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Guardian Wolf

Chapter 90
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Nova POV:
“Shall we clear the sparring area for now?” I ask Jax, “I know we are addressing the
pack before the run this evening about what I am.”
“Save Alex from embarrassment you mean?” Jax quips back to me.
Pointing my finger at him I laughed, “I never said that.”
Rolling his eyes he simply chuckles before running over to a couple of warriors to
politely ask them to leave as I ready myself to spar.
“First to tap out? One round human form another round wolf form?” The Alpha King suggests as he walks over to where I’m
“Yep, that sounds good to me” I smile rubbing my hands eagerly.
“Promise I’ll go easy” he laughs as he walks off making me frown.
“Men” I mutter to myself before I hear Luna Ophelia laughing lightly behind me.
“Sorry I didn’t mean that as an insult” I start before she waves me off.
“Oh don’t apologise, I’m well aware of what Alpha egos can be like” she says with a
pointed look towards her mate making me smile.
“Her wolf is very weak” I hear Kia say to me quietly as I quickly glance at the other
Luna noticing her slight paleness.
“Is everything ok Nova?” I hear Ophelia ask me as she must have caught my
hesitation. Looking around I check it is only the two of us before speaking.
“Will this spar cause any damage to yourself?” I ask quietly. Hearing that her eyes
widen as she nervously wets her lips.
“You know?” She asks warily.
“I know your wolf is weak” I whisper, “I don’t know why nor do I need to. But if you are
not strong enough to withstand the pain you may experience because of the bond
then I won’t spar with your mate, your health is the priority.”
Hearing those words her eyes soften as she smiles gratefully to me, “thank you Nova,

that truly does mean a lot. But ever since I fell ill we have been working with the pack doctors back home who are incredibly
talented, Alex’s pain is not mirrored in me any longer. I’m sure you can understand with him being Alpha King and having fought
a lot in the last few years it would have done more harm than good if we still had that connection. You can go ahead and spar,
but thank you for your concern and lack of prying.”
“If you’re sure Luna” I say before bowing my head and walking to where Alex is waiting.
“Oh and Nova” she calls, “don’t hold back.”
“I heard you talk to my mate Nova” Alex says quietly as I reach him, “I will talk to you about it more in time but for now I want to
simply say thank you. Your concern will have meant a great deal to Ophelia as it does me.”
“Ok Alpha, don’t feel like you have to just because I’m aware. I know it’s not my business I just simply wanted to check the Luna
would be safe” I say with a small
“She will be, I spar daily with my men back home” he explains. “I couldn’t risk her
feeling any blows so we dealt with it.”
“Noted” I say before smirking at him. “I won’t hold back then.”
Stepping back a few paces I look to Jax who is grinning at the sidelines, “alright first to submit loses in each round. Human form

first, any questions?” He shouts.
We both shake our head as Alex pulls his top off. Flexing his muscles he smirks at me
before asking “nervous?”
Chuckling I quietly observe his large muscular form which must have taken years to
reach. “No” I reply simply making him falter slightly before his face hardens into that
of determination.
Keeping myself relaxed we begin to circle one another sizing each other up, seeing
his weight shift slightly I grin in anticipation as he flies off of the mark swinging with

his right arm to deliver a punishing blow to my side. I easily side step and grasp his
arm twisting it behind him before pushing him away using his own momentum with
“Have to try harder than that Alpha” I tease.
He growls slightly before moving in quickly and releasing a flurry of short precise jabs to my ribs which I block effectively.
Continuing this for a few moments I spot a few patterns of his and notice his jabs are becoming more desperate. Seeing his leg
swing to catch me low I spring in the air flipping over his head before punching him powerfully in the back before he can regain
his balance, causing him to stumble forwards a couple of steps.
“H..how?” He asks shocked before righting himself. Sensing the frustration coming off of him in waves I step back slightly to give
him some space. Seeing that he quickly dives towards me tackling me round the waist and sending me sprawling on the floor as
he traps me from above. Swinging his arm to deliver a harmful blow to my head I quickly catch his fist in my hand immediately
halting his movements before twisting and squeezing it slightly making him hiss in pain.
Using this to my advantage I lift my legs and lock them at his waist before using my weight to roll us. Standing quickly he does
the same before I initiate the attack for the first time. Moving low I punch his right side which he blocks with both arms but it
leaves his left side unprotected, seeing that I move up as I swing my leg round making strong contact with his thigh making him
stumble again. Not giving him time to recover I jab him twice in the abdomen leaving him breathless as he leans over. I quickly
move round him and grasp his arms before pushing him to the floor using my leg, standing above him I move my foot to his neck
as I hold his arms outstretched.
He struggles for a few moments before slumping to the floor unable to move, he then
bares his neck as best he could with my foot being where it was to show he submits. .

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Stepping back immediately I offer my hand to him as he rolls over to stand up. Taking
it he looks at me with narrowed eyes before stalking away.
“That was embarrassing” I hear him mutter as he gulps down a drink.
“Nova wins” I hear Jax call out gleefully earning himself a glare from Alex. “Wolf form” he then says slightly more somber
although his eyes still bright with excitement.
Quickly stripping out of my clothes before I shift I hear a low growl from Jax as I look
up to see him glaring at both Ophelia and Alex who are openly staring at my b*dy.
Shifting quickly to avoid embarrassment Kia then sits on her haunches c*****g her
head questioningly.
“Sorry” Ophelia has the decent to murmur, “you’re extremely fit Nova, I admire your dedication to training..I imagine many people
stare but it was rude of us to do so.”
She throws Alex a sharp look at he turns to Jax with wide eyes, “how the f**k is she so strong?” He growls. “Her figure is toned
and strong there is no mistake but she is stronger than her figure suggests.”

“Do you have to ask?” Jax replies before pointing at Kia.
“Ah..” Alex sighs before quickly stripping as Kia looks away politefully.
“Point proven Kia” I hear Ophelia chuckle as she huffs in response.
“Ok same rules apply” Jax calls out as Alex’s wolf stalks forward, pitch black with rippling muscles and the same bright green
“Fight” I hear Jax call before his wolf leaps at Kia, she swiftly rolls and bucks her back legs slashing his open belly as he yelps in
surprise. Surging to her feet she spins as he immediately moves in trying to bite her flank but she evades his attack and nimbly
nips his side as she does so.
“She’s fast” I hear Ophelia admire as Kia purrs in appreciation.
Lunging forward Kia lowers her head to charge into his wolf’s side causing him to loose his balance before she bites his back leg
causing him to loose a chunk of fur.
With a howl his wolf’s eyes narrow in anger at being shown up, he then charges. towards us but Kia bounds over his head
twisting in the air before landing and grasping his tail in her jaw. Spinning him round she sends him skidding along the floor but
before he has chance to righten himself she lunges and bites down on his neck, holding him down with her front paws.
As he fails to submit she tightens her jaws slightly making him growl in

“Submit” she links him as we see the reluctance in his eyes. With a huff through her jaw she presses down harder causing him to
yelp in pain before he lies down without
a struggle, submitting. Releasing her jaws slowly she steps backwards before bowing and running over to where I folded my
After shifting and dressing I turn to see Alex has also gotten half dressed but Ophelia
is gently inspecting his wounds.
“Are you alright Alpha?” I ask politely.
“Yes I’ll be fine, my mate is just worrying” he says quietly before looking up at me with
an unreadable expression.
“That was impressive Nova” he states as Jax chuckles quietly. “I’ve never been taken
down that fast..ever. I didn’t even land a blow, you have no marks on you. The only other person who has managed to defeat me
is your mate and even then it took him. over an hour. That was barely 10 minutes total for the two rounds. You are truly
“Thank you” I say with a small smile.
“Well now we know you can kick my butt I suggest we go eat” he says. “Leon is
slightly embarrassed right now.”
“Let’s keep this between us” Jax suggests as he looks at me.
“Probably best” I grin making Alex huff indignantly.
“You’re going to have a few bruises” Jax comments as he looks at Alex’s side which
is inflamed and has a few cuts on them.
“I made sure not to cut too deep so you would heal quickly” I say quietly.
“I know and again..I appreciate that” he says as he pulls a loose top over his head. “I’d like you to train with me whilst we stay, it
would be good to have a new perspective
and gain some techniques.”
“Of course Alpha” I agree with excitement. “We can spar again?” I suggest to./
“As long as you promise to not knock me down that quick” he says jabbing his elbow into Alex’s side as he scowls at his
“No promises” I smirk making him gulp.

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