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The Claiming by Cooper

Chapter 85
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Chapter 85 Mason


When we arrive at the borders of Seth’s pack, the warriors on patrol are happy to see Jara.

“Alpha Jara. We didn’t know if we’d see you again.”

“Hello, Jeffrey.”

I watch as Jeffrey looks from Jara to me. “I hope every- thing went well with the claiming.” He says, and I

can tell he wants to know if she’s happy that I caught her.

“Very well, thank you.” She smiles up at him.

“Good, I’m glad to hear it.” And based on the look of relief on his face, I believe he truly was concerned

for Jara. She’s not his Alpha and she was most likely going to leave the pack, so his concern and

dedication to her speaks volumes about how well she treats her pack members. Not that I’m surprised.

Jara is an amazing and caring woman, which is just one more reason why I’m glad she’s mine.

We drive through a small town with houses on either side of the street and store fronts lining the road.

When we get to the pack house, I can see why Jara was surprised that almost all my pack members live

in the pack house. Their pack house looks like a large house, my pack house looks like a mansion.

When we step out of the car, an older version of Jara comes out of the packhouse. Her eyes go wide,

and her hands go to her mouth.


“Hi Mom.” Jara says and walks straight to her mom,

pulling her into a hug. I hear her mother’s s*bs as her arms wrap around her daughter.

“You must be Alpha Mason.” A man that could be Seth’s older brother says, extending his hand.

“Yes sir.” I say, shaking his hand.

“You have no idea what this means to my mate. To me.” He says turning back to me. “I’m Alpha Phillip.

I’m sure you’ve gathered that I’m Jara’s father.”

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“Yes, sir. It’s nice to meet you.”

Jara’s mother finally pulls away, putting her hands on Jara’ s face before turning to me. “Thank you.” She


“You’re very welcome, ma’am. I wanted you to know that my intention is for you and Jara to see each

other as often as you’d like. You are welcome at our pack any time and I hope that we can come visit you

here as well.”

“Of course you can.” Seth says, walking out of the pack house with his arm wrapped around Hana.

“We’re brothers now, after all. Come in. We have a room set up for you. I do hope you’re staying the


“We are.” Jara tells him, wrapping her arm around her mother’s shoulders, her mother’s arm around her


“Perfect. I was hoping you would because we scheduled Hana’s Luna ceremony for tonight so you could


I follow my mate inside. “Seth said you were coming, but I wasn’t sure. I can make up another room, or

you can stay in your old room.” Jara’s mother says to her.

I take a moment to look around the space. It’s homey. There really isn’t another word for it. My

packhouse is stark, bare, almost no female touches. This space feels warm and welcoming. I hope that

Jara can make our packhouse feel the

same very soon.

Jara turns and looks at me. “My old room is fine, mom.”

Our bags are brought in, and I follow Jara up to her room. When she opens the door, the scent of sweet

cream floods my nose. The response in my jeans is extremely uncomfort- able since I’m standing right

next to her father.

As we step into her room, Jara turns and I don’t know ex- actly what she sees on my face, but she looks

down, smirking, before coming over, and putting herself in front of me. I wrap my arm around her

shoulders, pulling her against me, her back to my front. I swear I hear her snicker when her backside

rubs against my now painful hard on.

“Mom, dad, why don’t you let us get settled and we’ll come down and join you for lunch.”

“That sounds wonderful, honey.” She says, kissing Jara on the cheek. “And I can’t wait to get to know

you better, Alpha Mason.” She says to me.

“Please call me Mason.” She touches my cheek with her hand before her mate pulls her from the room,

closing the door behind them.

When the door is closed, Jara turns to me. “What’s this about, Alpha?” She asks, her hand gripping my

aching d*ck through my jeans.

“This room smells like you, Jara. I can’t help that I love

your scent.”

She gets a mischievous smile on her face, before kneeling down in front of me.

“We should take care of that, Alpha.”

“Jara.” It was meant to be a warning, but it comes out more as a moaning growl.

She just smiles at me, undoing my jeans and pulling them down, before pulling my boxer briefs down,

letting my d*ck escape its confines.

Her hand begins stroking me as she looks up at me, lick- ing her lips. My d*ck twitches in her and she

smiles before her mouth turns into a pout. “I’m hungry, Mason.”

“You, my mate, are an insatiable woman.”

She slowly slides her tongue over the tip of my c*ck. “Is that a complaint, Alpha.”

I slide my fingers through her hair, gripping it at the nape of her neck. “Never.”

“Good.” She says, before she begins licking and sucking me like I’m the best f**king treat she’s ever had.

When she takes me deep into her throat, I look down, see- ing her looking up at me. Her eyes are

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watering, but she doesn’t stop. F**k! Her mouth is warm and wet and her tongue… I growl, trying to stay

quiet but I can’t and when she takes me deep again, I grip her head and thrust into her, only thrusting

twice more times before I’m shooting my c*m down her throat, feeling her mouth and throat contracting


me, making my o*gasm even stronger.

When I pull out of her, she coughs a bit, having chocked a little on my c*m.

“Sorry.” I say, helping her to her feet.

“Never be sorry for enjoying what I’m giving you, Mason.” She leans up, kissing me.

“Now, we need to get ready to have lunch with my family, so get dressed.” She says, smacking my a*s

before walking into her bathroom.

I take a moment to look around her room as I pull my pants back up. Not surprisingly, it’s not a girlie

room. My mate isn’t girlie, she’s tough, strong and compassionate.

I see a picture of a young Jara and another girl that must be a young Mila. I remember when I was in her

claiming that I found her beautiful too. But I was never drawn to her like I am

to Jara.

“You were in her claiming, right?”

“Yes. She was the first Alpha female in a decade to enter the claiming, I think.”

“There aren’t too many of us left.” She says, moving to change into something a bit more formal to wear

around the pack.

“Should I change?” I ask her. “We’ll be able to come back up before the ceremony, right, or should I

change now.”

“No, we’ll come back.” She says and I walk to her, wrap- ping my arms around her and leaning into her


“I hope we make many, many more Alpha females, love.” I whisper, nipping at her ear.

She turns, looking at me over her shoulder. “Me too, Al- pha.”