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The Mighty Dragon Warrior

Chapter 89
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Under the overhead bridge, Evelyn was trembling. She stared blankly at Colt, ashen faced. “You did

not just say the Scarlet Dragons, right?”

“We were talking about the Scarlet Dragons. Why?” Colt answered confusedly, pulling himself up off

the ground.

“The Scarlet Dragons, the same Scarlet Dragons from the outer districts?” Evelyn’s voice quivered.

Jake stood up, wincing from the pain. He forced a smile. “Have you heard of the Scarlet Dragons, Miss

Winston? Yasmine did say you used to head to the South quite often.”

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This is bad! Evelyn’s mind went blank. If the organization knows that I’m the one who started the fight,

even the Winston family is doomed!

She cleared her mind of the fear and trepidation and took a deep breath. “You should have told me that

Jacob Lynch is the leader of the Scarlet Dragons. Besides…”

“Miss Winston, is there something wrong? Were you hurt from the fight?” Colt asked worryingly.

“They’re just a terrorist organization from the outer districts but they sure have guts to come to

Paramount. Although…” His face was filled with shame. “I have to admit, that man Lynch is undeniably

strong. Jake and I were completely defeated this time around.”

Evelyn gave Colt a glance. This time around? If the Warlord of Scarlet Dragons hadn’t been holding

back for these two years, it would have been considered a miracle if your corpse still existed after

crossing paths with him. I must have been out of my mind! She smiled bitterly.

Wait, I must warn my family. They must have started their plans to avenge Darryl. I must tell them to

avoid the Scarlet Dragons at all cost, or else a massacre might happen!

Evelyn turned away and ran off.

“She’s leaving already?” Colt watched with a frown as she left the place.

Jake gave him a wry look. “Why? Are you interested in her? I’ve told you…”

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Jake’s phone started ringing. He pulled out his phone and laughed dryly. “I knew there was something

fishy when we were told to dispatch.”

“Who is it?” Colt glanced at the phone and scoffed. “There’s no need to answer that supervisor. Let’s

find a way to finish what we started.”

“We’ll wait for the leader to see what to do next.” Jake picked up the call.

On Meiwa Street, a cab screeched to a stop in front of Oriental Tower.

“Keep the change.” Jacob tossed a bill worth one thousand onto the seat and stepped out of the cab,


The cab drove off immediately.

Surveying his surroundings, Jacob raised his head and observed the tower uneasily. He walked into

the building, feeling the tension in the air. He smiled menacingly as he headed towards the elevator.