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A Replacement Bride

Chapter 15
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Chapter 15

"Yeah," Joaquin replied lightly like it was not a big deal.

Ben looked down again with interest. "Looks like Rosemary has prepared a big gift for her.

The people invited are all the dandies from Hovington, and they like to play with women.

The methods they use are despicable."

"What a pity." Ben stuck his tongue out, feeling a little regretful that such a beautiful

young lady was going to be 'eaten'.

A pity?

A dim light flashed in Joaquin's deep eyes, and the smile on the corner of his lips was


He felt that Ben should feel sorry for those dandies instead.

On the other hand, Rosemary introduced Katherine to the others with a smile, "This is my

sister, Katherine, who just came back from Fontan yesterday."

There were more than a dozen men and women in the booth, and as soon as Katherine

appeared, the gaze of several ruffian young men fell on her.

As soon as they heard that she was from Fontan, they immediately laughed mischievously.

"Rosemary, you have a pretty sister." One of the men rubbed his chin and licked the

corner of his mouth excitedly.

He loved beautiful women, especially when he was destroying them.

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Someone like Katherine easily aroused him.

He could even imagine how she would look like kneeling in front of him and begging for


"I'm happy that you like her, Mr. Harvey." Rosemary smiled sweetly and generously,

keeping a distance from Katherine without a trace.

Katherine raised her eyebrows and glanced at the man known as Mr. Harvey. Seeing

Katherine staring back at him, he looked even more ecstatic.

It seemed that he had just taken some drugs and was starting to get delirious.

Katherine's gaze swept across the people in the booth. Each of them looked ecstatic, and

when she noticed the white powder left on the table, it further proved her doubts.

She could not believe Rosemary hung out with people like them, but she did not look like a

drug addict. She must have been pretty protective of herself.

At this time, someone handed her a glass of wine, and bubbles were floating in it, looking

like it had been drugged.

"Care to have a drink with us?"

Katherine glanced at the wine in front of her, leaned back, and refused, "My dad won't let

me drink."

Rosemary looked surprised. "Why not? Dad never stops us! Oops!"

She covered her mouth with a frustrated expression. "Sorry, I didn't mean to say that!"

Katherine was speechless.

"Oh? Are you trying to embarrass us?" the person toasting asked with a smile.

Rosemary had already told them that Katherine was not favored in her family, so they

could play around with her as long as they did not kill her.

Therefore, these people knew what their limits were, and they did not plan to show mercy

to Katherine.

They were unwilling to do it at first, but after seeing Katherine's beauty, they were


"Katherine, these are the rules in Hovington. If we're late, we have to…" Rosemary was a

little embarrassed.

"Oh… Why don't you drink on my behalf?"

Without waiting for Rosemary to finish her words, she stretched out her hand to take the

wine from the other party's hand, turned her body slightly, and shoved the wine glass

beside Rosemary's mouth. With her other hand, she caressed Rosemary's back with

something shiny.

Rosemary wanted to scream in pain, but she could not make a sound, so she could only

open her mouth…

Katherine looked at her strangely and inquired, "Want me to feed you? Sure."

She raised her hand and poured the wine into Rosemary's open mouth.

Rosemary wanted to struggle, but it was like she was possessed. She could not move as

she wanted. The wine choked her and slid down her throat. Some of the wine even

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overflowed out of her mouth and spilled onto her neck and clothes…

Once she poured all the wine down her throat, Katherine put down the glass and let go of


"Ugh… Cough…" Rosemary was lying on the edge of the couch, coughing and choking so

much that her face flushed red.

She no longer cared about stirring trouble for Katherine as she hurriedly used her fingers

to reach into her throat in order to spit out the wine just now.

She knew all too well what these people were up to, and what they offered to Katherine

was definitely not something good!

Currently, Rosemary was suffering from severe dizziness. Her throat was burning, and the

heat throughout her whole body made it unbearable.

She looked at Katherine in disbelief as she never thought that this b*tch would dare to

treat her like that!

"F*ck! Joaquin, your fiancée is amazing! She's so cool!" The scene did not escape the eyes

of Ben, who was seated in the booth upstairs.

He could not hear them, but the scene of Katherine pouring alcohol into Rosemary's made

his adrenaline race.

Joaquin frowned and looked at Ben, silently complaining about how noisy his friend was.

"Joaquin, your fiancée is incredible. She might abuse you when you get married! I didn't

expect her to be so cruel." Ben told Joaquin what happened next with great interest and

utter shock.