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Thriller Night Talk

Ch186 - Between Life and Death.
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Editor-Koneko, Proofreader- Spring Flower

Jiang Nan'an didn't even have tto search for where the nurse had gone.

Because the big worm was already right in front of him!

In a life-or-death moment, Jiang Nan'an reacted swiftly.

He tightened his feet, exerted force in his waist, and used a gymnastics bar spinning technique. With his knees as a pivot point, he swiftly pulled himself up from hanging upside down to standing upright, avoiding the swirling vortex-like mouth with layers of sharp teeth of the big earthworm.

Then, he swung his fist and smashed it down towards the round pot-like head of the worm.


Jiang Nan'an felt like he punched a tough tire skin.

The big worm's head was heavily smashed and deflated, like an underinflated basketball. It slowly but surely returned to its original shape at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Unfortunately, this still couldn't kill the giant earthworm.

However, despite being an animal with a rectum extending below, the worm seemed to have Al-enhanced intelligence. It immediately realized that the person who had just fiercely smashed its head was no 'ordinary person'. So, it decided to go after another easy target.

The chosen one was the nurse who seemed vulnerable.

When she was attacked, she used her abilities to escape.

She quickly moved onto a tree root in the distance.

Because she was so panicked, she couldn't even determine where she had moved to.

She was far away from the 'main force'.

Lonely prey had always been a favorite of hunters.

After the big worm suffered from Jiang Nan'an, it didn't hesitate to choose her as its next target.

The nurse had just landed on the tree root when suddenly, the long body of the big worm twisted in mid-air. Its head flipped outward, revealing a gaping mouth with rows of sharp teeth, like a rotating meat grinder, shooting straight towards her!


The nurse's mind went blank.

In extrterror, she instinctively activated her abilities once again.

Her figure flashed and disappeared once more.

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In the next second, the girl had already moved from one end of the tree to the other.

However, what no one expected was that the nurse's transfer this thad serious flaws.

In her panic, she couldn't properly choose her landing spot.

Then, she beclike an unlucky player in a game, getting stuck in a tree root.


The girl screamed hysterically, being a reasonable response in which the poor girl couldn't be blamed for having such a reaction.

Anyone who discovered that their lower body was intertwined with a tree root cannot help but feel fear and despair.

"Help! Help me!"

The nurse desperately pushed against the tree roots that were wrapped around her waist, trying to 'pull' her lower body out of the entanglement. She also activated her abilities, hoping to transfer herself once again. However, her powers were ineffective.

Due to her previous mistake, her body had merged with the giant tree, and her current abilities were not enough to move such a massive and heavy 'form'.

"Help! Help me! Save me!!"

The girl cried out in despair.

And at this moment, Jiang Nan'an, who was closest to her, was almost going crazy.

Because he knew very well that the result of crying out for help like this would only be one thing - attracting the attention of the monster!

Sure enough, the giant worm, which had lost its target, quickly adjusted its direction and turned its head towards the nurse who was stuck halfway in the tree roots.

Jiang Nan'an and Wei Fuyuan had no means of long-range attack, and the distance between them and the nurse was too far. Even if they wanted to save her, they could only watch helplessly, feeling completely powerless.

At this critical moment, it was Bei Quan who acted in time.

In the moment when the monster changed its target, he raised his hand and threw two talismans made out of gauze.

The talismans resembled shooting stars, swiftly crossing the sky which flew towards the giant worm.

The nurse also realized how unwise it was to scream and cry for help, although it was too late for second guessing now.

The round, pot-shaped head of the worm hung above her, looking down at her with a menacing gaze. Its mouth, resembling a rotating wheel, kept opening and revealing layer upon layer of sharp teeth, like an enlarged meat grinder.

In the next moment, the densely packed teeth suddenly contracted and then expanded, like a blooming chrysanthemum, doubling in size, and covered the nurse's head. However, those two talismans were faster than the giant worm. The moment the monster opened its huge mouth, they were like precise bullets, shooting into its mouth, before being swallowed by the squirming flesh wall.

Except for Bei Quan, no one knew what the two charms did.

But, the moment after swallowing the spell, the big earthworm acted like a slug that had just swallowed ssalt. It began to twist and struggle crazily just before hitting a big tree with a 'bang bang' sound.

After struggling for a good half a minute, it finally ran out of strength. Its long, snake-like body could no longer entwine the roots.

It suddenly relaxed and then fell downwards.

Everyone on the tree roots ducked to avoid being knocked down by the earthworm's huge body.

--I'm saved!

The female nurse escaped death and breathed a long sigh of relief.

After experiencing such extrfear, despair, and helplessness, the spirit suddenly relaxed, allowing people to easily enter a state of collapse.

She even forgot that her lower body was fused with the roots. She slumped down, leaning her head against the tree trunk, breathing weakly.

But, there was no tfor rest.. there was suddenly more action!

Bei Quan, Wei Fuyuan, Jiang Nan'an, and Luo Yun all saw another even larger head suddenly emerge from the other side of the tree trunk.

If the round pot-shaped head of the big earthworm just now was about the ssize as a small washbasin, then this one was the size of a large millstone!

Its appearance was too sudden and its goal was too clear.

The gear-shaped head suddenly expanded and opened, and in an instant, the stunned female nurse was completely enveloped.

The girl didn't even have tto scream.

When the head of the earthworm lifted again, the upper half of the nurse's body had already disappeared, leaving only a small section. It was like a poorly blood-stained Halloween decoration, being gruesomely embedded in the tree roots. This sudden, shocking, and horrifying turn of events left everyone speechless, unable to do anything in the face of such danger.

It was such a dangerous scene, but for a moment, no one said a word.

However, the newly emerged large earthworm was still far from being full.

It circled the thick and sturdy giant tree, just like a hunting snake, seemingly searching for its new prey.

Then, the earthworm set its sights on Jiang Nan'an.

"Be careful!"

Luo Yun's heart was about to jump out. Afraid of attracting the earthworm's attention, he couldn't shout and could only whisper, tremblingly calling out.

Although the earthworm didn't have 'eyes' or similar structures, anyone would feel a chill down their spine when a constantly wriggling, gaping mouth was facing them.

Fortunately, Jiang Nan'an was not a nurse trapped by the tree roots, and he reacted quickly.

As the monster lunged towards him, Jiang Nan'an grabbed onto a cluster of aerial roots, exerting force with his feet. He kicked off and pulled, leaping into the air doing a pendulum-like arc.

The earthworm's massive mouth grazed his heels and slammed forcefully into the tree root, where he had just been.


The impact was truly astonishing, Bei Quan and the others felt as if the entire tree was trembling.

"No, escaping won't get rid of it!"

Jiang Nan'an gritted his teeth and exerted force with his arms. Using centrifugal force, he swung back and, with a sudden release of his hands, managed to land on the back of the monster.

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The earthworm's skin was rough and tough, similar to tree roots in texture.

However, this amount of friction was still not enough for Jiang Nan'an to hang onto the wildly wriggling giant worm.

Fortunately, there were circles of wrinkled hard skin at the connection between the round pot-shaped head and the neck of the earthworm, allowing Jiang Nan'an to grip its 'neck' with his arms while finding leverage by wedging his hands into the gaps in the hard skin.

However, this method greatly tested his arm strength and balance, and even Jiang Nan'an felt like he couldn't hold on for too long.

He must beat up this monster that sees him as a snack before he runs out of strength or he'll get thrown off!

Jiang Nan'an raised his fist and hit the earthworm's head hard.




He was using almost all of his strength.

In the dream, every punch of Jiang Nan'an had a powerful force comparable to an Alaskan grizzly bear, smashing the back of the earthworm's head into a deflating and swelling burst skin ball.

This caused the earthworm great pain.

It began to struggle frantically, vigorously shaking its upper body, trying to throw Jiang Nan'an off from behind its head.

Jiang Nan'an tightly held onto the earthworm with one arm and continued to pummel it with his fists.

The standoff between Jiang Nan'an and the earthworm lasted for about thirty seconds.

During the struggle, the earthworm swung its head onto a giant tree. Just as it was about to have a high-speed intimate collision with the tree roots, Jiang Nan'an used one leg to push against the tough skin of the earthworm, trying to move himself aside as much as possible.

Unfortunately, although Jiang Nan'an avoided a critical hit, half of his body was still numb from the impact.

Under the powerful force, his vision darkened and he briefly lost consciousness.

When Jiang Nan'an regained consciousness, his arm that was tightly gripping the worm's body had already loosened, and he found himself uncontrollably sliding along the earthworm.

--Holy crap!

--If I fall, there's no way I'll survive!

Driven by the instinct to survive, Jiang Nan'an desperately scratched and clawed at the back of the earthworm with his one remaining hand, trying to find a spot to hang onto himself.

But, he couldn't do it.

"Xiao Jiang!"

At this moment, Wei Fuyuan also let go of the tree roots and lunged towards Jiang Nan'an.

He grabbed Jiang Nan'an with his left hand while holding a military knife in his right hand, fiercely stabbing it into the earthworm!

The military knife was covered in a layer of the golden power of merit.

With the blessing of the golden light, the blade easily pierced through the tough and rough skin of the earthworm, deeply penetrating the creature's body.