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Forensic Imperial Concubine by Erika Black

Chapter 254
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Rena rushed out of the room and went straight to the Phoenix House. A cold light flashed in Barry's

eyes as he set his sights on

Rena. Before entering the room for detoxification, Matthew had ordered Barry to ensure that Harper

was safe if he was not the

first one to come out.

Rena, however, didn't have the slightest idea about the arrangement Matthew had just made. Only one

thought was lingering in

the back of her mind. That was, she had to make sure that Harper would die before Matthew so that

they would be able to

accuse her of poisoning Matthew. That would clear her of any blame if Matthew died during his


"Harper Chu!" she shouted, as she kicked open the gate of the Phoenix House. With her sword

unsheathed and already in her

hand, she bolted towards Harper, exclaiming, "Bitch, go to hell!"

Harper was sitting in the yard at that time, restless like a cat on hot bricks. Suddenly, she felt a sharp

pain in the chest like she

was having a heart attack. Just then, Rena broke into her house.

Harper's heart sank, but she was unable to move because of the pain. The pain that she was feeling

was incomparable to

anything she had felt before and it made her breath become labored. She wanted to ask for help, but

the only person she was

with was Nina, who unfortunately couldn't fight.

"Guards!" Nina shouted at the top of her lungs. "Help us! An assassin is attacking us!"

Rena had already thought that killing Harper would be a piece of cake, but she never thought that she

would be this lucky.

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Harper's two maids who were good at fighting were nowhere near her at that time, and the only person

she was with was a girl

who didn't have any set of fighting skills. A huge smile started spreading across Rena's face. Her plan

was to go straight to

Harper, but upon seeing Nina, she couldn't help but kick her out of the way. When she came face to

face with Harper, she

pointed her sword at her, ready to strike. Without a doubt, Rena was hell-bent on killing Harper.

Harper, on the other hand, was ready to fight back. Before she could, however, someone had already

fended off Rena's sword

and took her away. "Watch out, Your Highness!" Upon seeing Jack, Harper felt a bit of relief. She

quickly grabbed onto him. With her face pale and her breath bated because of the pain in her chest,

she muttered, "Matthew... Matthew is in serious trouble!" "No wonder you had the guts to poison His

Highness," Rena said in an accusatory tone. "It turns out that you have an affair with another man! I will

make sure to end your life today!" Upon seeing the man holding Harper, Rena took him as a paramour,

accusing Harper of poisoning Matthew. Jack held Harper tighter as he took steps away from Rena.

Harper was usually not a frail person, but today, she felt that something was greatly amiss. It was an

arduous task for her to utilize her full strength, so instead of fighting Rena, she was only able to hold

her off. Apart from Jack, Forsythia and Elsie had also come in a hurry upon hearing the noise of

fighting. In an instant, Rena was put at a disadvantage. Without wasting any more time, Forsythia and

Elsie were already charging towards Rena. "You bitch!" Rena shouted, as she defended herself against

two of Harper's maids. "You poisoned His Highness and had an affair with another man. Now you're

ordering these people to kill me. His Highness will know about this and he will not let you go

unpunished!" Rage was burning in Rena's eyes.

Amidst all the action that was happening, Jack carefully put Harper in a safe spot behind some trees.

When she could finally

stand up firm on her two feet by herself, she took a deep breath and ordered, "Capture her!"

"Yes, Your Highness," Forsythia and Elsie responded in chorus, once again charging towards Rena.

Rena's fighting skills were

mediocre at best. Fighting Forsythia solely was a hard nut for her to crack, but now, with both Forsythia

and Elsie up against her,

she was easily overcome and captured in no time.

"Bitch!" Rena cursed as she glared at Harper. "How dare you do this to me! I am His Highness's

concubine, and you are just an

unwanted person! You are a bitch!" Considering the situation she was in and all the odds against her,

Rena was still feisty. This

was the scene Barry saw when he arrived at the yard. "How is Her Highness?" he asked Jack. Jack

glanced at Harper. He was clueless as to why she was clutching her chest with her hand. It was his first

time seeing her like this. Her face was as pale as a ghost. "I have informed Mister Rufus. His Highness

said that if anything happens to him by any chance, you will be in charge of everything in the mansion,

Your Highness," Barry said, relaying to Harper what Matthew had said.

"Lock her up first," Harper ordered, glaring back at Rena. "I'm going to take a look at his condition."

With that, Harper went directly to the main house where Matthew was being detoxified. There must be

something wrong in the

process of detoxifying, considering Rena had shown up solely for the purpose of ending her life. She

knew that Rena needed

someone to take all the blame, and that person was her. The thought of this made Harper uneasy.

Since everyone had been

keeping her in the dark as to what had happened to Matthew, she decided to take a look at him by


"Watch out, Your Highness!" The moment Harper took her first steps forward, her knees gave out.

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Fortunately, Forsythia was

there to catch her before she fell to the ground. She then began her way to where Matthew was.

Johnson and Denny were silent as they walked. Both of them were deep in their thoughts about what to

do next. Soon, they

came upon Harper, who, despite looking pale, still looked like a fairy when the light shone on her. This

illusion, however, was

broken with the words that came out of her mouth.

"Arrest both of them!" Harper ordered without hesitation. The secret guards came in one after another,

and took both of them

down in lightning speed.

"Harper Chu, what are you trying to do?" Denny shouted as he was being tackled to the ground. His

shaky voice made it obvious

how anxious he was. "What are you doing? Why are you arresting me? His Highness is in deep

trouble, and by doing this, you

are putting his life in danger! Are you aware of that?"

Whatever Denny was saying, Harper was uninterested. She slowly stepped forward and saw that

Matthew was still in the

medicated bath. His body had turned black, and it seemed to her that his pulse was feeble. She

entered the room quietly,

touched the water with her finger and smelled it carefully.

Suddenly, a voice rang out. "Wow, what a spectacular scene! What transpired here?" Everyone turned

around to see where the

voice was coming from. They all saw Rufus, who was dressed in a coquettish manner. "Barry, why do

you look so uneasy? Are

you unhappy to see me? Does His Highness want to..."