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Stealing Spree-Novel

Chapter 1981 Before Part-time
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An hour later, Akane and I left the house together.

With the recording of Yue’s new song already scheduled for tomorrow, Akane and Miho decided to meet up today, to discuss it in detail. Yue will be freeing up her schedule for them. So there’s that.

I’ll be there simply because I want to meet and spend twith my girls before I go to the boxing gym.

Ah. Right. Yua will also be there. Even if she’s not going to be involved with the actual song – since it was written and composed by Miho and Yue, and would be sung by Akane and Yue – she’s already the prospective talent for its future music video. Or rather Yue will be recommending her as her top choice when the song is fully released in the future.

When that happens, Yua’s mother, Auntie Misora who’s also acting as her manager will be bringing her again to Tokyo to meet Kaoru-san. And knowing the two girls, I’ll be accompanying them again when that tcomes.

Won’t that be a problem since neither Kaoru-san nor Auntie Misora knows that I’m involved with Yue and Yua at the stime? Absolutely. I’ll be expecting to go ballistic. In fact, there’s already a risk for it tomorrow with Kaoru-san. But well, none of my girls are worried about it. Especially Yue.

She already has a plan in mind and she’s probably going to share it with the girls today

Anyway, the place of their meet-up is a cafe that offers a private room.

It’s located not far from their school. It’s in a shopping district, much like the one close to our school. We would probably be spotted by other students but with Akane’s popularity and the rumors floating around in their school, we didn’t need to worry about being seen together anymore.

It would only be a problem if someone recognizedwhenever I was with my other girls. That’s why I still needed to at least disguise myself from tto time.

On the way there, I used the twe sat on the train to check on my other girls or what they were doing on the weekend.

Most of them were bored at hor busy doing their homework but as soon as we started talking, their excitement radiated through the texts they sent.

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There’s Elizabeth and Yukari who senta video of them dancing to a trend on the intelately.

Ririka and Hiyori are becoming hooked to a new anreleased this season. The former toldthat the main character would be great forto cosplay while the latter expressed how she wanted us to sing its opening song together.

Well, that and other normal stuff that my girls love to do.

Of course, most of my girls also expressed how much they missed me, even those who were withat the camp yesterday.

It’s really making my heart light. Add Akane who kept teasingwhenever she foundsmirking at my girls’ antics, it beca meaningful tfor all of us.

What stuck tothe most was the tfrom the Third High.

Nao toldthat she was with Hanabi and Azusa, baking scupcakes in their clubroom. The girl apparently asked her Club Advisor for permission to use it.

Shortly after that, she sentphotos of the two girls putting icing on the cupcakes.

It looked like Hanabi was settling quite well when I told her to look for Nao. As for Azusa… Although she still looked annoyed that she got ‘ordered’ to accompany them, Nao toldto not worry. Azusa was already becoming more obedient the more tthey spent together.

That’s good I guess? If I was worried before that Nao might be lonely in that school, she now had those girls by her side. Not to mention, they’re her juniors. She becthe older sister which they had to follow.

Anyway, Hanabi senta message askingif I wanted a cupcake. Showingone of her finished products before sending another line which reads, ‘Matsuri also likes cupcakes, Ruki. Do you know about it?’

I don’t know what she’s trying to fish from my mouth but I can guess that she’s starting to probe her twin sister about me.

The tof meeting Matsuri might still be far away at the present but it would eventually come. By then… I should probably expect Hanabi to becour wingwoman for our reunion.

Of course. Even if I meet Matsuri again, Hanabi already left her mark on me… I can’t believe I’m already missing her goofball energy.

Azusa, on the other hand, complained towhy she had to make a cupcake and threatened to feed it all to me. But reading between those lines, I understood her message…

“I want to see you, shameless junior.”

She’s becoming more adorable, isn’t she? I’m becoming more excited to one day tease her again.Read Web s Online Free - Fire

That aside, since it’s already a habit of mine, I also informed them of my plans today and sof the stories I prepared from the camp.

Nao said she wanted to hear it and not read it through a text so I promised to call her tonight.

Azusa and Hanabi had a differing reaction though. Azusa acted uninterested while Hanabi pressedon for more details, especially the haunted manor.

With that, I probably spent most of the ton that train, satisfying Hanabi’s thirst for fun tales.

Naturally, I didn’t neglect the other girls. Maybe if I had two phones, I’d be able to talk to them all more efficiently but that’d be weird, no?



Upon arriving at the cafe, Yua and Miho never held back in expressing their longing for me. And when Yue also showed up through the video call later, the girl demanded to havefor herself for a while.

All in all, it becquite a satisfying moment for all of us. I then listened to their discussion while alternatively pampering them. New ɴᴏᴠᴇʟ ᴄhapters are published on ɴovᴇl(F)ɪre.ɴet

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Somehow, the cafe employees who sometimes checked on us if we still needed anything kept on weirdly looking at me.

I wouldn’t blthem for that. Because every tthey showed up, I would be in a different seat, pampering a different girl.

It must’ve been confusing for them. In any case, they properly managed to connect the dots soon enough.

When I was about to leave after that lengthy discussion that I also partook in, they askedwhat I was to those three in the room.

I silently stared at them without saying anything else, making them nervous. And when they looked like they were about to scurry away, I put on a meaningful smile and lifted a finger to my place.

I then walked to the counter to pay the bill and asked them to attend to the girls.

For the finale, I strode off the cafe like a pompous guy, flaunting my relationship with the three in the room.

I heard them gasping and clicking their tongues from behindbut I ignored all of that. It’s my expected reaction, after all.

Then, shortly after that, I received a message from Akane.

“Husband, please, it’s not fit for you to act like that. Our stomachs are hurting here.”

Yeah. It also becan additional entertainment for my girls. I guess it’s still a job well done for me, no?

With all that done, I continued on my way to the boxing gym.

Akane, Yua, and Miho will be going htogether once they finish their discussion.

Also, Yae will be joining them later. It’s a shbut we’ll be missing each other. Thankfully, today is the day Yae will stay the night with me.