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Rebirth of the Wife in Despair by Tess Munoz

Chapter 97
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Chapter 97 What It Means To Like Someone

Eileen used to be ruthless and willful, often leading the bullying of others. However, with the arrival of

Elm, she gradually found herself isolated and oppressed, becoming the one

subjected to bullying.

Eileen acknowledged her wrongdoing. She couldn’t justify her past actions, nor could she find the

words to explain.

Overall, this banquet was far from enjoyable.

Even if her connection with Yvette was only superficial, whether she leveraged her relationship to get

close to Eric or played matchmaker for Yvette and Eric, using her departure from Eric and the Swan

family to her advantage-none of it mattered.

Eileen still wanted to maintain this relationship.

As the sky darkened and the temperature dropped, her shawl was no longer sufficient to ward off the

chill. Eileen had the Friedman family’s housekeeper fetch another bottle of safflower oil, which she

used to massage her ankles. It took over half an hour for the swelling to finally subside.

At that moment, someone approached. “Miss, is this your phone?”

“Yes, it is. Could you please put it on the table for me? It’s rather inconvenient for me right


The housekeeper noted, “Your phone has been ringing non-stop.”

“Got it.” Eileen’s dress lacked pockets, making it inconvenient to carry a phone. Typically, phones

would be stored in the deposit box at the entrance when they arrived.

Eileen was curious about who would call her at this hour.

Wiping her hands, she picked up her phone just as the call came through again. She chose not to

answer, allowing it to disconnect automatically.

More messages followed.

Why haven’t you gone back yet?

Is your foot feeling any better?

Do you

need me to send Fabian to pick you up?

Eileen… return the message.

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Looking at the messages, Eileen felt nothing.

While others might feel touched by the sender’s concern, for her, it felt as if she were constantly being

observed. She could even imagine the tone and expression Jasper would have when saying these

words to her.

Their relationship hadn’t reached the point where she must report to him at any time or follow his every

wish, and Eileen didn’t particularly like this situation..

Most of the people around had already left one by one. Yvette had only made a brief appearance,

going upstairs and not returning.

Carefully slipping her feet into her shoes as it grew late, Eileen prepared to leave.

As it approached eleven o’clock, the crowd in the hall had mostly dispersed, and Jacqueline was

seeing off guests at the door.

“I really appreciate your gift. Considering the gift, I won’t hold a grudge about what happened last time.

But if you’re free, how about treating me to a meal tomorrow? What do you say… old man?”

The girl wore the latest high-end perfume of the year, its scent overpowering and somewhat

discomforting. However, this perfume happened to be the birthday gift that Gavin had. chosen for

Yvette-a limited edition for the year, with a set costing over a thousand, certainly not cheap.

Eric glanced at his wristwatch, his eyes as deep and inscrutable as a bottomless abyss, devoid of any

emotion. “As long as you’re pleased, Ms. Friedman,” he replied. Noticing Vera covering her mouth and

yawning out of the corner of his eye, he inquired, “Tired?”

“I’m fine, Vera responded.

Eric remarked, “Ms. Friedman, whenever you have the time, feel free to join me for a meal. It’s getting

late… I should take Vera home now. Excuse me.”

Yvette pursed her lips, casting a glance at Vera without uttering a word. “All right then! I’ll come find you

after school tomorrow. Remember, you promised to treat me to a meal, so not backing out!”

The man nodded slightly. “Of course.”

Vera, holding onto Eric’s hand, left the banquet hall with him.

The gentle breeze lifted the hem of her skirt, bringing a quick chill. She wrapped herself tighter in the

coat Eric had given her. “Eric… why do I get the feeling that she likes you?”

Vera scrutinized him closely, eager not to miss any trace of emotion on his face. But he


concealed his feelings too well, with joy and anger never showing.

Sometimes, Vera couldn’t even fathom his true thoughts.

Eric coolly replied, “Don’t overthink it; get in the car.” He opened the passenger door.

As Vera observed him, she also spotted Eileen, who had just emerged from the main entrance. She

really came!

Limping along. Eileen took each step with difficulty, supported by a housekeeper at her side.

Eric circled around to the front of the car, settled into the driver’s seat, and awaited the start of the car.

Seizing the opportunity, Vera pressed the window button, closing it.

Meanwhile, Eileen thanked the housekeeper, saying, “You can head back, ma’am. My driver’s just

around the corner.”

“Please be careful on your way back.”

“All right. Thank you,” Eileen replied with a smile.

Her coat remained in Alan’s car. Shivering in the cold wind, she hugged herself and stared at her own


Suddenly, in the blink of an eye, a figure appeared in front of her, and she was now wearing

an overcoat.

A thick, black coat enveloped her. Eileen looked up at the figure with surprised eyes, her eyelashes

trembling slightly. After a brief pause, she stammered, “W-What are you doing here?”

“I saw a clumsy girl who twisted her ankle while walking and was cursing in frustration, so I couldn’t

resist coming back to check on her, and to my surprise, I found her shivering in the cold by the

roadside.” His gentle amber eyes regarded her as if understanding everything.

So, he saw everything.

However, at that time, Eileen hadn’t seen him.

“Did you also have someone else send that bottle of safflower oil?” she inquired of him.

“Is your foot feeling better?” Jasper naturally took her hand, which was stiffened from the


Eileen bit her lip, feeling at a loss. She pulled her hand away, placing it behind her. “I’m much better

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now. You really didn’t have to come. Alan will be here soon,” she said.


As if on cue, a car approached from not too far away, and Eileen felt a sense of relief, as if she had just

spotted her savior. Speak of the devil.

“I’m heading back now; you should also go home and get some rest!”

As Eileen was about to leave, she suddenly felt a firm grip on her wrist. Turning to look at Jasper in

alarm, she saw pain in his eyes. “Eileen, it’s been so many days. You haven’t been responding to my

messages or answering my calls. Are you avoiding me? Can

tell me



Alan’s car had already stopped, but Jasper insisted on an explanation, refusing to let go. With a stoic

expression, Eileen replied, “I wasn’t avoiding you. I’ve been busy catching up on my studies lately, and

I haven’t had much time to check my phone.”

You’re lying!

Despite this thought, Jasper didn’t directly confront her. He observed her as if she were worried or

afraid of something, and he loosened his grip. “Has someone threatened you? Did they do something

to you, or… say something?”

“No.” Eileen’s heart tightened, and panic filled her eyes.

She couldn’t be certain if it was her imagination, but she had a persistent feeling that a pair of intense


watched her from the shadows, like a venomous snake lurking in the dark night. Although she couldn’t

sense its presence, she keenly felt its oppressive existence.

“Jasper, can we stop lingering here? It’s really cold. If you want to discuss something, can we do it next

time? I’m under significant stress from studying, and I don’t want to divert my attention elsewhere.”

She couldn’t understand Jasper’s motives.

Does he have feelings for me? Is this what it means to like someone? Feeling an almost pathological

desire to possess, a constant need to keep someone close, wanting to know their whereabouts and

activities? Does the other person have no freedom at all? Do I not even have the right to ignore phone

messages I don’t want to respond to? Moreover, our relationship is just that of ordinary friends now.

Believing it was necessary to clarify certain aspects, Eileen began, Jasper…”
