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Marry Me Quick

Chapter 275
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Chapter 275

Just like that, two years went by in the blink of an eye.

Inside the meeting room at Yanyue Contents Media, the chairman called out, “The executive director will be coming

to Yunzhou City today! Have the arrangements to receive her been made?”

Someone immediately answered the chairman as soon as he asked that question. “Yes, everything has been


People immediately began to gossip in near inaudible whispers the moment those words were said.

“I heard that she’s a ‘relative of an important person’?”

“I’m not quite sure about that, but I did take a look at her information. She’s only 24, pfft…”

That last ‘pfft’ had layers of hidden meanings behind it.

The rest of them looked at each other and smiled. Clearly, none of them had declared their true thoughts.


A slender woman with long hair stepped out of Yunzhou International Airport with her luggage. Her hair was a

sensual waterfall of waves as it bounced. Clad in a fiery red, form-fitting one-piece dress with light makeup

enhancing her features. Her stilettos clicked across the tiles of the floor, their rhythmic taps clicking clearly for all to


The people who passed her by couldn’t help but sneak a few extra glances at the woman, nor could they help

themselves from clearing a path for her.

“Thank you.” The woman took off her sunglasses and quirked her lips as she thanked the person who had stepped

out of her way.

Upon being gazed at with her mesmerizing eyes, the passerby’s heart skipped a beat. He frantically replied, “Y-

You’re… welcome…”

He already felt that she had to be a pretty woman when he could only see her figure and her lips, but to his

surprise, her eyes were even more radiant than the rest of her; they were absolutely enthralling beyond belief.

Su Ziyue gave an awkward laugh as she took in this passerby’s reaction. She nodded politely before continuing on

her way.


Su Ziyue’s phone rang the moment she stepped out of the airport. She reached up to sweep her hair away before

she picked up the call. “Hello, this is Su Ziyue.”

“Miss Su, I was sent by Yanyue to pick you up. I’m currently…”

Su Ziyue lifted her head without much thought and immediately caught sight of a girl holding up a sign that said

‘Yanyue Contents Media’. Astonishment flashed across Su Ziyue’s face before she cut the girl off. “I see you now; 7

o’clock from where you are. I’m wearing a red dress, and I’ve got long hair…”

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“Where?” The girl turned to look in Su Ziyue’s direction, her gaze landing on Su Ziyue before she quickly averted

her gaze. She then said in a confused manner, “Miss Su, I don’t see you though?”


Su Ziyue reined in her temper and hung up the call before striding toward the girl with large steps. “Nice to meet

you—I’m Su Ziyue.”

“Uh… I-I’m Li Qingluo.” The girl shakily stuck her hand out to Su Ziyue, but the surprise in her eyes did not escape

Su Ziyue’s notice.

“Uh… I-I’m Li Qingluo.” The girl shokily stuck her hond out to Su Ziyue, but the surprise in her eyes did not escope

Su Ziyue’s notice.

The two of them only shook honds for o moment before Su Ziyue releosed her grip. Since she thought thot Li

Qingluo looked rother stupid holding up thot sign ond becouse she didn’t wont to be gowked ot, she osked Li

Qingluo, “Did you drive here?”

“Ah, yes, yes! I drove here with the compony vehicle. The cor’s over there.” With thot, Li Qingluo pointed toword o


“Let’s go then.” Su Ziyue glonced ot Li Qingluo before heoding in the direction thot the girl pointed ot.

Although Li Qingluo’s shoes were flots insteod of high heels, she still couldn’t keep up with Su Ziyue’s poce. Su Ziyue

twisted her heod bock to toke in Li Qingluo’s student-like oppeoronce ond frowned lightly.


Once they were sofely in the cor, Su Ziyue osked Li Qingluo, “You cleorly sow me eorlier, so why did you soy thot

you weren’t oble to?”

Li Qingluo wos obout to stort the cor when Su Ziyue soid thot. Heoring thot, she odmitted in emborrossment, “The

stoff ot the compony thought thot the Executive Director would definitely be… on older lody…”

Li Qingluo hodn’t expected her to be o stunner!

“Are you just going to believe whotever they soy?” Su Ziyue frowned slightly. She didn’t like gullible personolities like

Li Qingluo’s.

“The seniors ore usuolly right…” Li Qingluo sensed thot Su Ziyue didn’t seem to like her thot much, ond her voice

dropped in volume unconsciously.

Su Ziyue simply nodded ot thot. She didn’t continue the conversotion. She could tell with o glonce thot Li Qingluo

wos on intern who hod just groduoted from university. She wos nervous ond jumpy ot work, ond viewed her seniors’

words os gospel.


The oirport wos o distonce owoy from the occommodotion thot the compony hod orronged for her. Su Ziyue turned

to look ot the fomilior scenery whizzing by her outside the window, ond she become lost in her thoughts.

Two yeors hod possed in o blink of on eye, but Yunzhou City didn’t seem to hove chonged much since she left the

ploce. It wos still o city with plenty of skyscropers ond streets clogged with troffic.

However, she wos no longer the some person she wos in the post.

Just then, the cor stopped in o posh oreo. Li Qingluo looked ot Su Ziyue curiously before stoting, “Miss Su, we’re


“Thonks for your help, ond sorry for the trouble.” With thot, Su Ziyue opened the door ond got out of the cor, toking

her luggoge with her os she stepped into the residentiol oreo.

“Uh… I-I’m Li Qingluo.” The girl shakily stuck her hand out to Su Ziyue, but the surprise in her eyes did not escape

Su Ziyue’s notice.

The two of them only shook hands for a moment before Su Ziyue released her grip. Since she thought that Li

Qingluo looked rather stupid holding up that sign and because she didn’t want to be gawked at, she asked Li

Qingluo, “Did you drive here?”

“Ah, yes, yes! I drove here with the company vehicle. The car’s over there.” With that, Li Qingluo pointed toward a


“Let’s go then.” Su Ziyue glanced at Li Qingluo before heading in the direction that the girl pointed at.

Although Li Qingluo’s shoes were flats instead of high heels, she still couldn’t keep up with Su Ziyue’s pace. Su Ziyue

twisted her head back to take in Li Qingluo’s student-like appearance and frowned lightly.


Once they were safely in the car, Su Ziyue asked Li Qingluo, “You clearly saw me earlier, so why did you say that

you weren’t able to?”

Li Qingluo was about to start the car when Su Ziyue said that. Hearing that, she admitted in embarrassment, “The

staff at the company thought that the Executive Director would definitely be… an older lady…”

Li Qingluo hadn’t expected her to be a stunner!

“Are you just going to believe whatever they say?” Su Ziyue frowned slightly. She didn’t like gullible personalities like

Li Qingluo’s.

“The seniors are usually right…” Li Qingluo sensed that Su Ziyue didn’t seem to like her that much, and her voice

dropped in volume unconsciously.

Su Ziyue simply nodded at that. She didn’t continue the conversation. She could tell with a glance that Li Qingluo

was an intern who had just graduated from university. She was nervous and jumpy at work, and viewed her seniors’

words as gospel.


The airport was a distance away from the accommodation that the company had arranged for her. Su Ziyue turned

to look at the familiar scenery whizzing by her outside the window, and she became lost in her thoughts.

Two years had passed in a blink of an eye, but Yunzhou City didn’t seem to have changed much since she left the

place. It was still a city with plenty of skyscrapers and streets clogged with traffic.

However, she was no longer the same person she was in the past.

Just then, the car stopped in a posh area. Li Qingluo looked at Su Ziyue curiously before stating, “Miss Su, we’re

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“Thanks for your help, and sorry for the trouble.” With that, Su Ziyue opened the door and got out of the car, taking

her luggage with her as she stepped into the residential area.

Once she saw Su Ziyue’s figure disappear, Li Qingluo smacked her chest and mumbled, “Oh, that was so nerve-


Who would have thought the executive director that had been sent over would be so young and beautiful?

Furthermore, she looked so amazing as well. She looked totally like a strong and independent woman!


Prior to her arrival at Yunzhou City, Feng Xingyan had said that he would buy a house for Su Ziyue. However, she

did not want to live in a space that was too large, so she got this apartment instead. Since it was located in the

poshest residential area in all of Yunzhou city, the view was extremely beautiful.

Su Ziyue glanced at the city from the balcony before returning to her room so that she could unpack. Once she had

showered, she switched on the television and began to dry her hair with a towel.

“Recently, the chairman of LK Group had been asked if he would become the heir to the Mogwin Family when he

attended a joint business conference. While he hasn’t denied it…”

Su Ziyue stopped whatever she was doing. She lifted her head mechanically, but the scene had already cut away by

the time her gaze landed on the screen.

Even though she had no intention of keeping up with Qin Muchen the past two years, news about him was like an

insidious presence, always finding a way to her somehow. It left her with no way of escaping him.

Su Ziyue exhaled deeply and turned off the television. Once she had dried her hair, she shoved herself onto the bed

and fell asleep.


Meanwhile, Nan Chuan entered the chairman’s office with a stack of papers at the LK Group’s headquarters.

“Boss, these are all the documents that need to be signed.” As Nan Chuan spoke, he placed the papers in front of

Qin Muchen. “This is a business partnership proposal from a venture capital company. It’s from that guy called Xu


Before he could finish speaking, he noticed that Qin Muchen had already signed the document. Nan Chuan was

troubled when he saw this. After a moment’s hesitation, he still steeled himself to clarify, “Boss, this company’s

proposal isn’t actually the best. We have better alternatives…”

“Hm.” Qin Muchen merely answered him with a grunt before leafing through the other papers.

Nan Chuan hadn’t favored this suggestion from the very start, but his employer still signed it nonetheless; he had

even personally followed up on it. As for the reason why...

This kind of situation had occurred far too many times over the last two years. In the end, Nan Chuan still couldn’t

help himself from voicing out, “It’s Xu Ziyue, not Su Ziyue!”

Qin Muchen’s hand paused before he spoke, “You may leave now.”