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The Consortium’s Heir by Benjamin_Jnr

Chapter 37
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Chapter 37 Two days had passed since Darius visited the Dragon Estate in search of a new apartment.

Elle had kept to her words so it took only one day for the maintenance in the apartment to be completed.

When Darius moved in to the apartment, it was completely different from how it was during his last visit.

Everything had been repainted and redesigned to suit his taste, showing that the members of the

maintenance team were no amateurs. As a matter of fact, it would be more accurate to say that they

were the best of the best.

Darius‘ exit from the dormitory did raise suspicion among the other members of the male dormitory, as

his exit was too sudden for them to process.

There was several rumors as to why Darius, a well known church rat in the dormitory suddenly moved

out from the dormitory. Some people said that he had gotten a new job which paid very well, which was

why he was able to afford leaving the dormitory.

When they thought about it that way, they reasoned that his decision was perfectly logical. If he had

indeed gotten a good source of income, it was understandable that he moved out from the dormitory.

They remembered that he had also gotten some very decent clothes recently. In that case it was surely

the money he got from the said job that he used to purchase the clothes.

There were also several speculations about his departure, but alas they were just rumors as Darius kept

mute about the reason for leaving the dormitory.

[Dragon Estate: Darius apartment]

Darius came out of the shower after taking his bath with a huge smile on his face. He was happy today

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for two reasons.

The first reason was that Bruce had called him earlier this morning to inform him that he would be

coming over to his apartment to deliver his two cars. Darius was obviously happy when he heard the

news. He was already fed up with using the public transport vehicles. Not only were they time consuming

but they were also slower than private owned vehicles. He needed his own cars. It would save him a lot

of trouble whenever he needed to go somewhere.

The second reason he was happy was because today was Saturday, a weekend, therefore he didn‘t

have any classes to attend to today. After being incredibly busy the past few days, he decided that he

needed a well deserved rest. He would just stay at his new home and relax.

Just as he finished putting on some casual clothes, his phone which he kept on the bedside

table rang

He walked over to the bedside table and picked up his phone. When he saw that the caller was Bruce he

answered the phone call before placing the phone against his ear.

“Your cars are ready now Young Master Reid.” Bruce said the moment Darius answered the phone call.

“Alright I‘ll be there in a minute.” Darius replied before disconnecting the call. As he left his apartment he

was incredibly excited. After a whole week of waiting he was finally going to receive his cars. He walked

down the hallways and into the gold plated elevator excitedly. Once he got the lobby he spared a fleeting

glance at the counter.

This time around it was a young male who was the receptionist. Maureen had been fired and another

person was put in her place. Darius sighed. Although he was annoyed by Maureen‘s rude behavior, her

dismissal was necessary. As a front desk agent, she should have been more polite to him. She had

probably treated other guests that way. He only hoped that she had learnt her lesson and would do

better at her new place of work.

Darius nodded lightly to the male receptionist as a sign of greeting before making his way outside the

lobby. However when he stepped outside the lobby, he was rendered speechless by the sight he saw.

Several Rolls–Royce cars were parked neatly just outside the Dragon Lord‘s Imperial Residence. Darius

counted the Rolls–Royce cars parked outside and saw that they were six in number!

That wasn‘t all. In between the Rolls–Royce cars were his two sports cars, his Bugatti and his


When Darius saw the impressive lineup of cars and his two cars he instantly knew that Bruce was the

one behind the extravagant display of wealth. The question was why Bruce thought it necessary to bring

several luxurious cars just to deliver two cars to his residence. As expected, when people saw the

impressive lineup of cars they naturally started discussing about it.

“Who are they here for?”

“I don‘t know but it‘s got to be someone very important.”

“Aren‘t those cars from the famous Rolls–Royce Phantom Solid Gold series?! I just looked it up now on

the internet!”

“What?! You‘re right!” “I heard that the starting price for those cars is 10 million dollars, and those are

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clearly customized so it will definitely cost more!” “And they‘re not just one of them but six!”

“They also came with two very expensive sports cars too!”

“The owner must surely be some bigshot! There‘s no doubt about that!”

Darius who was right behind the duo discussing about the cars had a complicated expression‘ on his

face. He looked around and saw that several people were already beginning to gather around the cars


It should be noted that everyone who was a resident of Dragon Estate was someone high up in the

societal class, so they had seen their fair share of such display of wealth. However, the case

this time was very different.

The eight cars parked outside the entrance to the Dragon Lord‘s Imperial Residence were very

expensive cars that not just anyone could purchase. Not only were the cars expensive, they also gave off

an imposing aura.

It was no surprise that they hung around to see who the cars came to pick.

When Darius noticed the crowd formning, he decided to turn away from it. He didn‘t want to be the focus

of attention right now. He decided to return to his house and call Bruce, asking him why he had made

such a big deal about delivering his two cars. However a loud voice echoed in the surroundings before

Darius could even move a short distance from his current position. “Young Master Reid! I have arrived

with your cars!” Everyone immediately stopped talking and looked at the direction Darius stood. Darius‘

eyebrows twitched when he heard his name. Bruce‘s yell had completely ruined his plan of staying

lowkey and avoiding attention. He sighed. Left with no choice, he turned back to where Bruce stood with

Rolls–Royce and started walking towards him.