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The Claiming by Cooper

Chapter 40
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Hana and I decide to have dinner in the main dining hall, knowing that if we spend more time with those

assessed today, it will make them feel better physically. It is apparent, though that many wolves are

missing. I would assume that they are all from Alpha Cameron’ s pack.

Annabel joins us for dinner and afterward, I go to see Elder Jason. “Do you need my assistance to

prepare for Alpha Cameron’s funeral?” I ask him. I should have asked earlier when I said the funeral

would be tonight, but I was distraught and then Mason was going into his assessment and my mind was

clouded with the possibility of losing him.

However, now, my focus is fully on making sure that Alpha Cameron’s pack is given proper time to grieve

the loss of their Alpha.

“No, Alpha Jara. You’ve been plenty busy today and based on the interactions I saw at dinner, your

assistance and that of Beta Hana greatly helped to heal the claimants who were assessed.”

He looks out to where the back of the main packhouse is, his eyes glazing over. “I have set up a pyre for

this evening. I plan to give anyone from Alpha Cameron’s pack who wishes to speak, time to say

whatever they want to say.”

I nod. It’s how it should be done. “While it’s not common to have an Alpha ceremony immediately after a

funeral, I believe it is necessary this evening. There has been enough chaos during this claiming, and I

don’t want any more wolves to feel lost or bereft without their Alpha. Between the reassessment and the

loss of their Alpha, many omegas and warriors from Alpha Cameron’s

pack might be close to losing their minds or going feral.”

“I agree.” I tell him. While it is unusual, these men are away from their packs, they have been through

reassessment which I now understand is a horrible, grueling process and they’ve lost their Alpha. The

possibility of what’s left of Alpha Cameron’s pack going feral is high until there is a new Alpha. And I

know Beta Luke will be a good Alpha. He obviously cares about his pack a great deal.

“Good. I’d like you to lead the ceremony.” I whip my head around to look at Elder Jason.

“Me? Why me?”

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“You are a true Alpha. And while I am as well, you being an Alpha female seems to impact males from

every pack, not just your own. I think you being there, leading the ceremony will ensure that Alpha

Cameron’s pack pledges their allegiance to Beta Luke as their new Alpha and will give them some peace

during this evening’s events.”

I’m not sure I agree with Elder Jason, but I’m willing to do anything needed to ensure the safety and

peacefulness of Alpha Cameron’s pack. “I’ve never led an Alpha ceremony before.” I tell him.

“It’s fairly straightforward, but I took the liberty of writing out the instructions for you, just in case.”

I look over the document Elder Jason hands me and realize it’s exactly what occurred when Seth took

over as Alpha from my father.

“I can do this.” I tell him.

“Thank you. I’ll be there in case something happens, but this will be better.”

An hour later, we’re all standing in front of the pyre where Alpha Cameron’s body is lying. His entire pack

is here, but so are many others, wanting to pay their respects.

Elder Jason stands on the stage, addressing the group.

“Today, we lost one of our good Alphas. He was a man known not only to his pack, but to other packs as

well as the Elders. He was a true Alpha, and his loss will impact us for years to come. This evening,

before we light the fire and send our Alpha to the Moon Goddess, I offer everyone the opportunity to say

something about Alpha Cameron.”

He steps back and Beta Luke immediately moves to the stage. He speaks of what a strong and powerful

Alpha Cameron was, how he loved and cherished his pack and how terrible it is that he went feral just

before this year’s claiming. He goes on to discuss how he will be missed and how no one can ever fill his


One after another, his pack members go up on stage to talk about something their Alpha did for them,

whether it was to protect them, comfort them or bring them peace in a time of loss, Alpha Cameron was

definitely one of the good ones. I can’t help but wonder why our Moon Goddess chose to take him

instead of someone like Typhon who doesn’t deserve to be an Alpha.

I watch as even Seth and Mason go up on stage to discuss their interactions with Alpha Cameron and

what a good Alpha he was. I know I have tears running down my face. And while I know I need to

present as a strong Alpha, I can’t help but cry over the loss of someone so good, so deserving of their


When everyone has spoken, Elder Jason lights the pyre and we watch as the fire ignites, burning into the

night, taking Alpha Cameron’s ashes with it.

When the fire finally starts to die out, Elder Jason returns to the podium. “I know that those of you in

Alpha Cameron’s pack are grieving and that this is unusual, but we are in an unusual situation. Tonight,

your Beta, Beta Luke, will stand and take his oath as your new Alpha. Is there anyone here that would

contest this?”

He waits, ensuring that no one from their pack disagrees with Beta Luke taking over as their new Alpha.

“Alpha Jara, will you join me on stage please.” Elder Jason looks at me, as I make my way to the stage.

As I walk onto the stage, I see Mason and Seth’s looks of

confusion. I’m still not exactly sure why Elder Jason wants me to lead the ceremony, but I’m willing to do


He hands me the ceremonial knife and cup before beckoning Beta Luke over to me. “Alpha Jara will be

presiding over the Alpha ceremony this evening.” He announces to the crowd.

I look out over the crowd. “Before we begin, I just want to say, I didn’t know Alpha Cameron, but from

everything I heard this evening, it sounds like he was a wonderful Alpha, a great man. There is a hole in

your pack that may never be filled. But I do know Beta Luke. He is in my claiming, and he is one of the

few that I’ve chosen to spend extra time with during this event. I’ve gotten to know Beta Luke, and I

believe he will be a strong and good Alpha to your pack. I believe that he has the ability and willingness

to protect and love all of you as a good Alpha should.”

From the corner of my eye, I see Elder Jason smiling. Perhaps this is what he was hoping I would do.

Confirm to the members of this pack that I believe in their new Alpha and trust that he will be good at his

new role.

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I turn to Luke. “Beta Luke, please step forward.”

When he does, I take his hand, palm facing upward. He unwavering eyes meet mine.

“Do you accept the role of Alpha of Lunar Eclipse Pack?”

“I do.”

“Will you, as Alpha, put your pack above yourself, above your own needs and lead them with love,

consideration and strength.”

“I will.”

“Will you protect them with your life, allowing no other to come and take them from you?”

“I will.”

“Do you swear to treat every member of your pack as your family, for that is what they are. They are your

family. Swear that you will care for and love your pack as a father loves his children.”

He turns, looking out over his pack members. “I swear that I will treat every member of my pack as if they

are my family. I will love every one of you as a father loves his children.”

“Then, by the power vested in me, Alpha Jara of Silver Crest Pack, I present the new Alpha, Alpha Luke

of Lunar Eclipse Pack.” I slice the blade down the center of Luke’s palm, letting his blood drip into the

ceremonial cup.

Before his hand heals, I slice it again, allowing enough blood to drip into the cup for all of his pack

members to drink and swear their loyalty to him. I stand at his side as one by one, his pack members

come, swear their loyalty and drink his blood, sealing the connection to him as their new Alpha and re-

creating a pack mind


When it’s finally done, Alpha Luke calls to his pack to go for their first run together with their new Alpha.

They all shift and begin running for the forest. This is the last part of sealing the bond between them.

I step off the stage, exhausted with the day’s events and wanting nothing more than my bed.

As soon as my feet touch the ground, I’m scooped into Mason’s arms. “I got Elder Jason to agree to let

me carry you home. You’re dead on your feet, Jara. Let me take care of you.”

I just nod, leaning my head against his chest and drifting off to sleep, knowing Mason will make sure I get

back to my room safely.