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The Four Mafia Men and Their Prize by M C

Chapter 111
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111: No Mercy 00:54% Third Person” “Uncle,” Nickolas spoke softly and through his teeth as his jaw was fractured but his single word was laced with venom.

“How in the hell did this happen?” Tyler asked Ben. He was nauseous just looking at his cousin. He was one of his.

closest friends. His betrayal hurt.

“Young Niko over here slipped away once the wedding started. Our new hidden cameras picked up the audio.” Ben said and then tapped a few buttons on his tablet before turning it around to show all the men sitting in the office.

On screen you see Nik looking over his shoulder in a secluded part of the forest. He dials his phone and puts it to his ears but the aucould still be picked up on both ends. It was one of Ben's newer inventions and they did it to try to find spies in their guards. This was the third tthey found spies by this method.

Ring Ring. Ring.

“What!” A gruff angry voice can be heard. Jason and the guys paled slightly. It was Dimitry’s voice. They wouldn't forget it as long as they lived.

“We got a problem. The wedding is happening right now.” Nik’s voice cout in a whisper.

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“What do you mean the wedding? Aurora’s wedding to those scumbags? That is two weeks away.” Dimitry’s voice was questioning.

“I'm sorry Sir, but it’s happening right now. My uncle and cousin are here too. | didn’t know what was going on until now when | saw your girl coming down the aisle with my uncle.” Nik said, again the word uncle was pure venom and he emphasized your girl much to the distaste of the men in the room.

“AH!” screamed Dimitry in the phone. It was so loud that Nickolas could be seen holding the phone away from his car and flinching. “Those worthless sons of fucking pussies.” A few distorted crashes can be heard and more profanities.

When Dimitry cback to the phone he was breathing heavily but seemed calmer and more sinister. “Okay.

Those bastards think they can pull a fast one on me... I'm going to send them a little gift. Hang tight. I'm sending sof my men. They will be there in a few hours. Wait for their call and then follow their instructions.” “Okay. What about my payment? You said you would take care of my uncle and cousin.” Nickolas asked cautiously.

“Yes, yes. You will still get the family business when this is all over. Now just keep your eyes open and report back toanything else. And don’t get fucking caught!” Sang Dimitry before a click was heard.

Ben stopped the footage and everyone turned their attention to the man in chains.

| “During the reception, he got another call and left,” Charlie said.

“Cam reviewed all the surrounding footage. It looked like Draco had been watching him for stand followed him when he abruptly snuck out of the dining room and then went into the woods. There is footage showing Draco 1/3 took several men with him and they ended up at the far side of the compound.” Ben sani, puling up more fiim.

The videos started purving and showed Nik and sof Dimitry’s men talking. There was no dese main but you could see Dam and the men observing them. Draco saw he was meeting with Dimitry’s men, he called for mure backup and they timed to ambush them, only to be ambushed themselves.

There were more of Dimit all the quam no chance.

men in hiding amongst the trees than originally thought and it was a blood barth, dimost vere stamned in the back or had their throats slashed. Draco was shot in the back of the head. There was The footage cut to a dew tence views and several of the men brought out axes. Then they did their work and Middelg Nirected them along with another man dressed in black. He had a large scar on his face.

“Nicholas here is the one who did the sign as you can see coming up. The guards caught him trying to escape the property and he trment to digits them when he was being apprehended. They found two phones and on the burner, we found pictures of the incident and comes were sent to an untraceable number. Most likely Marco. Ben finished filing in the story as the rest of the inntage plaved out. He was holding his anger in. He was certainly the more docile of the bunch, but he could getas a cry it provized.

Gustus got up slowly and approached the man and before you could blink, he had punched him so hard that you hear a crack and the man las barely conscious on the office floor. His breathing was shallow and his groans of pain were barely audible “Take him away. Spare no mercy. He threatened y your Queen; he killed your comrades and your commander. He is no longer part of this family. | wash my tumis on him. Gustus said, addressing the guards in the room before he spat on the man three times and turned is back. The guards quickly dragged Nil, out by his arms.

“I must apologize to you, Jason. You as weill Chardhe, Lat, and Ben. | had no idea of his treachery but rest assured that we will be doing sserious house cleaning. You are tum as much family now and we protect family.” Gustus said, clapping lason on his shoulder.

“It’s not your fault Gus. But your words mean a lot” beam and with a sad smile. Gus returned it.

Then the doors busted open and in walled Gminy, leaning a litle heavier against her cane. She walked in slowly but her face held fire even though there was a small track left behind from tarts she recently shed. She held her head high and proceeded to ctowards the men.

“It's true.” Grammy said. It wasn’t a question, but Jason united all the sand Grammy sat down, deflated.

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“No mercy J. No mercy for any of them,” Grammy muttered and all the mum grunted in apprewail.

“Men, go to your wife. She needs you, now more than ever. Today in stalll your welding day. This lite is not for the faint of heart and she knows it. Take her on the honeymoon she deserven. Multe am happy” Grammy ortlered.

Jason began to protest but Gustus raised his hand to stop him. “Your gradimethen skonight Kurm needs you just as much as you need her. Tyler and 1 as well as the rest of us will watch over youn mesquonsibilities while you are gons. It is not wrong to take the tto be with those you love. Phan this little dreemalten woonum here will no doubt be a pain. in our ass the whole time.” He finished softly with a sly smile and a flirtatious wint towards Garummy “Damn richt, I'll be a pain in your ass. My cane will too.” Grammy winlued back tou and am slight cringed as the 111: No Mercy two old farts. “Boy! What are you still doing here? Go makea great-grandbaby!” Jason's face heated up to ears and took that opportunity to bid everyone goodnight. Ben called one of the maids and directed them to set up a few extra guest rooms for the other Mafia men and their guards as it was already one in the morning. The men shook hands with everyone and all exited their office.

The guys hurriedly made their way upstairs to their sleeping beauty who to their surprise was very much awake and was waiting impatiently on the bed, naked. She had woken up and found herself alone and scared to fall back asleep. She wanted her husbands more than anything right now: she wanted them to make her forget the nightmare she saw. She hoped that if they tired her out enough, she wouldn't be able to dream and she would grieve tomorrow. Tonight was for her and her husbands. Nothing was going to stop her from being with the men she loved.

The next morning....

Aurora made her way down the stairs, very slowly trying to hide her slight limp. Ben walked with her with a proud grin on his face and he kept one of his hands on her ass and didn’t have a care in the world who saw.

She didn’t regret her decision to ask her husbands to make love with her as they consummated their nuptials, but she may have regretted slightly telling them not to hold back. They were practically feral last night. They showed no mercy and she loved it.

Ben chose a simple knee length black dress that luckily covered most of her upper body as her soft smooth skin was almost completely covered in red marks and cuff impressions that were turning dark red and purple. Her backside wasn’t much better looking, but then again, she tends to have permanent purple markings on that particular area of flesh. Her whole body hurt in all the right places and she certainly learned last night that her flexibility and stamina have increased thanks to her training.

They made it to the foyer where everyone was waiting for them, also dressed in black. They silently made their way to the waiting small army of armored cars outside and headed out of the compound to the cemetery. Father Kerney waited patiently by a large wooden casket. Every nof the lives lost the night before was burned into the wood in a beautiful script.

By the tthe service was over, there was not a dry eye in attendance and Aurora made sure once again that there was a mountain of flowers on the grave before saying her last goodbyes.

Everyone headed back to the compound except for three cars that held Aurora and her husbands and their personal guards. They headed straight to the other side of the compound and entered the air hanger where they boarded their private jet to set sail across the world.

Little did they know, someone was watching and final plans were being made.