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Guardian Wolf

Chapter 59
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Jax POV:
As I wake I look down to see Novas head tucked into my side with a small smile resting on her lips. Thinking of last night I smirk
to myself. “I think you distracted her pretty well don’t you” Zeus comments cheekily.
“Hmm she needed to forget for a while, plus we aren’t getting to enjoy our new mateship so much with everything going on” I
shrug inwardly
“It might be bothering her but she won’t let it become too much, she’s so strong. Some of this could have broken a person” Zeus
points out proud of his mate
“Oh I know, I’m a lucky man” I comment with a smile as flashes of her pleasure ridden
face from last night come to mind.
“Hmmm” I hear Nova moan slightly as she stretches away from me blinking blearily
as she wakes up slowly.
“Morning beautiful” I murmur as she turne
her bright eyes to mine.
“Morning” she smiles sitting up. “Mmm the bath last night was definitely a good idea. Did you put me to bed?”
Chuckling I nodded, “yeah you were flat out in the bath. I ended up rinsing you off and
getting you into bed.”
Lifting a brow she lifts the sheets as she looks down with a giggle, “no surprise you
chose for us to sleep n*ked.”
Blushing slightly I shrug, “it was easier. and i prefer feeling you n*ked against me.”
She looks at me before bursting out laughing, “aw is my big bad Alpha blushing over
our lack of clothes” she teases making me lift my shoulders and shake my head.
“Noooo” I deny looking away.
“Didn’t see you blushing last night” she teases with a satisfied look in her eyes.
Grinning I just get up and slip into the bathroom to freshen up before switching with Nova. 20 minutes later we’re ready to go and
I tentatively have a feel of her emotions
through the bond where I’m relieved to feel only determination and a bit of anger.

“Ready?” I check as she throws a jacket over her long tight dress.
“Ready” she assures me before opening the door and leading the way. Watching her as s sway has memories flashing through
my mind and I immediately speed up to walk alongside her, seeing my slightly flushed cheeks again she quirks a brow
“Your as s does things to me, I don’t want to be distracted” I laugh as she chuckles.
We quickly make our way to the hospital and up to where Laurence is waiting for us. Coffee for you both” he says holding two
cups out.
“I knew I liked you for a reason” Nova teases making Laurence chuckle as I let out a small growl.

“It’s coffee Jax, I like that he knows I like coffee” she deadpans to me making me blush again before her and Laurence burst out
“Oh ha ha ha” I say rolling my eyes.
“She doesn’t seem as worried as I thought she might boss” Laurence links me as we look through the window watching the
nurses prepare themselves.
Smirking to myself I link him back knowingly, “I helped relax her, amazing what a good
nights sleep can do for you.”
“Ohhh” he says with wide eyes at me over Novas head, “well it worked” he adds on
with a chuckle hidden behind a well timed cough..
“Good morning Alpha, Luna, Beta” the doctor says as he bows to us in greeting.
“Morning Doc, you ready?” Laurence checks as Nova and I both utter our greetings.
“Yes we are, I thought I’d quickly just explain what we are going to do. As mentioned
she won’t be ready to talk or engage until Friday at the earliest if I’m happy with how.
she is progressing” he explains as I growl at his words.
“I’m sorry Alpha this isn’t a process I can speed up, she has been in a coma for over a
year and a half now. She will be very disoriented” he explains. .

“No it’s not that. I know she needs time but she’s also a prisoner” I point out.
“She will be of more use if I can get her recovery going smoothly” he assures me. Nodding as I motion for him to continue he
says “we are going to try and wake her by stimulating the main senses. It may seem overwhelming for her at first but it’s been
effective in our trials of similar cases. We will also send a small electronic current
through her, awakening her b*dy and senses as such.”
“Is this practised amongst humans?” Nova asks interested.
“No” he shakes his head, “they do focus on pleasant sensations of the main senses to try and wake a coma patient but they
focus on one sense for a short period of time.
This is different.”
Seeing us all nod he motions to the room, “so I’m cleared to begin?” He asks.
“Go ahead” I order him as we watch from the window.
“It feels wrong” I mutter to Laurence and Nova as they look at me understandingly.
“It does” Nova agrees, “all I have wanted to do since I took her into the White mountain packs care was separate her head from
her b*dy because of he involvement in my parent’s death. Even more so now, but I know it’s more important. she lives so she
can provide us with more information..for now.”
“I can’t believe she’s your grandmother” Laurence says with disgust as he watches the medical staff begin the procedure.
“She’s no grandmother of mine” Nova scoffs.
“Let’s go and get some breakfast downstairs whilst we let them work” I say turning. and leading them down to the pack hospital
cafeteria. Appreciating the quietness at this time of day it’s nice to sit and be able to eat food in relative peace. After talking about
the arrangements of our few days away I check the time and see a couple of hours has passed.
“Shall we go see how they’re progressing?” I suggest.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

“Yeah, let’s see if that hags awake” Laurence says with bitterness strongly lacing his
voice. Nova lets out a cute little snort at his words which in turn makes me chuckle.

“Hag?” She repeats looking at Laurence in amusement.
“I could think of much worse but there are children present” he says pointing at a
group of
young children entering the cafeteria.
Walking upstairs we arrive just as the Doctor is leaving the room along with two
“Any luck?” I ask calmly.
“She’s awake but not entirely with it” he informs us, “everything looks as it should but
obviously over the next few days we will have to test her cognitive function and her physicality at some point. Her muscles have
had little movement over the course of her coma so I’m not expecting her to be able to walk but I have to check if her
responses are the same as normal.”
“That’s good thank you Doctor” I say gratefully. “I’m going to increase the guards to 3. and they will rotate every 6 hours,
Laurence will be in charge for the next few days so please keep him updated and he will contact Luna Nova and myself.”
“Of course Alpha” he says bowing.
“Thank you Doctor” Nova says with a small smile which isn’t reflected in her eyes.
Can I have a quick word in private?” She asks after a moment darting her eyes to me
“Yes of course Luna” he says as they walk down the corridor. Looking after them I
furrow my brows in confusion.
“No idea what that’s about do you boss?” Laurence asks.
“No” I state calmly whilst my mind is racing.
“Could she be pregnant?” He asks making me freeze.
“I don’t know” I admit after a minute, “we haven’t discussed it. Plus isn’t it too soon?”
As I finish talking Nova reappears and looks between Laurence and I. As we say nothing she sighs before throwing her hands
up, “you want to know what that was about don’t you?”
“I mean it’s y..your business Luna I don’t want to intrude” Laurence stutters out
thinking she’s annoyed.

“I just want the shot again when I return that’s all” she shrugs as she looks at me
apologetically. “I’m sorry maybe I should have mentioned it to you
but I just don’t
think right now is a suitable time for a pup between us.”
Shaking my head I smile reassuringly, “as much as I’d love us to have a pup, you’re.
right and it’s a sensible choice, But..”
“But?” She asks furrowing her brows.
“As soon as this is over that’s exactly what’s going to be on my mind” I step forward and say huskily making her visibly shiver as
colour flushes her cheeks.
“Good” she whispers whilst giving me a shy smile in return.
“Right let’s go have this meeting and then we are off” I say with determination.
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