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The Claiming by Cooper

Chapter 36
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The next morning, we all wake up a bit later than usual. Over breakfast, Annabel is chatting happily. She

had a really great time last night and Alpha Antonio had been given permission to carry her to her bed,

under the surveillance of a guard. When he had laid her down and removed her shoes, she had woken

up and he had gently kissed her goodnight.

“It was my first kiss.” She says, her eyes glazing over with the memory and her fingers touching her lips.

She refocuses on us. “Are their lips always so warm and soft?” She asks us.

“No.” Hana says and we both turn to look at her. I’ve only ever kissed Mason and his lips are always

warm and soft.

She grimaces at us. “Some warrior in my pack kissed me in school one day. His lips were cold and

cracked. It wasn’t a nice

experience.” I watch as her eyes glaze over. “But Seth’s lips are always warm and soft.”

“Maybe it’s because they are Alphas? Mason’s are the same.” I say shyly.

We all get lost in our thoughts for a moment. “How do you think they will feel about getting re-evaluated?”

Annabel asks.

“If they don’t like it, I think Elder Jason will have them removed. He seems very intent on making sure

we’re safe. If they refuse, they’ll be out.” I say.

“Don’t worry, I’m sure Alpha Antonio will be willing to get re-

evaluated so he can catch you, Annabel.” Hana teases and Annabel blushes beautifully, making her blue

eyes shine brightly.

After breakfast, we walk to the stage. Elder Jason asked us to join him while he announces to the group

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what the next steps are. I’m wondering if he’s planning to surround the stage with guards and when we

arrive, I see that I’m right. Every available guard is around the stage. We walk onto the stage and our

individual guards come to stand right behind us. Elder Jason isn’t taking any chances.

As I look out over the group, I make eye contact with the ones from last night. They either smile, wink or

one blows a kiss. While I like them all, Alpha Mason is still at the top of my list.

I feel a pri*kle at the back of my neck, and I look out over the crowd again. Alpha Typhon is staring at me

with hard eyes. He’s not happy about last night. I give my shoulders a slight shrug as if to say ‘too bad’

before turning my attention back to Elder Jason who is walking up to the microphone.

“Good morning, gentlemen.” He turns and looks at us. “Good morning, ladies.” A chorus of ‘good

mornings’ echoes over the crowd.

“As I mentioned yesterday, I have a couple of announcements this morning and my verdict for the

remaining contestants. First, the omega, Layan, has been sent home.” He stops and while no one

actively expresses anger at this, there is a lot of shifting in the crowd. One less female to claim this year.

When the chatter dies down, Elder Jason continues. “Second, every male claimant will be reassessed

before entering the claiming territory.”

This causes an immediate reaction. Many of the males begin actively complaining, saying they’ve

already been assessed, calling

this outrageous, and verbally refusing additional testing.

“QUIET!” Elder Jason bellows and the crowd quiets down.

“Anyone who refuses to submit to re-evaluation may leave the claiming territory today. I will not require

you to be reassessed, but if you want to enter the claiming territory to claim one of this year’s

contestants, you will do so. That is your choice.” There is a lot of grumbling, but I see several males

nodding their head in agreement, Mason being one of them. He catches me watching him and he winks

at me again. I try to hide my smile at his flirtation.

“For anyone willing to submit to re-evaluation, those of you in Omega Annabel’s lottery will be evaluated

today. Once all of you are clear, Annabel will be scheduled to enter the claiming territory. If, for any

reason, one of her claimants does not pass their evaluation, you will be excluded from this year’s events

and another male will be pulled from the lottery.”

Elder Jason turns to look at us. “The claiming territory will be thoroughly cleaned before you enter,

Annabel. I will be checking over the territory myself today to ensure that it has been washed clean.”

“Thank you, Elder.” Annabel says quietly. We all know what that means. All the blood from Layan and the

mutilated wolves has to be washed away. Elder Jason seems to understand that if Annabel smells what

happened during Layan’s claiming, she may become terrified and unable to proceed with her claiming.

He turns back to the group. “In addition to the assessments, social gatherings will begin again today, but

only for those that have been re-evaluated. Annabel will have a social gathering with her group this

evening. Those that choose to submit to evaluation from Beta Hana’s group will be allowed to attend her

social gatherings this

evening as well. Alpha Jara will be allowed to choose the members of her social gathering again this

evening.” There is a lot of grumbling over this. However, I’m excited. I want the same group as last night.

Last night was the best time I’ve had since I’ve been


“Tomorrow, we will complete the reassessment of Beta Hana’s lottery claimants and begin assessment of

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Alpha Jara’s claimants. The assessors will be arriving in the next hour. If you are in Annabel’s lottery,

please step forward. The rest of you are dismissed for now. If you choose to exclude yourself from re-

evaluation, please pack your bags and leave the territory before lunch time.”

Only nineteen of Annabel’s claimants step forward. The last one walks away, conceivably to leave the

claiming. I step down, looking for Seth, but find Mason.

“Why would they leave without being re-assessed?” I ask, seeing other claimants debating.

“Have you ever seen the assessment process?”

“No, why?”

“It’s intense, especially for omegas and non-ranked members. It’s intrusive and it pushes you to ensure

you’re not on the verge of going feral. I understand why some would drop out. It can be grueling.”

“But you’re willing to do it again?”

He turns, giving me his full attention. “I’m willing to do whatever it takes to claim you, Jara. I thought we’d

established that already.”

“Thank you.” I say, quickly kissing his cheek before stepping back. There are too many prying eyes for

me to do more.

Dividing into pages now

Before I can turn away, he grabs my hand. “Will I be seeing you again this evening?”

“You’re one of very few here that I would agree to claiming me. I thought we had established that

already.” I say, repeating his words back to him.

He smiles, taking my hand, leaning over it and sucking on my knuckle like he did last night, his gaze

holding mine. I feel my body responding to his unspoken flirtation.

It isn’t long before he stands, his eyes still on mine. “Glad we’re on the same page.” He says, before

releasing my hand.

I know I’m blushing when I turn and run to catch up with Hana and Annabel.