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Facade of Love

Chapter 107
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Chapter 107 It’s Over

“Sorry… I did not realize…” Idris’s voice was a low rumble, thick with regret.

I kept my eyes shut, silent.

He held my hand, a little warmth in his touch, but I pulled away, dodging hist


Maybe I was just being oversensitive, but I could swear he tensed up right then.

“Yvette,” he tried again, “we’ll have kids someday…”

My eyes shot open, a storm of anger and bitterness swirling inside, but I just stared at

him, wordless. He looked like he had been through the wringer, his face. drawn, stubble

shadowing his l*ps, looking all kinds of rough.

“Idris, you killed your own child!” I let the words out, staring him down, each one

deliberate and heavy.

He just looked back at me, his dark eyes a whirlpool of pain and guilt, bloodshot and


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I closed my eyes again, took a shaky breath, and pressed a hand to the ache in my chest.

“Just go, and don’t come back. I can’t bear to see you.”

He suddenly seized my hand, his voice rough with emotion. “Yvette, we…”

“We’re done. Get out!” I yelled, my voice filled with a mix of fury and despair.

He clung to my hand, enduring my outburst, his deep–set eyes locked on mine. and his

voice still rough. “I’m not going anywhere. If you’re angry, go ahead and hit me. You can

even yell at me.”

With a loud crash, my anger boiled over. I grabbed the first thing I could find and threw it

at him, only realizing it was a hot water kettle as it was flying through the air.

He did not flinch, taking the full brunt of the impact. The kettle shattered, calding water

splashing across his face and b*dy, but he stood his ground, gripping my hand all the

while, his gaze never leaving mine.

noise brought my mother and Maxwell running. They were relleved to find

harmed, but they froze at the sight of the kettle on the floor and Idris, dining off his skin. t

Idris stayed put, his dark eyes still fixed on me. His voice was a calm contrast to the

chaos. “Are you feeling any better?”

I glared back, my heart still seething, ignoring his scalded skin. I tried to yank my hand

away, but he held on with an iron grip.

My rage had not subsided in the slightest. Seeing him stubbornly refusing to let go, I

grabbed a paring knife from the counter and stabbed it into the back of his hand.

“Yvette!” Mom’s scream pierced the air.

Maxwell was shocked into action, pulling me back from the brink.

Idris did not even wince, his dark eyes still on me, betraying no sign of pain.

“Everyone’s lost their minds!” Maxwell exclaimed, looking at Idris’s bleeding hand. He

yanked him up and bellowed for a doctor.

Idris was practically yanked out of the room, leaving me alone with my thoughts. My mom

watched me, her eyes wide with lingering fear. It took her a moment to find her voice.

“Yvette, you…”

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“Mom, I’ve made up my mind. I’m getting a divorce.” I stared at the now–vacant doorway,

then turned to face her. “Can you get in touch with Dad’s old lawyer? I need him to help

me put together the divorce papers.

She hesitated, her forehead glistening with worry. After dabbing at the sweat, she finally

nodded, her voice tinged with concern. “Sweetheart, you can’t keep doing this to yourself.

Promise me you’ll take care of yourself, okay?”

I gave a weary nod, feeling the tension drain from my b*dy as I slumped against the

hospital bed, my eyes empty.

The heartache was suffocating.

Mom cleaned up the remnants of the day’s turmoil and had a doctor come in to check on

me. Then she sat by my side, tears silently streaming down her face.

I knew she was scared for me. Right then, I did not want to talk. I just wanted to

everything fall apart.

was an hour before Maxwell came back. As soon as he stepped into the room, mbarded

him with questions. “Is he okay? How bad are the injuries? @ thid the doctor say?

algh and looked at me. “He’s alive, bu

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