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The Consortium’s Heir by Benjamin_Jnr

Chapter 138
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Read The Consortium’s Heir Chapter 138 – Michael and Alice both had surprised looks on their faces. They were

extremely shocked to see Darius walking past the door. Darius sudden entrance relieved and delighted

Alice, who was about to agree to Michael’s demand. She got up from her knees and threw herself into

Darius’ arms. Her actions inevitably softened the icy expression he had on his face.

The moment Alice sank into his arms, all the fear she felt from the moment of her kidnap to this current

moment melted away, and she cried loudly. She had never felt so secured before in her life, and different

turbulent emotions rocked her.

A dark expression appeared on Michael’s face as he watched Alice throw herself at Darius. He was

incredibly furious at the moment.

“How did you find us?!” Michael yelled angrily. He had spent a lot of money to build this cabin in the

middle of the forest, so that he wouldn’t be easily discovered by the police or private detectives.

However, it had been less than 12 hours since his subordinates kidnapped Alice. How on earth did

Darius find him so quickly?

Darius fixed his gaze on Michael after hearing his question, and the anger he felt from earlier returned


He was extremely glad that he was able to arrive on time. After driving in his Bugatti at top speed, he

was able to arrive at Ophen Hills in an hour instead of the stipulated three hours. After that, he

spent over ten minutes searching relentlessly for the cabin in the forest. If it weren’t for the minute tracks

the kidnappers left behind in their wake, he wouldn’t have found the cabin so quickly.

“Why did you kidnap Alice?” Darius asked angrily.

“That is none of your business.” Michael replied coldly.

“I don’t know how you found this place, but you won’t leave this place alive!” Michael said threateningly.

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“Come out!” Michael yelled, and almost immediately, the three heavily built men who kidnapped Alice

appeared in the broken door and entered the room. The fourth kidnapper who was beaten severely by

Michael was just treated recently and was still recovering.

Darius instantly tensed up when the kidnappers appeared. He could tell that Michael had spent a hefty

sum of money. hiring these kidnappers, as they were incredibly threatening, even for him. They certainly

had substantial amount of kills.

“The three of you listen closely. I want him dead.” Michael ordered coldly.

The three kidnappers nodded obediently at Michael’s words and started moving towards Darius, eliciting

a frown from Darius.

“Stand back.” Darius ordered Alice in a steady tone. He then took off his jacket and covered Alice’s

shoulders with it. This happened in the span of five seconds.

Alice felt warmer than ever when Darius casual but expensive jacket covered her shoulders, and the

sense of security she

felt increased exponentially.

Every woman wanted their man to be able to offer them a sense of security, and this was true even in

ancient times, and Alice was no different. This was why the feelings she felt for Darius intensified by

tenfold. At this point, she would do whatever Darius instructed her to do without question.

Michael saw Darius’ actions and even became angrier than he currently was.

“Make sure you kill him!” Michael yelled cynically.

Darius tensed up and stretched every part of his body to the extreme, and the three kidnappers did the

same. The moment of silence and inactivity between them was just them weighing up each other

abilities, and once they got a rough estimate of each other’s strength, they would strike.

After one minute of staring each other down, the fight happened.

Darius was the first one to rush forward, launching a powerful kick towards the direction of one of the



A loud sound echoed in the room as Darius’ legs connected with the stomach of the kidnapper.

The kidnapper groaned loudly in pain when the kick connected, and flew back from the force of the kick.

Darius, who had meditated every morning and practiced the series of movements in the ‘Journals of

Madra’ everyday had seen a significant improve

in strength, and could not be compared with how he was during the assassination attempt.

The three kidnappers looked at Darius with grim expressions after seeing his kick. They thought that he

would be an easy fight, but his kick had shown them that if they didn’t take him seriously, they wouldn’t

know how they lost.

The two kidnappers who were still standing shared a brief glance with each other, then ran towards

Darius and attacked him at the same time.

The kidnappers were strong on their own right, so when faced with the combined of the two kidnappers,

he inevitably felt a sense of crisis.


Darius raised his arms in front of him to

block the attacks from the two kidnappers, but he still moved back more than five steps because of the

force packed in the attacks. By this time, the third kidnapper had recovered from Darius’ kick, and joined

the fray and attacked Darius.

Sounds of combat filled the room as Darius engaged in a tough fight with the three kidnappers.

Michael watched the fight with a very grim expression on his face. The fight had been going on for three

minutes now, and it was very intense. After spending a lot of money to hire the kidnappers, he thought

that they would be able to take care of any issues they encountered, yet the situation in front of him was

completely different from what he envisioned.

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Not only were they not able to take care of him after three minutes, they were even on the losing end of

the fight!

On the other hand, Alice was incredibly happy when she saw Darius holding his end against the three

kidnappers. She never knew Darius was this strong. He seemed like the attacks were not even hurting


Darius on the contrary, was under a lot of pressure when faced with the combined attacks from the three

kidnappers. Unlike what Alice and Michael thought, Darius knew that any slip up would result in a fatal

injury for him.

The fight continued for two more minutes, and Darius was about to launch a finishing blow to one of the

kidnappers, but the kidnapper dodged the attack at the last second.

Unfortunately, as the room was a bit cramped for such an intense fight, this put Alice directly in the path

of Darius attack.

Darius narrowly moved his attack away from Alice, but this created an opening for the kidnappers to

capitalize on.


Three powerful blows landed on three critical points on Darius body, and Darius flew back from the force

of the attacks.

The three kidnappers rushed over to Darius, not giving him any sign of reprieve. Faced with a flurry of

attacks, and left with no way to defend against them, Darius was injured severely by the kidnappers.

Just as one of the kidnappers wanted to land a critical blow to Darius’ head,

several bright lights shone onto the cabin, illuminating the cabin, and several loud helicopter sounds

could be heard.

Darius let out a knowing smile the moment he heard the sounds. The police had arrived just in the nick of
