with some embarrassment,

“No, it’s nothing important. We just came to visit you, Oh, Eileen is particularly concerned about your

health. She otten talks to me about visiting you…” When Marie heard this, the corners of her lips curled

up slightly and she turned to look at Eileen sharply, Elleen was nervous and did not dare to look at the

old lady at all. She just smiled uneasily. She also wanted to perform well in tront of Marie. She had tried

to pretend to be well-behaved, sensible, and virtuous. Unfortunately, Marie didn’t buy the act at all. “If

there is nothing to say, I’in going upstairs to take a nap.” “Please. There is a small matter. It is just that

I’m einbarrassed to say it.” Mariesned. “Since you are embarrassed, then don’t say it.” Luchokd.the

response and cursed in her lieart that Marie was too insensitive. However, her face was still full of smiles:

“Uh, um…

It’s about the marriage bweni Ivan and Eilen You see, the two of them have been dating for so lone. They

are also around the right ap, to think we should hurry up and arrange their marriage.” When Marie heard

this, she crowned sliphitly and did not reply. Eileen blushed and she was so nervous that she could not

stop rubbing her

fingers. Leurally speaking, it was the men’s Lamily’s initiative to propose a marriage. But right now, she

couldn’t care about anything else She just wanted touure the position of Mr White as soon as possible.

Singthai Marie didn’t respon, Lum u mbarrassoly and continued to biting the bullet, “It’s good to get

married early so that

Thury can have children early toothink, Old Madami, you are also in a hurry to have grarwichildren,

right?” Marie curled her lips and coldly replied, “lust discuss these matters with Ivan. I don’t have a


+ 10 “Yes, you’re right, but young people are always indiferent to this matter. As parents, we have to take

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care of it, don’t we…” Without waiting for Lena to finish, Marie lazily stood up. “Alright, I’m tired. I can’t

make the decision on these matters. Just let Ivan make the decision himseli.” “Old Madam, Old Madam!”

“Send the guests olt!” Lena looked embarrassed, and she was feeling anxious. “Ms Brown, Old Madam

is not in good health and needs to rest in the afternoon. No one can disturb her. You should go back

first.” “Oh, okay.” Lena and Eileen were given the cold shoulder, so they had no choice but to leave with

their tails between their legs. After the two of them lett, Marie snorted coldly. “Hmph, this pair of mother

and daughter are not easy to deal with.” Ivan walked out of the room and changed his cold and distant

image he had in front of outsiders. He smiled and hugged around his grandmother’s shoulder. “Grandma,

why are you so prejudiced against Eileen?” He had come back from kruciun yesterday. But he didn’t

want to meet Eileen, so he had lied that he would return the day after tomorrow “With such a mother,

what good can the daughter be? Like mother, like daughter!” Marie did not like Lena at all. Although

Marie had already retired, she was still the actual controller of the lamily. For somany years, she was

able to bring along her grandson to make Cavebeat the leading company in Oscos, so naturally she was

not an ordinary person Back then, Lena had been a famous social butterfly in Oscos. After marrying into

the Hills, she successfully joined the upper circle. How could those thoughts of hers be hidden from

Marie’s eyes? “Grandma, her mother is her mother, Eileen is Eileen! We can’t mix them this way…” Ivan

tried to convince his grandmother. Marie’s face darkened and interrupted him. “Have you done what I

told you to do?” Ivan was confused. “What is it?” “I heard that Molly gave birth to two children. Bring the

two children over and let me see them.” Ivan was stunned.