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The Secretly Rich Man full story

Chapter 2484
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The Secretly or invisible Rich Man Chapter 2484

“Careful, Darkwind…!” yelled Lyndon. Though he was also appalled by that terrifying power, Lyndon quickly leaped

forward and mobilized his essential qi, thus combining it with Darkwind’s, in order to block the attack together!

Following the collision, an explosive sound was heard.

Lyndon and Darkwind’s clothes were instantly shredded, and their backs quickly began releasing huge surges of

white smoke as well!

It was as though they were overheating pots! That wasn’t all, either.


Both of them now had black faces, and after vomiting their insides out, they weakly flopped to the ground.

Darkwind knew that his organs had been severely damaged, and even his primordial spirit had nearly been


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However, due to the fact that he had been a Domiensch Master for quite a while, he was able to force himself to sit

cross-legged to restabilize his primordial spirit.

Lyndon, on the other hand, was not as lucky. With even a bone protruding out of his elbow, this old man was no

longer able to move…!

Laughing aloud, a smug smile appeared on Ryder’s face as he scoffed, “Impressive, Darkwind…! To think you’d still

be able to regulate your essential qi after being hit by my powerful attack!”

After all that noise, Marcel and the professor came running out and upon seeing how horribly beaten up the two

were, they both yelled, “M-Mr. Darkwind..! Mr. Moldell!”

“Don’t…! Stay inside..!” retorted Darkwind as he coughed even more blood out.

“It’s far too late for that…! Gerald hasn’t shown up, so all of you must die…! Well, most of you. Since we’re old

acquaintances, Darkwind, I’ll give you the option of defecting from Gerald. If you kowtow thrice before me and

promise to submit, I’ll spare your life!” yelled Lyndon before laughing once more.

“As if an amalgamation of human and demon like you even deserves receiving a kowtow from me!” retorted

Darkwind with a bitter smile.

“You…! Fine, then! Since you’re this stubborn, enjoy your one way trip to the underworld!” growled Ryder as he

trembled in rage. Just as Ryder was about to strike Darkwind’s forehead, a voice suddenly called out, “Hold it!”

Following that, a group of people could be seen running over, and the leader appeared to be a beautiful young


“Why wouldn’t I be after you caused such a huge commotion?” replied the eldest young mistress before turning to

nod at Darkwind while adding, “Also, it’s been a while, Mr. Darkwind!”

Still looking extremely haggard, Darkwind forced a chuckle before replying, “To think you’d remember me, Young

Mistress Quarrington..!”

“Of course I do! I, Yusra Quarrington, even remember saying that though you didn’t want to join our group, we’d

still be friends! Regardless, you should know that the matter regarding the general’s tomb isn’t all fun and games,

Mr. Weir. Master Greendrake has invited so many of us, including you here, so don’t you find infighting to be a tad

wrong before we’ve even started the expedition?” said Yusra as she looked at Ryder.

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“Oh, this isn’t a simple case of infighting! I’ve hated these people for the longest time, and I truly must end them

this time, Young Mistress Quarrington..!” growled Ryder who wasn’t lowering his murderous intent at all.

“According to the rules of the cultivation realm, dueling to the death is the most appropriate way to settle this,

Eldest Young Mistress. With that said, let’s not interfere!” said Mr. Sevenom, who had appeared out of the blue, as

he revealed a frigid smile.

Watching as the other cultivators nodded in agreement, Darkwind then struggled to his feet before scoffing, “Just so

all of you know, feet before scoffing, “Just so all of you know, I’ve never hidden like a coward behind others

throughout my entire life…! While I appreciate your kindness, Eldest Young Mistress, this is my conflict with Ryder,

and it’d do you best not to interfere… Now then… Make your move, Ryder!”

“Come meet your end, Darkwind!” retorted Ryder who was smiling sinisterly.

Just as Ryder was about to launch another attack, however, he suddenly heard a familiar voice scoffing, “Allow me

to take that attack instead, Ryder!”

Naturally, the one who had said that was Gerald!

Though he hadn’t even realized when Gerald had returned, Ryder’s eyes were too blinded by rage to care as he

growled, “So, you’ve finally appeared, Gerald..!”