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The Mighty Dragon Warrior

Chapter 96
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Suddenly, a chubby boy sneaked up on Heidi and pulled her braids.

“Marco, how dare you grab my braid? I’m telling the teacher!” Heidi pursed her lips and clenched her

fists indignantly.

The chubby boy mocked gleefully, “Hah, we are not in the kindergarten anymore. I’m not scared of the


“I’ll beat you up!” Heidi’s face flushed red with anger.

“I’m not scared of you!” The chubby boy waved his fist. “I am a big boy, and you are only a little girl. You

can never defeat me!”

After saying that, he grabbed Heidi’s braids again.

Suddenly, a dark figure came out of nowhere, overshadowed the chubby boy, and grabbed the boy’s

shirt collar, lifting him like a rag doll.

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Jacob looked at the boy kicking his stubby legs in the air. “Didn’t your father tell you not to bully my


Heidi looked up at Jacob and blinked bewilderedly.

“Let me go!” The chubby boy waved his fists. “You are an adult, and I am only a kid. How can you bully

me? What a shameless loser!”

“Fine, I won’t bully you.” Jacob sneered and put the boy down. “Who’s coming to pick you up?”

“My dad! You are doomed!” The chubby boy glared at Jacob.

“I will wait for him.” Jacob looked at the boy sternly. “You are to stand here and don’t move. If you do, I

will break your leg.”

The chubby boy covered his mouth in fear. He is scary!

Jacob noticed his daughter’s confused gaze and turned to her.

She looked up at him with her innocent doe eyes and asked timidly, “Sir, who are you?”

Jacob kneeled down to look into his daughter’s eyes. He hesitated, took a deep breath, and said gently,

“Heidi, I am your father.”

“Father?” Heidi seemed confused.

On the other hand, the chubby boy widened his eyes in terror. Since when did Heidi have such a fierce


The boy glanced around quietly. Suddenly, he waved his hands excitedly and called out, “Dad, I’m

here! Come save me!”

Jacob turned around and saw the chubby boy’s father dashing toward him. However, when the boy’s

father slowed down upon seeing Jacob’s face.

“I… I am warning you!” The man waved his hand timidly as his son looked on expectantly. “I didn’t do

anything to you. If you hit someone unprovoked, you will be arrested!”

Jacob looked at him indifferently and said, “Take your son and scram! If I see him bullying my daughter

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again, I shall throw you and your family out of Paramount!”

“I…” The chubby boy’s father glared at Jacob, wanting to argue back. However, he immediately froze

when he saw Jacob’s threatening gaze.

Thus, he grabbed his son and left immediately. After walking a few steps, he felt indignant and slapped

the back of his son’s head. “You little bastard! Didn’t I tell you not to bully her?”

The chubby boy instantly burst into tears. “Dad, I’m sorry! I don’t dare to do it again!”

Little bastard? How can a father scold his child like that? Jacob’s brow twitched slightly before glancing


Heidi looked at him and began biting her nail.

Jacob’s eyes flashed with tenderness as he looked at her. She is just like her mother with this bad habit

of chewing her nails.

He smiled and gently pulled Heidi’s fingers from her mouth. “Don’t bite your nails anymore. Otherwise,

they will turn ugly.”

“Jacob!” A surprised and angry voice sounded nearby.