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Guardian Wolf

Chapter 121
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New Day
New Day
Nova POV:
Waking up to a new day I reach for Jaxs b*dy only to feel his side of the bed cold like.
he hadn’t been there for a while. Wondering what time it is I roll over moaning as my
stiff b*dy stretches, seeing 8:30am on the clock I stifle a yawn and slowly sit up.
“Where are you?” I link Jax as I make my way to the bathroom.
“Morning love, in the office” he replies instantly, “I couldn’t sleep and you looked so
peaceful i thought I’d come and get some work done.”
“Have you had breakfast?” I ask him.
“No not yet, just coffee” he says.
“Meet me at the landing of your floor, we can go eat together. Give me 10 minutes” I say not giving him room to budge.
“You sure you’re up for it?” He asks.
Rolling my eyes as I brush my teeth I reply, “yes. I slept most of yesterday away and
then 10 hours last night. Now all I want is food.”
Hearing his laugh down the mindlink I smirk knowing he’s not going to argue with that. Throwing some training leggings, a sports
bra and tank top on I find my trainers before quickly re doing my messy bun.
I wonder if they found any traces of listening devices I think to myself as I head downstairs. Reaching the landing I lean on the
wall as I wait for Jax taking in my surroundings. Looking at a large photo of Jax and his family that is hung in the centre of the
wall I feel my heart clench momentarily as I think of how David could possibly
have betrayed them.
“I hope he hasn’t” Kia says to me quietly, “Zeus will be heartbroken.”
“It’s bothering them a lot more than they’re letting on” I say to her. “Struggling to sleep
beside your mate shows there is a lot on your mind.”
With that I hear the office door opening and Jax steps out, his bright green eyes find.
mine and relax instantly as he does a quick sweep of my b*dy before landing back on
New Day
my face.

“I’m fine love” I chuckle as he smiles sheepishly. “But it’s nice of you to worry” I say.
reaching up and k*ssing his lips softly. Feeling the mate sparks I moan as I melt into
his b*dy, his hand automatically finding the back of my head and pulling me closer
deepening our k*ss as he does so.
“Morning” he breaths pulling away as I giggle against his lips before pecking them
once again.
“Morning” I breath happy to see him. Stepping back 1 look at him carefully and see the

circles under his eyes showing the lack of sleep as well as the tightness of his
features hinting at stress. “You’re not ok.”
Raising his brow at me he chuckles deeply, “that wasn’t a question” he says.
“No it wasn’t” I confirm. “I’m worried about you” I say as I cup his cheek.
“I’m fine” he assures me but I simply narrow my eyes and bite my lip waiting for him to speak again. With a sigh he steps back to
lean against the wall as he pulls me against his chest needing the comfort I bring him. “I’m just worried about everything.”
“Your dad?” I link him as I feel him shudder slightly beneath me.
“Yes” he replies quietly. “Axel found 5 bugs planted around the pack house and grounds. One on the bench we were sat on by
the fountain, one outside my office, in the foyer and gym and then the last one was in the hospital reception.”
“Are you certain it was your dad?” I ask him.
“Yes” he sighs. “No one else in this pack has any reason to betray sensed deception from anyone?”
us. Have you
“Only your father” I admit quietly. “I thought it was because of everything that happened..but it could have been more.”
“I just don’t understand why he would work with the hunters, it makes no sense” he stresses through the link as an Omega walks
past smiling at us both.
“Good morning” I say to her before she disappears into a nearby room to start her cleaning duties.

“Well we don’t know for certain but I think it’s best we rule it as a strong possibility

New Day
that your father is working with them. Sometimes we don’t know answers until it’s too late..that’s life Jax as much as it sucks at
times” I link him as I feel him k*ss my head. But you’ve got me.”
“Thank Goddess for that” he says out loud with a hint of a smile on his lips.
“So I assume there is definitely nothing else we need to be aware of?” I ask him out loud motioning him around us.
“No..nothing” he assures me. “Axel did a thorough sweep and Evan checked also” he adds on through the link aware of pack
members around us. “We just aren’t sure how much they heard.”
“Cra p” I sigh as we stroll into the dining room. Seeing Naomi and Laurence eating we head over and grab a plate of food before
sitting down..
“Morning Luna” Naomi says happily as she caresses her growing bump. “You feeling.
Putting my concerns to one side for a moment I force myself to relax. “Much thank
you Naomi” I say, “do you mind?” I ask pointing to her bump.
“Go on” she says with a smile as I rest my hands feeling the pups being very active.
“Oh my” I gasp as one delivers a particularly strong kick to under my right hand. “How
do you get any sleep?” I joke.
“I don’t” she sighs dramatically, “but I love it.” Looking at her she has the warm glow
all expectant mothers get as they take on the journey of becoming a parent.
“You look amazing” I comment as she blushes at my words.
“Mmm if she looks this good pregnant we will be expecting many more pups in the

future” Laurence says with a cheeky growl making Naomi gasp. Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

“Laurence!” She hisses blushing furiously now. Jax and I laugh at their antics relieved to momentarily relax as we enjoy our
breakfast and discuss how the pack is getting
“I need to do some paperwork this morning” I tell Jax as he looks to me, “I’ll be sat down and anyway I feel much better. But I
wondered if I should run both Alice and Naomi through some of the admin work I do, that way we have more pairs of hands.
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who can help when necessary.”
Getting what I am hinting at he nods in agreement, setting his napkin down he pushes his plate to one side before leaning
forward. “Definitely” he agrees, “why don’t you also run through some of the paperwork for my businesses outside of the pack.
Or our businesses I should say.”
“Our businesses?” I ask furrowing my brows, seeing Laurence smirk knowingly from the corner of my eye I gasp and turn to Jax
seeing him smiling widely. “What did you do!?”
“Well..nothing yet. The paperwork is ready to go but I said we should hold off until the hunters threat has gone, having your name
out there is a beacon and I don’t want to risk anyone at the businesses” he says with a grimace his worry for how that sounded
leaking down the bond. “But like I said, the paperwork is ready so after everything all you need to do is sign it and everything will
be changed from my name
to the both of ours. We will both be directors and owners.”
“Jax you don’t have to do that..that’s your hard work” I say quietly. “I also get your concerns, i don’t ever want to risk anyone else
you know that.”
“I want to” he shrugs, “what’s the point in working hard if I can’t share my
achievements. You’re my mate, my Luna..our Luna, it’s only right.”
“I’m not going to change your mind am I” I chuckle.
“No” he smirks.
“Thank you love” I whisper blowing him a k*ss as he winks at me.
“Well in that case I have a lot to show you” I say turning to Naomi who is grinning.
“I’m ready to learn” she says enthusiastically.
“Shall we head up?” I ask her.
“We have a meeting in an hour with Alex, Betas, Gam mas and also your brother and Alpha Axton will be joining over video link”
Jax says as I stand to leave.
“Office?” I check.
“Conference room” he replies.

New Day
“Ok, bye guys” I say to them as we leave.
“Laurence try get Jax to relax, I’m worried about him” I link him without looking.
“Will do Luna” he replies understandingly.
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