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A Gamma's Revenge by Ylyanah

Chapter 354
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Chapter 354 Out Loud Amir's p.o.v.

☐☐ 75% Finished "How did you get that picture?" An unknown voice asks the moment Gianni answers the ringing phone.

"I just took it a second ago." Gianni answers and a moment later we hear another unknown voice. "What did you say to Mattia? He looks... well I don't know what he looks like." "Sorry, Mom. I told him I took that picture a second ago." He says, while he turns his phone towards Mateja. "Mattia, it is really Mateja. Just look at her, she looks just like Giselle." Gianni's Mother says and I see Mateja's eyes widen at whatever or maybe whoever she is looking at.

Neither of them says a word, just staring at one another, trying to figure out whether this is real. I can see tears form in Mateja's eyes and then I hear her whisper, “I am sorry." Before she runs out of the door, Matrius forcesto follow her.

I will leave it to Clover or one of the others to explain things to Mattia, I need to ensure Mateja is safe and doesn't get lost in this labyrinth that we call the Palace.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

Matrius keeps track of Mateja's scent and we follow her from a distance, allowing her to deal with whatever is running through her mind. Neither one of us can imagine how this must feel for her, finding out she has an entire family out there.

"She is related to Giselle and much closer than anyone could have thought. Maybe that is the reason for the likeness between them, maybe Lucas figured it out too and decided to keep her around for that reason. Ssort of leverage if he ever got into trouble, until he saw how much she looked like Giselle." Matrius growls softly in my head.

I hate what Matrius figured out, but he is right about one thing. Lucas must have known that Giselle and Mateja were related, the question is, did he find out himself or did their Mother tell him? "Clover explained to Mattia why Mateja didn't remember him and said that her apology was probably connected to that." Pedro informsthrough the mind-link.

Matrius is picking up speed as he realizes that Mateja is about to leave the Palace and it is best if no one sees her outside these walls, not with everything that has happened in the past few months.

"Mateja, I understand that you need tto think about everything, but it isn't safe to go out there. We don't know if other people are after Giselle or not and I don't want to see you get hurt." I say as her hand touches the door handle.

She slowly turns towardsand my heart breaks for the look in her eyes, she looks so devastated. I don't hesitate to pull her into my arms, the dam on her tears breaks and I just let her cry.

"Clover explained things to your Father, he knows that you didn't stay away because you hated him or blamed him." I whisper into her ear. "He is on his way to the Palace, he just wants to see you and will not push you in any way." My words seem to calm her down and I wrap my arms around her even closer, feeling the need to comfort her.

I wait for Mateja to tellthat she is ready to return to King Damon's floor, and the moment we walk in, Forrest runs over to pull her in for a hug, which is something she desperately needs.

1/2 Chapter 354 Out Loud Finished A few hours later, she stares at her Father, it isn't difficult to see the similarities between them, and when he opens his arms to her, she doesn't hesitate to jump into his arms.

Both of them silently sob as Mattia sits down on a couch with Mateja in his arms. Gianni introduces his parents to the rest of us while Matrius keeps an eye on Mateja. His Uncle is too weak to make the trip here and asked Gianni's parents to cin his stead.

"He would like to see Mateja though, his situation is a mystery and every day he is still with us is a miracle according to the Doctor." Gianni's Mother says. "His Mountain Lion seems to be fading, at least that is how the Doctor describes it to us." I know that once this is all over, Mateja will go and visit her Grandfather, even if it is to say goodbye. "Amir, we have heard everything from Clover and Pedro. It is tto bring Lucas and his people in, they need to be dealt with as quickly as possible, including Mateja's Mother." King Damon says.

Mateja stays in the Palace with her family, while I follow Morgan and Jaylen back to the Academy.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

All members of our units are waiting for us when we arrive and I take the lead on this mission, Jaylen believes I have the right to bring this to an end for figuring everything out.

I don't waste tin dishing out the orders, our units will head to Shadewoods Mansion to grab Dawn AKA Charlotte, Lucas, Jack and Lucas watchdogs. My unit will descend on Bellwich to grab Lucas and his friends if they head back there, one team from each unit was selected to go to Bellwich to get Lucas' friends.

"If anything changes along the way, we will change our plans accordingly. Lucas is still at the mansion, but ho sign of Dack yet. I want them alive, they need to answer a lot of I questions and the dead don't talk." I say before we all get into the SUVs. Half an hour before we reach Bellwich, the three teams take a left turn to head to the other side of town and we follow the road that leads towards the mansion.

Two hours later, we are on our way back to the Palace with our prisoners tied up in the back of the SUVs and I can't wait to start questioning each of them. They will givemy answers, whether they want to or not.

Lucas, Jack and Dawn AKA Charlotte will be saved for last, I want to know what the others know before I start questioning them and Morgan will be withduring every interrogation.

"How are you planning on doing this?" Jaylen asks from the back seat. Our SUV is the only SUV that doesn't have a prisoner; it was done intentionally because I didn't want any of them to hear what I had in mind.

"Our main prisoners will be placed in the cells that are the farthest to the back of the dungeons, those cells will also make it impossible for them to communicate. I want Mateja to be in the watch room with you, Jaylen. Morgan and I will question and I want them to speak their thoughts out loud." I answer him. Both of them know why I want them to voice their thoughts, I don't want Mateja to hear any surprises during a trial.
