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The Lycan King’s Rejected Soulmate by Fire Sprout

Chapter 13
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Chapter 13


The moon goddess touched her nose softly and she flashed an abashed smile at me.

“I didn’t know your image of me was that high level.” The moon goddess said with her smile still on her


My mouth dropped open in shock. I could almost fit an egg inside my open mouth.

This was not how I had imagined the moon goddess to be.

I thought she would have a cold and stern bearing with an inviolable aura around her.

The moon goddess before me seemed human somehow. She was approachable.

The comfortable and serene feeling around her was better than the one the Bosun Tribespeople

showed me.

The tranquility she emitted stabilized my frenzied mind.

I was getting worried about how I would be able to get out of here and then save myself from Nara and

her tribespeople’s encirclement.

When the moon goddess came, all my worries seemed to have vaporized.

The moon goddess waved her hand and three platforms rose from the floor of the white space.

Two of the platforms morphed into chairs while the last one turned into a square table.

She whispered something and two cups emerged from the table with a transparent liquid that looked

like spring water inside.

I stumbled down the urge to worship her as I said, “Why did you save me? Why did you bring me


I did not spare a thought on the fact that my question might sound rude.

I was not like my past self that would take everything in stride. My current self would prefer to be

exposed to information instead of living in the dark.

She smiled, “So straight to the point. I need your help.”

“You, need my help? A goddess asking her mortal creation for help seem

impossible.” I chuckled.

The moon goddess gestured for me to sit before she took a sip from her

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I sat down.

Although I didn’t feel uncomfortable standing up, I wanted to comfort my mind a little by sitting down.

“Avery, do you know that you are a special person?” The moon goddess did not answer the questions I

fired at her.

“Me? A special person? Your joke is not funny.” I said with a low laugh. I did not want to think about

how heartbreaking my laugh is. It would send me into depressing thoughts again.

If I, a woman ridden with bad experiences was a special person, then everybody else are all ordinary


The moon goddess looked at me with tender care in her eyes. I turned my eyes away from hers before

I stared at the white space.

Her eyes made me want to believe her words unconditionally but I want to think logically first.

If she can’t convince me that my views are flawed, I would reject her own opinions in order to stick to

my own.

She held my hands and I had to return my sight to her.

“You see, you are like gold. A gold that was dug out from the ground won’t be properly valued until it

goes through fire refinement.” She paused, “Your experiences were just ways to polish your character.”

“So my mother’s death is justified? Me being rejected is okay then?” I sneered.

The moon goddess’ words had a point but right now, I don’t want to read the implications behind her

words. I want to talk about my views too.

I did not want to talk rudely to her but her words were poking me in the wrong spot.

Even if I was the evilest person in the world, I don’t think I deserved a rejection. I will never wish for my

enemy to experience rejection.

Besides, my mother didn’t deserve to die at all. If she didn’t try to protect me, she would have lived.

My eyes started to sting at the thoughts of my mother surfaced in my head. I shook the feeling away.

This was not the time to be shedding


It won’t help my situation even if it brings temporary relief.

The moon goddess released my hands before she pushed the other cup opposite her own to me.

“Drink.” She instructed and I obliged.

I raised the cup yo my lips and the transparent liquid flowed through my mouth to go down my throat.

A cool feeling went down my throat to my stomach before spreading all over my body.

My m ental self strengthened considerably.

“I have been with you since you were born because you were chosen by me.” She started, “The reason

for your mother dying can be explained. As I said before, you are a special werewolf so my enemy tried

to eliminate you by using the laws of these world and the creatures contained in it.”

I processed her words carefully.

If the moon goddess regards the person as her enemy then the entity must be very formidable. The

person won’t be someone I could battle so why was the moon goddess asking for my help?

“You are a goddess, why can’t you defeat your enemy? I am just a useless. omega, I don’t think I can

battle someone you regard as an enemy.” I said and she nodded.

“You are right about your assumptions but there is something that might have remained unknown to

you. Although I am a goddess, I have to follow the laws of the world when I do things.” The moon

goddess explained and I looked at her in shock.

I always though that as a goddess that could have creations, the moon goddess should have

tremendous power enought to summon rain and move the earth but here she was, telling me


“What do you mean?” I asked as I could not wrap my head around the bombshell she just dropped.

She gave a wry smile, “I have tremendous powers but even those powers have to be used according to

the laws this world has.”

Something occurred to me.

I knew the world had to have laws or it would descend into chaos and strife but I thought they were

created by the moon goddess so she should

have absolute control over them.

“I didn’t create the laws of the world. They are put there by the earth herself.” She continued.

She raised her cup, “These chairs, tables and even these cups that I conjured followed the law of

equivalent exchange. You can call it the the karma law. Every action has a reaction, I used my power to

eliminate the reactions creating these items would cause.”

“You don’t want to upset the balance of the world by using your powers indiscriminately. Your powers

give the world whatever you take from it.” I concluded and the smile on her lips turned brilliant.

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“The drink inside the cups can grow the me ntal self. It is imbued with my powers so drink more of it.”

The moon goddess said. I nodded at her words.

It would be a waste to refuse such a marvelous drink.

“Who exactly is your enemy?” I asked after digesting all the information she said.

“Although I created the werewolves and the lycans, I grew lonely. I

wanted to interact with someone on the same level as I am so I used half of my powers to create a g

od.” The moon goddess sighed and for the second time, I was thrown into shock.

“So you created your enemy?!” The words dropped out of my mouth uncontrollably.

The being the moon goddess had regarded as her opponent was her


How did she do it? Why had the g od rebelled? Why was he going against his creator?

“He wasn’t like this before. He was kind and lovely but I did not know when dark thoughts took root in

his mind. He aspired to defeat me and be the only supreme entity.” The moon goddess sighed with

emotions I never expected to see her feel but it was understandable.

She used part of her powers to create a companion for herself but the g od she brought into existence

wanted to overthrow her.

It was funny and at the sane time, it was sad.

What I don’t understand now is why the moon goddess thought I could go against somebody that could

give her headaches.

Besides, I had the suspicion that my rejection was part of this new g od’s


“You are right. The rejection you experienced was both the g od’s doing and mine.” The moon goddess

said and her voice resounded in my head like an echoing bomb.


The moon goddess was one of the people behind the soul rending pain I had to go through?

I felt my heart quake.

I felt anger that threatened to consume me.

“What?!” My voice cracked a little but I gave no thought to it.

A being that created me harmed me instead of watching over me.

It was one of the reasons I previously disliked the moon goddess. I felt she had power to do anything

so why had she not rescued me from my predicament?

I did not know that she was watching me roll around in agony from her perch above.

It was so ironic.